Translation Thread JVDS

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Please translate article-TIA!

Saturday June 12, 2010 - 12:21 am

The confession of Joran van der Sloot: "I took her by the neck and strangled" << title of article, scroll down the page to find it

Here's the correct link to the article

La confesión de Joran van der Sloot: “La tomé por el cuello y la estrangulé”

The confession of Joran VDS: "I took her by the neck and strangled her"

En el testimonio que brindó a la policía por el homicidio de la joven Stephany Flores Ramírez, Joran van der Sloot confesó haber asesinado a la hija del automovilista Ricardo Flores en la habitación 309 del hotel Tac en la que se hospedaba.

In the testimony given to police in the investigation in the murder of the girl, Stephany Flores Ramirez, Joran VDS confessed to killing the daughter of motorist Ricardo Flores in room 309 of the Hotel TAC where he was staying.

Según el noticiero “90 Segundos”, la manifestación fue ofrecida por el ciudadano holandés en presencia de una abogada de oficio y con la ayuda de un traductor que le trasladó las preguntas de las autoridades en su propia lengua.

According to the news show/program "90 Seconds," the Dutchman gave an account in the presence of legal counsel and with the help of a translator who translated the authorities questions into his own language.

De acuerdo con su narración, él y Stephany ingresaron a su habitación cerca de las 5.30 a.m. del día 31 de mayo después de jugar en el casino Atlantic City. Según contó, a Stephany se le ocurrió que podían jugar póker en Internet y por eso fueron a su cuarto.

According to his account of events, he and Stephany entered his room about 5:30 am on the 31st of May after gambling in the Atlantic City casino. He said that it occurred to Stephany that they could play poker online and so they went to his room.

En ese momento –contó- recibió un correo que decía “te voy a matar mongolito”, el cual se refría al asesinato de Natalee Holloway, la joven estadounidense a quien se le acusa de haber asesinado en Aruba en el año 2005.

At that time, he said, he received an email that said, "i'll kill the mongolito," which he said referred to the murder of Natalee Holloway, the young American girl who he was accused of killing in Aruba in 2005.

A continuación, Van der Sloot le habló a Stephany sobre el caso y le contó que lo habían detenido por ese delito. Ella –siempre según Joran- tuvo una fuerte reacción y le dio un golpe de puño en el lado izquierda la cabeza. El holandés asegura que reaccionó con el codo y la golpeó dejándola “medio desmayada”.

VDS spoke to Stephany about the case and told her he had been arrested/detained in that case. She, according to Joran, reacted strongly, punching him on the left side of his head. The Dutchman said he responded/reacted with his elbow, causing her to "almost faint."

Asegura además que la reacción de Stephany le afectó tanto que la tomó por el cuello con las dos manos y “la estrangulé por espacio de un minuto”.

He also says that the reaction of Stephany affected him so much that he took her by the neck with both hands and "strangled her for about a minute."

Después, Joran van de Sloot abandonó el hotel en la camioneta de Stephany, pero tras dejar el vehículo estacionado en Surco, abordó un taxi que lo llevó a Ica y otro rumbo a Arica. Según su testimonio, a ambos taxistas les contó que lo estaban acusando equivocadamente de asesinar a una persona.

After that, Joran VDS left the hotel in Stephany's truck, but then left the vehicle parked in Surco, and hired a taxi to take him to Ica and another to Arica. According to his testimony, he told both taxi drivers he had been falsely accused of killing someone.
Can someone please translate this article and what is said in the video? It's about VDS's entry into prison. Thank you!

Vea los primeros minutos de Joran van der Sloot en la cárcel

Watch the first minutes of Joran VDS in jail

El ciudadano holandés Joran van der Sloot fue trasladado el pasado viernes al penal de máxima seguridad Miguel Castro Castro, tras confesar que asesinó a la joven peruana Stephany Flores el 30 de mayo.

The Dutchman, Joran VDS, was transferred this past Friday to the maximum security prison Castro Castro after confessing that he murdered the young Peruvian girl, Stephany Flores, May 30th.

Las cámaras de &#8220;Reporte Semanal&#8221; registraron el ingreso del europeo en dicho centro de reclusión. Flanqueado por varios agentes penitenciarios y acompañado por el propio jefe del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario (INPE ), Rubén Rodríguez Rabanal, Van der Sloot fue llevado a su celda personal.

The cameras from "Weekly Report" recorded the arrival of the European into the detention center. Flanked by several prison agents and accompanied by the head of the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), Ruben Rodriguez Rabanal, VDS was taken to his own (personal) cell.

La celda del confeso asesino mide tres por dos metros y medio, con un lavandero, un silo y un colchón, aunque él ha preferido dormir en el suelo. Fue revisado por médicos del INPE y su número de ficha es 326390. Puede hablar español y no necesita traductor.

The confessed murderer's cell measures three by two metres with a laundry (sink), a silo (I believe meaning like a pit in the ground) and a mattress, though he preferred to sleep on the floor. He was reviewed (looked over) by INPE medical personnel and his number is 326390. He can speak Spanish and doesn't need a translator.

&#8220;Soy sospechoso de homicidio&#8221;, declaró al ser consultado por reporteros de dicho programa. Después, se negó a responder más preguntas.

"I accused of murder," he declared to reporters from the program. After that he refused to respond to more questions.

En una de las imágenes, se aprecia que el sicario colombiano Alejandro Trujillo Ospina, presunto asesino de la empresaria judía Myriam Fefer, entra a la celda de Joran van der Sloot. Inmediatamente, Trujillo Ospina fue retirado del lugar.

In one image we see the Colombian hit man Alejandro Trujillo Ospina (alleged murder of the Jewish businesswoman Myriam Fefer) enter Joran van der Sloot's cell. Immediately Trujillo Ospina was taken out of there.

Van der Sloot dijo sentirse mal de la cabeza y que no había probado alimentos en dos días.

VDS said that he felt bad/sick in the head (I think that means he had a cold) and that he had not tasted food in two days.
O/T sort of.

PattyG is looking for the video of the hotel tac employee speaking, the one that found Stephany, about finding her. Since only you guys here speak Spanish, anyone have it?

Thanks in advance, very much, if you do!
This series of videos was posted in the discussion thread. Several posters were upset because the videos are all in Dutch and they (nor do I) don't understand the language. Any translation help would be appreciated.



Ok, so in this video with Joran and his chums (Thailand) one girl asks:
'how long do we have to dance' ... Answer: 'oh 6-8-10 hours a day', and
the men laugh, Joran laughs, the girls laugh disagreeably but one calls
out (hi voice) "OH! NO WAY!"..........

What is that episode all about? I dont see the people politely seated
reading The Psalms. This is no church group, no tea party on the lawn.

Why is Joran there in this video at all? Is he there doing research
for his Masters in *Third World Economics hopinh for an appointment
to the Aruban Dept of Commerce?

Innocence is, as Innocense does!


You may find it helpful to watch then entire documentary. Nancy Grace has replayed the same short segment many times, but there is much more to the story. Here are parts 1-5 of the entire program.


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