trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #96

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That would be Cyanide I believe.

While I feel badly about what that guy did, I couldn't care less if Arias was rushed to the hospital after ingesting that pill and it was later reported that she was DOA.

Marin's case was in AZ too. What's up with these pill poppers in court?
While I feel badly about what that guy did, I couldn't care less if Arias was rushed to the hospital after ingesting that pill and it was later reported that she was DOA.

Marin's case was in AZ too. What's up with these pill poppers in court?

Too wimpy to face the music.
Have been trying to catch up with the last 2 hours of trial but this woman, Jennifer Willmott, is beyond shrill and irritating....stops and starts, rifling through her notebook. Had to give up! I think I'm suffering from PTSD and my ears are ringing from her twangy voice! Honestly, I believe one of the court clerks could do a better job! I feel so sorry for the jury having to sit through weeks of agony from Nurmi....and now Willmott. They really should receive 'combat' pay!
Has anybody ever wondered or speculated as to why she locked the door and tried to hide everything? Why didn't she just leave with the crime scene wide open to everyone? just wondering

This is my guess: Jodi planned for the murder to take place in the bathroom. (This much is beyond dispute.) She didn't expect him to get out of the bathroom alive. I didn't realize how much she had relied on him not getting out of the bathroom until Juan questioned her about the massive blood stain in the bedroom. If you recall, he pointed out that there was one area where the blood originally pooled, and then next to it was another area where the blood had spread as someone had tried to clean up the original stain. At first I thought, "You idiot, why bother with that stain?" Then I realized she had planned to contain the murder scene to the bathroom, thinking that, as people come and go and look for him, they'll just poke their heads in the bedroom door, see he's not there, and duck out. Instead, he did get out of the bathroom, and, with her plan upset, she at first tried to restore the scene to fit with plan A (that's why the bloody towels in the wash, she was trying to clean up that stain), but quickly realized the situation was beyond repair and decided to go with locking the bedroom door/puppy gate pla,
Hoping they give her cell a good shake down also.

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How much would we laugh if he cell is overturned tonight and they find a stash of paperclips and little notes everywhere with Jodi Ann Willmott written on them with drawings of the two of them in twinsie outfits.

If I were Willmott I'd be making sure not to keep any personal items within reach of JA during trial.
More amusing please. I've seen that one a million times. I'd do it myself but my attempts to post pics in the last two days have been fails.

So sorry I must have been dunked in water and forgot you weren't asking for death of a salesman photo.

I see those people aren't amused either. :giggle:

It is 10 to 2 all over again on the HLN Jury poll. Are these the same jurors as last night?
he said arizona desert

Arizona is a big state. Flagstaff is NOT Phoenix/Mesa... I believe you can ski in northern AZ a good part of if not most of the year.

"AZ desert" doesn't mean a lot re temperature at night. Depends on where in AZ. :) Yes - it gets brutally cold in the northernmost part of the state.
Don't forget Travis was not poor and this is pre-2008 financial boom also.

I've seen the public records for that house and know very, very well the financial and real estate climate in that area during the time in question. Based on that, I have no reason to think Travis had significant assets and doubt that he did. On the other hand, I similarly assume that neither he nor his roommates saw the crash coming and might have run their AC at $800/mo. levels
I don't know what is going with y'all's ACs because in Texas where it gets to over 100 degrees I am able to get the house cold enough to need to use comforters and wear a sweater. Like into the 60s.

I'm in central CA. It gets super hot here in the summer. IF my hubby would let me, I would have the AC down to about 70 and would probably need a sweater. Unfortunately, he's too cheap and we set it at 78. Never lived in Arizona though, so IDK, could be different. :twocents:
I don't know what is going with y'all's ACs because in Texas where it gets to over 100 degrees I am able to get the house cold enough to need to use comforters and wear a sweater. Like into the 60s.

I agree and was wondering the same. Maybe because our houses are mostly brick and very well insulated. Closer together and wooded areas. Beats me, but I know I stay very cool and comfortable. jmo
I've seen those kind of guys but never one like this guy. I haven't seen one thing that says expert about him.

Neither have I. He acts like he's never been on a witness stand before. He kept whacking the microphone with papers making that horrible sound and never realized it was him or that there even was a microphone there at all. One thing that really stuck out to me is he never once so much as acknowledged the jury. Experts are selling their personality more than anything else and always turn and talk directly to the jury whenever they speak. Even Jodi remembered to do that but not this nincompoop.
I bet they did a full strip and cavity search on her before she left he courthouse today. I hope she's sleeping in the hole tonight.

Ouch. :rocker:would be me.

Arias. Not so much.

But yeah I hope they put her in the hole for a month every time she pulls her sneaky **** in the court!!!

So sorry I must have been dunked in water and forgot you weren't asking for death of a salesman photo.

I see those people aren't amused either. :giggle:

Samuels now looks like Wilber the famous Zuckerman's talking pig.
Addendum: She did not want him discovered until she hadn't some distance between herself and Mesa. favorite word of the day that Juan used: Malingering: In medicine, malingering is fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders for a variety of "secondary gain" motives, which may include financial compensation (often tied to fraud); avoiding school, work or military service; obtaining drugs; getting lighter criminal sentences; or simply to attract attention or sympathy.

He used it around the 5 min mark in this video today:Jodi Arias Trial - Day 33 - Part 2 - YouTube

Lol, I malingered this past Friday...made it a nice three day weekend.
Last night on Dr. Drew, he and his TH's agreed, it was out of line. They all said they've never received a gift from the doctor and Dr. Drew said he's never done it either.


It IS out-of-line.. and just dayam odd.

It simply and plainly shows what an effect she has on men. It's been her meal-ticket, so to speak, and she knows how to use it, as the song goes. This poor man, she got to him, too.

Even Darryl still had some affection or attachment to her -- he prolly loved the sex they had. She was prolly willing to do whatever he wanted plus more besides, IMHO.. When he was on the stand, and JM made him speak up and admit that JA had mentioned going to Arizona specifically, I noted that his voice got smaller (almost a whisper) but he chose not to lie and admitted that she had indeed mentioned Arizona. You could tell that he didn't want to say it, but he was protecting his azz at that moment instead of hers. (Did she put him on hers short-timer's list?) But he apparently wasn't ready to marry her. I think he was a bit of a step up from her other boyfriends -- not much of a step, but he was a bit better than his predecessors...

And then she hit The Big Time with our poor innocent Travis. He was The One. He had a good job & a good salary (very big on her list), the respect of his peers, seemed to be the life of the party, and she was on his arm. Lookin' good, feelin' good. He would be HERS. Or he would be dead.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
She's got legs, she knows how to use them
She never begs, she knows how to choose them
She only lets you wonder how to feel them
Would you get behind them if you could only find them
She's my baby, she's my baby
Yeah, it's all right

She's got hair down to her fanny
She's got a dress slit right up to her panties
Every time she's dancin' she knows what to do
Everybody wants to see, see if she can use it
She's so fine, she's all mine
Girl, you got it right

She's got legs, she knows how to use them

She never begs, she knows how to choose them
She's got a dime all of the time
Stays out at night movin' through time
Oh, I want her, said I got to have her
The girl is all right, she's all right
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