Trayvon at 7-11: Surveillance Video

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I have a question.. what are you all looking for and how does it fit with the murder? I'm really very curious how dissecting this video helps.
Thanks in advance...
For me, I was looking to see if Trayvon had some sort of swagger or obvious attitude that might be perceptible without sound; as george describe him in the call. Maybe we would see what george saw-but I did not.

How did the cashier interact with him and were words exchanged that could give us some clue as to what was going on in Trayvon's head? This is minutes before he was killed.
But all I saw was a young boy trying to keep his pants up because every time he dug down for change he was pushing the pants down LOL. he looked like a regular joe and, as I said, the cashier did not seem the least bit interested or phased by Trayvon so i didn't get the feeling he had any kind of a menacing demeanor. Just more information to help piece this mess together.
So.. is this a veiled attempt at insinuating he had a spliff in his mouth at the counter of 7-11?
I'm confused and bewildered.

What is a spliff? Some kind of joint?
What is a spliff? Some kind of joint?

Slang for joint. Same as blunt, hand rolled cigar and a couple others my niece told me about but I've forgotten.
?? I am not understanding what this is in reference to as it relates to my post. sorry jjenny.

If I worked as a cashier, and somebody came in with hood covering up their face, I would find it concerning.
For me, I was looking to see if Trayvon had some sort of swagger or obvious attitude that might be perceptible without sound; as george describe him in the call. Maybe we would see what george saw-but I did not.

How did the cashier interact with him and were words exchanged that could give us some clue as to what was going on in Trayvon's head? This is minutes before he was killed.
But all I saw was a young boy trying to keep his pants up because every time he dug down for change he was pushing the pants down LOL. he looked like a regular joe and, as I said, the cashier did not seem the least bit interested or phased by Trayvon so i didn't get the feeling he had any kind of a menacing demeanor. Just more information to help piece this mess together.

As a store owner for over 25 years I have to agree with you. The cashier was not at all concerned. When TM walked into the store the cashier was back by the coolers with a clipboard, he looked at TM and turned his back to finish writing something.
IMO TM was not menacing at all and the cashier did not seem at all concerned about him at all.
One other note that I saw TM actually handed the change to the cashier instead of placing it on the counter. In my experience only people with good manners do that, punks don't. IDK it's always been my biggest pet peeve
If I worked as a cashier, and somebody came in with hood covering up their face, I would find it concerning.
That's why it is particularly interesting that the clerk did not strike me as concerned at all-even turned his back on him while he shopped. Trayvon must not have intimidated him at all, nor did he seem suspicious of his behavior. JMHO of course.
Slang for joint. Same as blunt, hand rolled cigar and a couple others my niece told me about but I've forgotten.

I know what a blunt is but never heard of a spliff. I don't think that anyone was saying that Trayvon stuck a blunt or spliff in his mouth at the 7-11 counter.

This is a very emotional case and people get upset when we look at every angle of a case. That's to be expected. All I want is to get an understanding of what happened.
So.. is this a veiled attempt at insinuating he had a spliff in his mouth at the counter of 7-11?
I'm confused and bewildered.

I had to google to see what a spliff is. And NO, that's not what I meant. I'm talking about the little cigars I see younger people sometimes smoking these days vs. the big fat ones my grandpa used to smoke. My young adult son buys them on occasion. He gets an apple flavored kind that stinks to high heaven and has one once in a while when we're on the deck. His certainly don't contain pot, and it never occurred to me that TM's (IF he even had one) would either. Was just trying to think of what might fit the size of whatever (if anything) he put in his mouth.
watch it again, all the way through. He gestures with his right hand and says something.

eta: the best example of it is at ~4:40. Just before that, he looks up to listen to Trayvon for a few seconds then gestures with his right hand.

oh I see what you are talking about .I actually think he's saying 'I don't know man" when he makes that gesture and after watching it multiple times.Maybe Trayvon asked for something specific they might carry and that's why he walks back eventually towards the cooler?
I had to google to see what a spliff is. And NO, that's not what I meant. I'm talking about the little cigars I see younger people sometimes smoking these days vs. the big fat ones my grandpa used to smoke. My young adult son buys them on occasion. He gets an apple flavored kind that stinks to high heaven and has one once in a while when we're on the deck. His certainly don't contain pot, and it never occurred to me that TM's (IF he even had one) would either. Was just trying to think of what might fit the size of whatever (if anything) he put in his mouth.

Sorry to step on yer toes, Sherbie! Shows ya where my head is at.
Sorry to step on yer toes, Sherbie! Shows ya where my head is at.

You didn't! :hug: I looked at google images just now at my son's brand and see there's a light colored filter on the end of those little cigars. What I thought I saw in the video looked dark, so I guess that wouldn't fit anyway. I certainly didn't think it was anything nefarious!
What is a spliff? Some kind of joint?
Yes.. I won't get into it very much (that's for another thread) but it is one of those OTC cigars people buy and they empty them and fill them with marijuana...other names for it but us old timers call them spliffs LOL
I had to google to see what a spliff is. And NO, that's not what I meant. I'm talking about the little cigars I see younger people sometimes smoking these days vs. the big fat ones my grandpa used to smoke. My young adult son buys them on occasion. He gets an apple flavored kind that stinks to high heaven and has one once in a while when we're on the deck. His certainly don't contain pot, and it never occurred to me that TM's (IF he even had one) would either. Was just trying to think of what might fit the size of whatever (if anything) he put in his mouth.

OK thanks.. just wondering. See, I'm not aware of the apple flavored cigars! LOL...
I found it interesting to observe TM's demeanor and appearance, imagining how he might have seemed a bit later from GZ's POV in the dark inside the gated complex. I did notice that the purchase -- especially the exchange of money -- seemed to take a little longer than one would expect, but not sure what that might/might not signify, if anything. And that he chose to wear the hoodie up inside the store, ditto on any possible significance. JMO.

I havent read all the pages here but did anyone see how after the clerk had the items it seemed to me that TM turned his head slightly and asked the clerk something then the clerk says no and shakes head no right before TM pays.He might have asked for rolling papers,or cigar skins.I would think police asked the clerk.Teens use them for rolling blunts(cigars or cigar skins they smell helps hide the weed)
What is a spliff? Some kind of joint?

Could of been roaches lol who knows thats why I wondered if he asked clerk about papers or cigar skins to roll a blunt as they now call em.
Since he got Watermelon flavored Arizona tea he may have asked if they had the regular kind and that's why he walked back to double check when the clerk said he didn't know. He may have asked for any effin product any 711 store ever sells,WE DON'T KNOW so why assume it was for papers and I GUARANTEE if it was the store would have had them,what 711 ever runs out of papers?
And either why WHAT and HOW does it matter in the case?
Since he got Watermelon flavored Arizona tea he may have asked if they had the regular kind and that's why he walked back to double check when the clerk said he didn't know. He may have asked for any effin product any 711 store ever sells,WE DON'T KNOW so why assume it was for papers and I GUARANTEE if it was the store would have had them,what 711 ever runs out of papers?
And either why WHAT and HOW does it matter in the case?
When does he walk back? He pays for it and leaves. You're seeing different camera angles of the same things.

If I had to guess, I'd say he asked about some sort of tobacco product purchase and the casher told him he couldn't get anything without ID (since the cashier points back towards the tobacco products).
Since he got Watermelon flavored Arizona tea he may have asked if they had the regular kind and that's why he walked back to double check when the clerk said he didn't know. He may have asked for any effin product any 711 store ever sells,WE DON'T KNOW so why assume it was for papers and I GUARANTEE if it was the store would have had them,what 711 ever runs out of papers?
And either why WHAT and HOW does it matter in the case?

In NJ by me none of the 711 sell rolling papers or cigar skins that is why when TM looks slightly to the left like where cigs are kept and usually papers in stores that sell them and asks the clerk something to which clerk shakes head no made me wonder.The police I am sure do know what TM asked the clerk for.
the 7-11 tapes are interesting but are not in actual real-time speed. I see a kid who greets the clerk. They even exchange comments and then Trayvon gives him exact change. I suspect the question was "would you prefer a $20 or change?" Then Trayvon digs in his pockets for exact change. It breaks my heart that within a half an hour he would lie dead, in the rain, because some cowboy decided he was a bad guy.

There is a time stamp on one of the video views and it looks like it say 18:59:59. If that was the time then Trayvon definitely wasn't dawdling.
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