Toronto mayor admits crack use

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Maybe Ford was hyping himself up to wrestle Hulk Hogan or the Iron Sheik? "Give me 5 minutes" LOL.
Cristina Tenaglia ‏@cristina_CP24 29s
Blair says he became aware of Rob Ford video when it was released in news today and it does NOT form part of police investigation
May or may not be related but the Mayor states the word "bird" and "birds" in his rant video. I was wondering WTF is he talking about? Is he saying "birds" or "nerds"? I looked up "birds" in the urban dictionary and the second, third and fourth definitions are THESE:

2. bird

Brick of drugs usually Cocaine

Man i went to the Isl to cop a bird
by Redrum December 08, 2002 add a video
2707 up, 1356 down

3. birds
a large amount (usually a brick or cake) of cocaine. also see keys
, the rapper bird man.
flippin birds on these cornerz..
by wordzsmith August 05, 2003 add a video
1139 up, 187 down

4. bird
36 ounces of cocaine
I stand all day on the block and flip bird's and ki's
I wonder if Ford is a cokehead because he drinks so much, coke to "even out" his drunkenness so he can get through his day. JMO
If you read the 'birds' reference in context it means the equivalent of '*****' ..

FORD: It’ll be a bad scene. I am a sick mother****er, dude. Like, no one’s going to **** around with me. My brothers are, don’t tell me we’re liars, thieves, birds? It hurts. That little prick’s a racist ****, daddy. [garbled] Randy walks [garbled] 80-year-old birds. This ****, brother. I just need to go ****ing by myself in my ****ing underwear. I want to go with this guy. I need 15 minutes, that’s all. No ****ing interference, brother. If I win, I will ****ing donate.

I'm sure he just does alcohol and cocaine when he's partying or kicking back, probably has all his adult life, terrible idea past 40 though, very bad for the ticker, and combined with his weight it's really asking for it, noticed Chris Farley mentioned above, it's the same combination that saw him off too soon is it not?
Well two of the guys who were in that photo and presumably in possession of the video were shot, one killed. Co-incidence?

No way. OMG. :eek:

Rob Ford chief of staff phoned police after shooting
November 1, 2013

Rob Ford's former chief of staff says he notified police immediately after someone phoned the mayor's office days after the crack video scandal broke and claimed the fatal shooting of Anthony Smith was connected to the video.
Mom and sister "weigh in" with their thoughts...

His mother thinks his only problem is his weight? And that he should get a driver, an alcohol detector and watch the company that he keeps? And he never told the family during the "family meeting", that the video that the police had in their possession likely showed him smoking crack?


Also noted in that article is the very unusual plea deal that was given to the man who shot Smith. He got 9 years for manslaughter and none of the evidence had to be revealed in open court that may have tied this shooting in to the mayor and the crack video scandal.
[ame=""]Timeline of Rob Ford video scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Rob Ford considering treatment, says lawyer

Coun. Doug Ford says his brother 'needs to go away for a couple of weeks'

Seriously? First he adamantly states that he has no substance issues. His mother and sister get on the news and say he has no issues. And now he is considering treatment for substance abuse that he apparently doesn't have?

And his brother thinks it will only take a "couple of weeks"?

Are these people for real? Anything to hang on to that political connection for the family it seems. He doesn't need to take a couple of weeks off. He needs to step down permanently and get out of the political arena. Both of them. They can't be trusted IMO.

On the Fifth Estate tonight, CBC at 9 pm:

The Rob Ford Story

Crack cocaine. Alcohol. Friends who have criminal backgrounds. Just over a year ago, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stood next to Police Chief Bill Blair promising to fight gang crime. Now the two most powerful men in Canada's largest city are locked in a struggle only one is likely to survive. Gillian Findlay has more on the man who has become the world's most controversial mayor - and the real story behind that first notorious video.
'Suitcase of money' offered for Rob Ford crack video
Man who tried to broker sale of video to media speaks with CBC's the fifth estate

The man who tried to broker the sale of the video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking what appears to be crack cocaine has broken his months-long silence speaks to CBC's the fifth estate, alleging he and others in the Dixon neighbourhood in northwest Toronto were approached by individuals who offered a "suitcase of money" for the video.

"They were some people in the neighbourhood, I would say people that are in organized crime … that drove in and showed people [a] suitcase of money," Mohammed Farah told the fifth estate's Gillian Findlay in a report that will air on CBC-TV at 9 p.m. this evening.

"[They] said, 'Hey, look, whoever has the video, put them in contact with us. This is their cash, their money.'"
Farah said that soon, he started hearing that the offers to buy the video had turned into threats.

"There were phone calls coming in from people claiming to be ex-military, claiming to be a police officer, saying, 'Look, if you guys don't pass the video or find the video, we'll arrest you guys, or we'll have you guys executed or some crazy stuff like that,'" Farah told the fifth estate.
I started a thread to discuss the disappearance of Jaclyn Dawe [ame=""]CANADA Canada - Jaclyn Dawe, 35, Toronto, 9 February 2013 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Oh for gods sake, does Toronto really need a mayor who has such a substance abuse problem (including food) that he can't even be trusted to drive his own car? Look .. the thing to do here is step down, if he cares about Toronto even a little bit that is what he should do, if he doesn't do it himself in the next couple of weeks he will be painfully pressured until he does IMO.

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