Trial break: The State vs Jodi Arias; trial resumes 4 February 2013

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Just looking at the sold items on ebay under Jodi Arias search!


Under active listings:

JODI ARIAS nude topless TWIN signed vintage status print from 2007 NEGATIVE Charity item -$102.50 ??? :what:

Based on the jurors questions, yesterday went VERY poorly for the defense. IMO

What the defense did with those penis pics was brilliant and well timed. If it took the jurors attention away from the REAL lack evidence of any sort of abuse actually testified to. If any jury spends more than a minute on some peen pic, the defense did its job. It was smoke and mirrors

IMO these jurors are getting it, there was no abuse.

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Well, we know where the defense is going....I can see them almost EXACTLY following this whole fuster just better not end up the same way!!

Sorry for quoting myself, but, I just wanted to say I didn't mean to offend ANY of our members who've had to live thru this type of abuse...I KNOW it's as much "abuse" as physical abuse.
I was just trying to say there are other options, which a great deal of abused persons choose, as opposed to murder.

Again, so sorry if I offended anyone, I in no way meant to minimalize anyone's heartache and pain at the hands/verbal abuse of another.
I think your observations are right on. Thank you for this post. Anger is a motivating force sometimes. It causes us to have the energy to move forward or in some cases out. It gives us the energy to pull out of unhealthy stagnant situations or relationships sometimes. It probably is at least some of what fuels that family to get in that courtroom daily.

There is also a flip side of "winning" in court. You've been fueled by that anger and "fighting" for years (twice as long for this family than mine waiting for trial). Once you "win" in court you are left with all that momentum and nowhere to put it. That's when the true healing begins because instead of a fight in front of you there is a big huge hole. In some ways it's easier to fight.

I know I'm not alone on this forum in saying I believe the hardest thing anyone ever on this Earth suffers is the loss of someone you love dearly. No matter how it happens or if its sudden or "prepared for", there is no greater pain. And closure, to us , is just a "c" word used by those who haven't had this misfortune..yet. It's just how open the wound is.

So to those of you who have lost someone but not to homicide I join you in feeling the raw sensitivity this opens in all of us. But this is also a beautiful place of connection for us humans. Pain, when shared, can be a deep opportunity for opening one's heart more deeply. Because God knows, grief will rip it wide open. Shocking as it is, it's also a way to connect which is something most everyone longs for.

On that note off to beautiful Sedona AZ for the weekend.

I'll be in court all day Monday and this time bring my iPad as now I know I can use it!! :seeya:
Have fun! I love Sedona. I can't wait for it to get warm enough for Slide Rock to open.
IMO Jodi Arias (for whatever reason) is a one trick pony. In her mind and in her life. Why I don't know but sex is the one thing she thought she could use and work to her advantage. She is pretty clever going after a group of individuals where celibacy is very important. What can they compare her to? She must have thought she hit the mother lode, it was open season. Only somewhere along the line Travis started seeing how empty Jodi Arias is behind the hair and makeup and apparently he wanted more.

What does a psycho do when her one and only 'attribute' isn't enough to win Travis. Jodi starts stalking, determined to drive off the other women in his life and when that still fails?

Excellent post. I 100% agree.

I think your observations are right on. Thank you for this post. Anger is a motivating force sometimes. It causes us to have the energy to move forward or in some cases out. It gives us the energy to pull out of unhealthy stagnant situations or relationships sometimes. It probably is at least some of what fuels that family to get in that courtroom daily.

There is also a flip side of "winning" in court. You've been fueled by that anger and "fighting" for years (twice as long for this family than mine waiting for trial). Once you "win" in court you are left with all that momentum and nowhere to put it. That's when the true healing begins because instead of a fight in front of you there is a big huge hole. In some ways it's easier to fight.

I know I'm not alone on this forum in saying I believe the hardest thing anyone ever on this Earth suffers is the loss of someone you love dearly. No matter how it happens or if its sudden or "prepared for", there is no greater pain. And closure, to us , is just a "c" word used by those who haven't had this misfortune..yet. It's just how open the wound is.

So to those of you who have lost someone but not to homicide I join you in feeling the raw sensitivity this opens in all of us. But this is also a beautiful place of connection for us humans. Pain, when shared, can be a deep opportunity for opening one's heart more deeply. Because God knows, grief will rip it wide open. Shocking as it is, it's also a way to connect which is something most everyone longs for.

On that note off to beautiful Sedona AZ for the weekend.

I'll be in court all day Monday and this time bring my iPad as now I know I can use it!! :seeya:

Hey, Katie, that's a beautiful post. You're right. You do have a gift for writing.

ITA! Darryl confirmed that a bit for us in his cross. Ryan also did the same. Jodi seemed to have no difficulty doing her bump and grind on him on her way home from killing Travis. She has the guts and skill, and she uses it to her advantage. Notice with Ryan, it was HIS respect for her that made him stop her from doing something he THOUGHT she would regret, due to her, ahem, religious beliefs. Remember, Ryan was on his way out of the Mormon church at the time. IIRC, he mentioned on JVM or NG that he is now a Christian.

Just as an aside, Mormons identify as Christian.
Good point - and I agree with you - and you just defined what constitutes being used for sex.

Jodi stalked him. Jodi pursued him like a dog in heat and Jodi used sex to lure him. But she didn't rape him. He didnt have to have sex with her. But he did. And he did even after he told her it was over and there was no future for them. But he kept using her for sex. And just as you say - I don't think in her mind it was ever really over. But outside of his weakness in the area of sex which is common with younger males, its obvious Travis was a brilliant, loving wonderful person who didn't deserve to die.

Now - regarding the phone call - I surmised it might be near the time of the murder. How did this information come out?

I dont think that call was random - I think it was planned and planted as evidence just like her diary entries. I wouldn't be surprised if the timing was right around when she first started calling DB about the gas cans. I think the phone sex call was premeditated evidence collecting.

Stolat I too think Jodi had ulterior motives for taping the sex call and taking nudie photos. I too think she may have thought about somehow holding this stuff over Travis so that he would, what, marry her? I have no idea.

But I don't agree with what I said being used as the definition of being used for sex.

IMO Travis was upfront with Jodi about their relationship. At the end it was strictly physical and even that was weighing on his conscience. IMO Travis was not using Jodi for sex. There was no lying or misleading on his part.

On the flip side I don't think Jodi used Travis for sex. I think Jodi used sex to try to get Travis. She wanted the house, fancy cars, nice lifestyle. IMO Jodi didn't want to settle for a sex only relationship. Remember how easily she switched off the sex with her live in boyfriend once she sniffed Travis and started getting religious?
Just an observation:
InSession is replaying JA's ex boyfriend's testimony right now (Darryl). Right when Juan start cross and is asking about the gas cans, JA's eyes lock in on Darryl. Her attny has written something down and is trying to get JA to look at it. She can't get JA's attention because JA is locked in on Darryl in a "death Stare". This looks to go on for a good amount of time. Creepy! JMO:hypno:
Me too. JM will annihilate her on the stand. I think Jodi would show her true colors. IMO

Jodi's true colors? Wow, wonder what that looks like? Will she just zone out, hide behind her hair and refuse to acknowledge?
Sleep is the enemy in this case! You snooze, you miss 1000 pages!

The defense team, since the opening statements have relied totally on snippets of information taken out of context. Every time that happens, Juan Martinez jumps right in to put everything in context.

Nurmi tried to turn Gus Searcy into a super-witness at short notice and ended up having Martinez point out the true depth of his knowledge about Jodi. Again, lack of context.

Lisa was forced to answer questions while testifying for the defense. The defense merely read statements in her angry e-mail to Travis. Martinez, with a few questions, put the whole thing into context. Based on the jury questions, they got it.

It is no surprise to me that most of the questions for Lisa were put in the basket prior to Martinez cross. All their questions asked for context. They are on to what the defense is doing now. On their own, they spot the holes and write their questions to fill in the defense blanks.

Now, back a few pages to catch up!

Snipped for space---

The thank you button wasn't enough. Excellent post, ITA
The precedent was set in State of Florida v. Casey Anthony. IMHO the door to hell was opened by JB. Now all defense attorneys in big media trials will follow suit. :furious: started with OJ's "dream team"

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I know others have expressed this concern of her being too thin but honestly in person she looks much healthier. On TV we are only seeing her from the face up basically but she's got a nice figure and isn't skinny looking in person. She's just absolutely grief stricken in court. I have also seen her smiling too and her face totally changes...she's a very pretty gal.

I'm also very very sorry to read about your son. :(

Hey Katie,

You've talked about the somber and sad mood the courtroom seems to be instilled in. What about the defendant's family? There were several consistent TV shots of them laughing, smiling and chatting a lot, as if they were simply waiting for the bus, or something just as commonplace.

And (tears), thank you for sharing your story about your Sister. I am so terribly sorry……
The defense has experts left and then maybe/maybe not JA, is that it?
Just as an aside, Mormons identify as Christian.

I know, it's just what he said. I assumed he meant he wasn't a Mormon anymore. Thanks for the clarification.

I'm not doing very well today! Look what I did by omitting a hyphen!

AM-ish! :floorlaugh:

Why do I keep thinking it's Saturday???
I know, it's just what he said. I assumed he meant he wasn't a Mormon anymore. Thanks for the clarification.

I'm not doing very well today! Look what I did by omitting a hyphen!

AM-ish! :floorlaugh:

Why do I keep thinking it's Saturday???

Amish is much, much funnier.
Stolat I too think Jodi had ulterior motives for taping the sex call and taking nudie photos. I too think she may have thought about somehow holding this stuff over Travis so that he would, what, marry her? I have no idea.

But I don't agree with what I said being used as the definition of being used for sex.

IMO Travis was upfront with Jodi about their relationship. At the end it was strictly physical and even that was weighing on his conscience. IMO Travis was not using Jodi for sex. There was no lying or misleading on his part.

On the flip side I don't think Jodi used Travis for sex. I think Jodi used sex to try to get Travis. She wanted the house, fancy cars, nice lifestyle. IMO Jodi didn't want to settle for a sex only relationship. Remember how easily she switched off the sex with her live in boyfriend once she sniffed Travis and started getting religious?

In saying TA used Jodi for sex, I'm *not* saying Jodi didn't also use TA as well. That's my point the relationship based solely on sex is unhealthy because in the end someone is bound to get hurt. I think it is being misconstrued that making TA out to look like he's the only one to blame for this unhealthy relationship and I'm not. But no mistaking it takes TWO to create an unhealthy relationship. So Travis made it clear that he didn't want to date her and he didn't want his friends to know he was even spending time with her. But he was having sex with her. what WAS her purpose for being there then (under cover I might add) other than for sex??? It's called being used for sex and Jodi used him for sex AND domination and control issues as well.

But I am content to agree on our different takes on that. I realize that by calling a spade a spade it appears aggegious to the deceased and I am not trying to trash a good man. I was more interested in letting other women out there know what NOT to accept as "acceptable" in a relationship, according to the professionals.
I think the one thing we can also share with this family are our tears.

I never knew his name. Anybody know it? He's a very good man.

On a side note , Mormon women are BEAUTIFUL. I've noticed this before in my area but dang I don't know if it's that wholesome living or what. LDS women have a high ratio of natural beauty I've noticed.

His name is Harold Sorenson.
Just an observation:
InSession is replaying JA's ex boyfriend's testimony right now (Darryl). Right when Juan start cross and is asking about the gas cans, JA's eyes lock in on Darryl. Her attny has written something down and is trying to get JA to look at it. She can't get JA's attention because JA is locked in on Darryl in a "death Stare". This looks to go on for a good amount of time. Creepy! JMO:hypno:
Do you know how to screen capture those fragments?
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