trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #106

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Um, no! :hug: I'd be calling myself stupid too for a start but this is one of the reasons I'm so outspoken about my relationship with a psychopath. I'm a reasonably intelligent person who actually knew, as a true crime junkie, all the warning signs of psychopathy when I met mine and was still duped and drawn in. Truly anyone can fall prey once a psychopath knows even the most benign information about you. They have a very distinct pattern though that if one knows it, can help keep people safer.

I personally think one of the reasons their lies are so convincing is because they lie over the stupidest, most inconsequential things no one in their right mind ever would. It seems a game of sorts to them - how much they can get over on a person before they suspect something might be up.


How about the husband who lied about going to medical school and killed his wife when she learned otherwise and confronted him? I once knew someone who told me "A lie is as good as the truth if you can get somebody to believe it". Chilling.
Yesterday I had a very strong urge to change my avatar to an elephant. Then today I read that there is a connection with Travis and elephants! This has kinda given me chills. I am not usually into "woooowoooo" things
Where can I read about this Travis/elephant connection? TIA

I believe it's in the thread dedicated to Katiecoolady. Quite an awesome story.

ETA... that is definitely a WOW thing, and you will see why when you read it.
Judge Karen said Juan crossed the line in saying doc had feelings for Jodi and I don't think he did. He has shown his poor decisions in regards to how and why he scored her test and they show bias and feelings and I know I'm not the only one in here.

Each day Samuels was on the stand he became more invested in his position on JA to the point that he TURNED from a paid expert to an individual
invested in the story of JA's life.

His position in this case (in his mind) grew and grew and grew. JM had no other way to point out to the jury/court that Samuels was over the top invested in JA and the outcome.

He changed test results, he changed opinions and he became an advocate for someone he had feelings for.

JM only asked the question!
IIRC, she testified to it on the witness stand but she (conveniently) couldn't remember the names of those involved other than they were peeps she supposedly worked with - which could easily be secret code for 'there really was no camping trip but dumba££ that I am, I went a bought a gun I better come up with a reason for'. ;)

Yes, and I hope JM will use that fabricated camping trip (with a group of made-up men) against her. Slapped with her own lie.

So battered, so scared of men! Really? So much so you arranged to go into the wilderness with a whole group of them?
Yesterday I had a very strong urge to change my avatar to an elephant. Then today I read that there is a connection with Travis and elephants! This has kinda given me chills. I am not usually into "woooowoooo" things
Where can I read about this Travis/elephant connection? TIA

Over on the court observations thread....look for posts from last Saturday I think :seeya:
We need to move to the new thread before court opens. So please start preparing to jump over. This thread will close in 15 minutes.

Please continue the discussion here:

[ame=""]trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #107 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I don't believe many, if any at all. Mainly acquaintances. Haven't we all known a chick like that though? They are more comfortable around guys because it's "easier" they can talk them into anything or get what they want from them by using their looks/sexuality. Women are way more perceptive and can spot a fake broad from a mile away. Not bashing men at all...

i have no female friends, i'm starting to think i'm a psychopath.... lol.
I don't believe many, if any at all. Mainly acquaintances. Haven't we all known a chick like that though? They are more comfortable around guys because it's "easier" they can talk them into anything or get what they want from them by using their looks/sexuality. Women are way more perceptive and can spot a fake broad from a mile away. Not bashing men at all...

Oh my goodness, YES...a mile away!!! You read my mind, Jojo. Just by her demeanor and mannerisms, not to mention her preferred topics of discussion, would send me running a million miles in the opposite direction of a chick like that.
Again, that is the *only* article of hers I could find on the subject of "abused men" and funny, it did nothing but downplay the abuse (as I predicted when I first saw it on google). Her experience with helping men to become better fathers means what, exactly? It's still a man = villain, woman = victim kind of article.

Just wait until she's finished with her hatchet job of Travis's character. Her bias will not be doubted for a moment.

From what I understand about what took place in the prior hearing is that she can't trash Travis. That could be because she has no direct evidence to prove Travis was ever abusive to Jodi. Just Jodi's word. All she will be able to testify to is Jodi and how she evaluated her. Notice how she slipped on her children she has to support twice yesterday and both times JM objected and she acted a little shocked. If what ALV claims is true she has been around the courtroom enough to know what JM was objecting to the first time and yet there again she tried to slip it in. Maybe to prove to the jury she's a good Mom, too.

In any case it should be interesting. In all fairness her primary focus has been on battered women and her experience in that field. They have come a long way. Not to say Jodi was abused and it will be interesting to see JM turn ALV's testimony around to fit Travis as the person who was most likely abused in this relationship. One of JM's questions earlier asked of Jodi is whether or not she told ALV that Travis was looking at a child on his computer and not pictures. jmo
Again nothing she ever says makes sense!

I saw an interview online with a couple of guys that she INVITED HERSELF on a surfing trip with. They were talking about it in her presence and she tagged along, no one asked her to come.

One guy said she was just weird. The other said he thought she was very comfortable putting herself in close-contact situations with guys she barely knew. She kept creeping closer to him on that day in fact.

She had no issues or fears being around guys, after all she knows exactly how to control and manipulate them.

I know. I read an article online a while back about sociopathy of stalkers. It used a descriptive term of "egomanics without pride". I know, sounds like a kind of oxymoron, but it talks about how these individuals have tremendous narcissism and are unable to comprehend why the stalking victim doesn't want them. They lack normal social "pride", showing up uninvited or not leaving when asked, etc...
Today, and the days following are going to be especially hard for the Alexander family. The murder of Travis' reputation must be almost as hard as the murder of his body. Sending them strength, prayers, and hoping they don't jump the rail in what must be outrage to them.

If I had to listen to even one more minute of JA edifying herself while contemporaneously de-edifying everyone else (Juan, parents, TA, etc...) I too would have PTSD.
I'm reading previous posts and came across this... ROFLMAO !!!!! Thanks I needed that!

I was contemporaneously thinking the same thing!
I've said it before: this woman is like nothing I've ever seen - and, frankly, I'm grateful.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I recently discovered a friend of mine was not who I thought she was at all. She fooled everybody - including her own family. She was not violent (at least, not yet) but she did lie about absolutely everything. I reassured myself that if the people closest to her didn't know, then how could I?

In no way do I think I was stupid or gullible, nor do I think you were. These people are master manipulators. They show you the person they think you want to see and they are very good at pushing the right buttons.

BTW, I think it's wonderful that you escaped his grasp and can share your experiences with others!
Psychopaths aren't always violent though they are always abusive to at least some extent. Their mainstay is using people, manipulating them for the psychopath's personal you've got psychopaths who may never actually harm another human being other than draining their bank account, leaving them heavily in debt, destroying their reputation, stealing their most treasured possessions, etc. They're most destructive to anyone who is in their immediate circle and very often will manipulate outside that circle to influence what's happening in it - like recruiting unknowing friends, family, and co-workers to further harass, abuse, or demean their victims.

As you so aptly said, master manipulators. Psychopaths rely on their manipulative prowess for sheer survival.

Um, no! :hug: I'd be calling myself stupid too for a start but this is one of the reasons I'm so outspoken about my relationship with a psychopath. I'm a reasonably intelligent person who actually knew, as a true crime junkie, all the warning signs of psychopathy when I met mine and was still duped and drawn in. Truly anyone can fall prey once a psychopath knows even the most benign information about you. They have a very distinct pattern though that if one knows it, can help keep people safer.

I personally think one of the reasons their lies are so convincing is because they lie over the stupidest, most inconsequential things no one in their right mind ever would. It seems a game of sorts to them - how much they can get over on a person before they suspect something might be up.


BBM - YES!!! Absolutely right.

I think that's why I've been drawn to these types of cases. So familiar and so scary. After the Scott Peterson trial I realized that I could have ended up like Laci, no doubt in my mind. Talk about a terrifying realization.

Travis figured her out at the end unfortunately it wasn't soon enough.
The comment below was posted under some video so I copied it because I wanted to look into it. I re-watched 90% of the jury questions on days 28 and 29 but didn't find the part about any knife. I know I heard her talk about it too so perhaps I overlooked it. But does any WS member know where/when she talked about the knife?

Because if this is true, this is huge in my opinion. Many things Jodi says almost have double entendres attached but there's no way this can be misconstrued as anything else EXCEPT that she got the knife from the dishwasher.

I don't believe it proves premeditation per se (for the entire lying trip to Arizona proves that) but it would be extremely poignant for Juan to let the jury know about this little faux pas----if true.

Good thought. My question is: Why would anyone go get a big wide butcher knife to cut a rope? Wouldn't they just use a regular size steak knife?
Especially when there were scissors in the same knife block. Then entire rope story is beyond belief. There was no rope.
Yes, and I hope JM use that fabricated camping trip (with a group of made-up men) against her. Slapped with her own lie.

So battered, so scared of men! Really? So much so you arranged to go into the wilderness with a whole group of them?

right, and back then she didn't have the self defense story, so she can say that now, but what was her REAL reason. i mean the self defense story is the most 'believable' so i you would think she would have come up with that first, someone obviously coached her and now she can tailor her behavior from that (aka the fognesia)
A guy on HLN just said that 89% of people voted that TA was GUILTY of abusing JA last night on the After Dark show! :what:

Seriously? I didn't watch it. My mom said that the "fake jury" voted 11-1 NOT GUILTY. So, the internet vote was 89% guilty? :waitasec:

That's what I just heard on HLN too. 89% TA was guilty of abuse by the viewing audience
How about the husband who lied about going to medical school and killed his wife when she learned otherwise and confronted him? I once knew someone who told me "A lie is as good as the truth if you can get somebody to believe it". Chilling.

Great line, "A lie is as good...."
This, to me, explains so much about Jodi. She lies about how she wants things to be because it feels more real if other people believe it.
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