Trial date set for Sidney and Tammy Moorer #1

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I think it is worth to go back and review everything either of the Ms said during the time they were trying to distract what happened to Heather. If something specific was stated like Highway 90 then that may be a good place to look for Heathers body. They may have wanted her body to be uncovered if they made it look like someone else killed her.

I so wish LE could find her and I have been thinking of ways to try to find her. This post reminded me that perps sometimes give away the location by hinting at it.

BBM I agree 100%. It is rare (at least in my eyes) that we have a POI/Suspect all over SM posting "things" about a case. I wish I had the links and/or screenshots to go back and read over some of the posts that were made. I will have to put on my sleuth hat and see what I can dig up. I remember one time there was talk of HE leaving on her own per TM. That in itself confirms so much to me. If you really had no idea or involvment in what happened to HE why would you throw all of this stuff out there. If I were charged with murder, I would be terrified and certainly would not be posting about it in SM except to claim that I was innocent, not throwing "ideas" out there. In the case of Ryan Ferguson he was innocent and never (to my knowledge) claimed to know what happened to the victim that night, only concerned with proving that he was innocent. :thinking:IMO
"The time in May won't go to waste," said 15th Circuit Solicitor Jimmy Richardson. "We will be meeting with the judge and the attorneys to handle motions. We hope to have a trial date after those hearings."

In a prepared statement Terry and Debbi Elvis said they just want a fair trial:

"Although we would like to see the trial completed sooner, rather than later, our main concern is that it be a fair and just trial. Since all parties seem to be in agreement on the continuance, it must be what is best for the case. We will continue to rely on the judgment of the court officials in what is best for everyone involved. As always, our focus is on finding our daughter, Heather."

Well, I said in the past that this case would be a motions parade. It looks like May is parade month.
I know I've asked this here before but, I'll ask/reiterate it again.

Why was the trial postponed?

Is everyone here "good" with the fact that the court gave the public no explanation as to why?

As far as I know and have researched continuances in a criminal court, some viable and agreeable reason must be stated in the order (i.e: an illness, issues with a witness, inflamed public sentiment (which is interesting), not enough time to prepare, conflicting obligations, an agreement between both Parties).

I realize that continuances are somewhat common and I am ok with it but, wouldn't mind a little explanation.

Since the delay was broadly announced as an agreement between both Parties, they still need to show the Court that there is good cause for the delay.

If and when either party in a criminal trial motion for a delay, the opposing party's immediate question would be, "why?". The Judge's and the public's as well.

And, depending on who initiated the motion (especially regarding this case), it makes you wonder about their reasoning.

From the M's Defense standpoint, if they feel the State does not have enough evidence or is seeking out new evidence, you would think that they would be against any delay. In fact, they are the ones who motioned for a speedy trial!

If the Defense motioned for the continuance and the State felt they were well-prepared and ready to present their case, they would have objected immediately.

So then, why and how did they come to a mutual agreement to postpone the trial?

It's the mutual part that's odd. But maybe neither side really wants a trial.
Well, we are just a week or two away from i'm guessing we should expect to see something happen within the next few weeks or around May 11th. A motion, and declaration, or SOMETHING!

I too agree with PTF, it seems that SOMEONE would have had a reasonable explanation, leaked or otherwise as to what the delay was about. Hell, we haven't even had anyone leak who first brought up the subject of a delay to at least try to ascertain which side is more or less confident in their positions.
I'm sure they know their clients are guilty, whether the M's admitted anything or not.

But I would think they risk more in a delay by taking a chance that additional evidence might emerge or a third party might get a conscience or fear being outed. Or worse, that TM might blab something on social media.

Maybe it's as simple as neither side has a choice because of the BW factor. But if motions are still flying, could be the case has some other issues.
But why would the defense agree to wait for BW?

The defense probably knew they didn't have a choice. One of the Pros main witnesses was unable to appear because of medical reasons. The Judge would have granted the Pros a continuance regardless. IMO
There is a landfill on Highway 90. That could very well be where they disposed of her body. S could have been well aware of where it was and perhaps even went there to dispose of her body. I wonder if they have record there of who all visited the landfill especially the days right after she disappeared.

I hope they've checked the landfill logs/cameras in all of Horry County! There are miles and miles of thick, wooded areas along Highway 90 too. Unfortunately, searching thru all of them would be much like looking for a needle in a haystack. :(

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But why would the defense agree to wait for BW?

IMO I think the Defense wants to use BW to paint a picture of Heather's state of mind. I believe the Defense will exaggerate how upset Heather was when she called BW. I also think they will try to question BW about other people that were in Heather's life prior to her disappearance to plant questions in jurors minds that maybe there's a different scenario other than involving the Moorers. The Defense will use whatever tactic they can get away with to help their clients.

BW might just be the most powerful asset to both sides of this case, therefore it would be beneficial to wait for her to be able to travel back to SC.
IMO someone from WS being on a jury is not an issue. I would not think it would be a direct violation of anything. Plenty of forums on websites that ppl are members of and they get jury duty.

We have discussed every detail that is known "to death" so to speak so IMO any one of us would be a great juror for this trial (and a few others) that is just my very biased opinion though ;)

It would be a definite disqualification. When potential jurors are being interviewed, online stuff, news channels, papers, etc are brought up. If a potential juror was reading here, especially posting here, regarding Heather's disappearance, they would be dismissed. If they lie about it and the Moorers are found guilty, and a savvy lawyer hires an investigator to track their (jurors) net footprints, then it would be reason enough for a mistrial and that person could be held in contempt.

Now, if the person was a member here, or any other forum for that matter, but didn't read or post about Heather's case, then that's a different story. The big difference is actually posting about and investigating her disappearance.
That does make sense, but couldn't they still have the trial but question her through video, like Skype or something? I can't imagine she's the only witness to be to too ill to physically stand trial.

It seems to me the longer this goes on the more dangerous it's going to be for the Elvis family. For them to arrange a private cyber bully press conference, they must be really afraid for their family and those supporting them. As if their grief for HE isn't enough, they now have to worry about their own safety.

My confindence in LE is fading a little bit, I'm sorry to admit. I'm SO frustrated this case seems to be going on for so long, and with no trial date in sight. I just want justice for HE and her family. Sorry for the rant...
Having had jury duty in Horry County this week, one of the cases I was in the jury pool for was a criminal case, in which the actual crime took place 2 years ago. There were several charges, none as severe as murder. So, I'm not surprised it's taking this long for a murder trial to see this much of a delay at all now. I learned quite a bit about court this week. I'm not sure being on WS would be instant DQ either. In the case of potential jurors having knowledge of the case, they were asked if they thought it would affect their ability to judge fairly and whether they might show bias or prejudice toward the plaintiff or defendant. If they answered correctly, they were not dismissed from the jury pool.

But why would the defense agree to wait for BW?

Because they are out on bond right now, with daylight, their children, etc...once this trial happens there is a chance they won't have another birthday, Christmas, Easter at home with them.
Having had jury duty in Horry County this week, one of the cases I was in the jury pool for was a criminal case, in which the actual crime took place 2 years ago. There were several charges, none as severe as murder. So, I'm not surprised it's taking this long for a murder trial to see this much of a delay at all now. I learned quite a bit about court this week. I'm not sure being on WS would be instant DQ either. In the case of potential jurors having knowledge of the case, they were asked if they thought it would affect their ability to judge fairly and whether they might show bias or prejudice toward the plaintiff or defendant. If they answered correctly, they were not dismissed from the jury pool.


Right, this is correct. Just bc somebody is a member of a forum or other social media that happens to cover a case, it doesn't necessarily mean that potential juror would be automatically dismissed. However, the key words would be posting and investigating. If said potential juror posted or investigated anything about this case online, as well as elsewhere, that can be interpreted as an opinion and they'd be dismissed. If they lie about it and the M's are found guilty, said juror could get in trouble and the case tossed. Even if they say they could judge fairly, their predisposed opinion by posting & investigating online negates that no matter what they say. They would definitely be dismissed in a murder trial. This happened in two trials that I sat on.

Also, in my county, when a potential juror is questioned, we have to state our names and town that we live in, what we do for a living, if we have any bumper stickers on our cars lol, etc etc etc so it would be very easy for somebody to take notes and run checks on that juror...extremely easy.
Right, this is correct. Just bc somebody is a member of a forum or other social media that happens to cover a case, it doesn't necessarily mean that potential juror would be automatically dismissed. However, the key words would be posting and investigating. If said potential juror posted or investigated anything about this case online, as well as elsewhere, that can be interpreted as an opinion and they'd be dismissed. If they lie about it and the M's are found guilty, said juror could get in trouble and the case tossed. Even if they say they could judge fairly, their predisposed opinion by posting & investigating online negates that no matter what they say. They would definitely be dismissed in a murder trial. This happened in two trials that I sat on.

Also, in my county, when a potential juror is questioned, we have to state our names and town that we live in, what we do for a living, if we have any bumper stickers on our cars lol, etc etc etc so it would be very easy for somebody to take notes and run checks on that juror...extremely easy.
Bumper stickers? Ha! We had to answer the same questions, minus the bumper stickers. :)
I almost sat on a jury for two men that shot and killed a police officer when I lived in California.

I couldn't get out of it no matter what I tried! As much as I would love to do it sometime in my life (when I am retired maybe), I just don't see how people can afford to take time off of work for a long trial. Especially in high-cost-of-living California. My rent at the time was $1450/month.

So, when I told the Judge exactly that, he yelled at me and kicked me out of the court room. :blushing:

BTW, he was the same Judge that tried Scott Peterson and he passed away several years ago (RIP)...

I have this big gut feeling I'll get called for this trial. Or, my wife will. I was selected only a few months after moving to Horry County, so I'm about due again.
I have this big gut feeling I'll get called for this trial. Or, my wife will. I was selected only a few months after moving to Horry County, so I'm about due again.
RSBM: That was the feeling I had when I received my summons. I knew it didn't quite jive with the dates, but I just couldn't shake it. When I looked at the court dockets for this week, I was both disappointed and relieved. Honestly, I hope at least one rational person, like one of us, is seated on the jury, should it go to trial. So, I'm pulling for you and the wife. :)
Right, this is correct. Just bc somebody is a member of a forum or other social media that happens to cover a case, it doesn't necessarily mean that potential juror would be automatically dismissed. However, the key words would be posting and investigating. If said potential juror posted or investigated anything about this case online, as well as elsewhere, that can be interpreted as an opinion and they'd be dismissed. If they lie about it and the M's are found guilty, said juror could get in trouble and the case tossed. Even if they say they could judge fairly, their predisposed opinion by posting & investigating online negates that no matter what they say. They would definitely be dismissed in a murder trial. This happened in two trials that I sat on.

Also, in my county, when a potential juror is questioned, we have to state our names and town that we live in, what we do for a living, if we have any bumper stickers on our cars lol, etc etc etc so it would be very easy for somebody to take notes and run checks on that juror...extremely easy.

Yep, if someone here was called for jury trial, and was completely honest about how much they followed and posted about the case, what is the chance they would get on the jury? Neither the prosection or defense has time or interest to read over all the online posts. And if you don't mention it, and it is found out afterwards, how likely is it that you never posted anything that was biased in any way? I agree with you that it would not go over well. If you don't reveal how much you followed/posted online about the case, I have to wonder how honest you are being.
RSBM: That was the feeling I had when I received my summons. I knew it didn't quite jive with the dates, but I just couldn't shake it. When I looked at the court dockets for this week, I was both disappointed and relieved. Honestly, I hope at least one rational person, like one of us, is seated on the jury, should it go to trial. So, I'm pulling for you and the wife. :)


Me rational???? :floorlaugh:
PTF, you would be great on the jury! There's no way I would be called because I live in the neighboring county, but I may have to go to court one day. I want to see how they hog tie TM's hands and tape her mouth...
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