trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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I can't believe this witness doesn't know better than to maintain his composure on cross and not revert to playground retorts like "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you."

me right now

we love you juan!!
Oh dear - I don't think I have ever seen him this mad??
I LOVE it when attys use dictionary entries as exhibits!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!
The reason he is not concerned with her scores is he is believing Jodi's bull so he would not even need to test her.

He is taken in by a killer

He doesn't believe her. He has his own private agenda for trying to get her off.
All kidding aside, Samuels makes me sick. He bloviates in an authoritative manner, but as Juan Martinez has pointed out again and again, he has absolutely no foundation.

He is just making it up.

As a skeptic who puts empirical verifiability above all else, this witnesses' sham shilling mercenary b.s. is contemptible.
HA! Juan sprang out of his seat like a caged lion. Did you see the expression of fear on Samuels face at that instant?

Now that Samuels already admitted that Juan 'threw him' there is no mercy going to be shown. LOL :fight: :pillowfight:

Really! That is one of the more moronic things he's said.
:eek::eek: ruh roh .... big feelin doc in trouble me thinks :rocker::rocker:
Unless another defense team is desperate this Dr. will never get another job unless he agrees to sell out.

IMO he has done that here.
Dear Diary
Well hi everybody i'm back,I just had a drink of koolaid and I snuck a couple of my pills in with it.
I talked to my shrink during the break and I realized he has no clues in his clues closet.
I sure wish willnot would shut up her voice is like my boney fingers on a chalkboard,I'm sure you all no what I mean.
I better pinch Nummy in the butt cause I think he's falling asleep to.Is this troll telling people I have sweaty hands,I only get that after I have killed somebody and the cops are closing in.
Maybe I'll just kick a chair or two back and stand on my head for a few minutes.That might get some colour in my face so I don't look so evil.Geees maybe they will think im nuts and I can use that as an excuse.
I'll bet that would tie up the court for a few more months and bankrupt Arizona and then they wouldn't be able to afford the medicine to put me to sleep.
I just hate it when that judge says sidebar cause Nummi thinks they said salad bar and he always tries to get there first.
My troll should learn to wipe the sweat from his bald head because the reflection from the lights are blinding me.I wonder if I just got up grabbed my jacket and started to walk away if anyone would notice?All I would have to say is it was fight or flight so I picked door number 2.
If my little attourney says 35 years again i'm going to ask the guard to flip the switch on my electric tee shirt.I'll bet that would be fun.
The troll sent me a card and wanted to know if I would be his valentine but said I would have to supply my own tootsie pops-Geeeees
At least I can go home tonight and have a nice jaccusi bath,The tub is a bit small and I have to pull the lever to make the bubbles come on.I guess the role of toilet paper is so I can dry off.
Oh yippeeee my lawyer just said I was a *advertiser censored*,*advertiser censored*,three hole wonder,man I love that cause it makes me feel wanted.
The troll said assertive isn't that the stuff they use to make jam get thicker?
I am thinking i'll only be forty or fifty by the time this trial is over.
Oh no no no--now it's that mean Juan gut up again,,he makes my troll sweat.
My lawyers are objecting again.all they are trying to do is stop this bad man from getting the truth.
Geees there goes Nummi for the salad bar again.I wonder if he can bring a knife back for me just in case.There are a lot of men in this room and I don't have my 9mm gun with me anymore.
I wonder if my troll has got PDST cause he shakes alot when that mean Juan yells at him.
My troll seems to misplace papers all the time and i'll bet mean Juan is going to ask him if he has a memory problem again.
OOOOOh he did ask that and that makes me mad again.I think i will stare at him with my death look that will stop him.

Got to go again I have to stab my voodo doll some more.
Bye for now Jodie
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