trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Are these judges elected by voters? If yes, this judge may be on her way out because of this trail. The expense alone is ridiculous.

I think AZlawyer told me that judges are NOT elected in Maricopa County (she may have even said the state of AZ.) I think they are appointed and have to be cleared by some means. Not exactly sure how it works but I just recall her saying they weren't elected by the public at large.
People who knew her said she was always taking photos to document her life. Other than accidentally photographing the ceiling in the midst of a gruesome murder frenzy, has she ever photographed anything that didn't have either herself or Travis in the photo? You know, like an apple or a sunset or a flower or perhaps a fire in the desert? Hoover Dam, even? Salt flats in Utah? Upside-down license plates?

That's what I'm saying. The photography was merely a tool in her narcissism. She only took pictures of her own self and of Travis, who'd she become obsessed with. She never took pics of other people or nature or anything. It makes me chuckle when the news people refer to them as a photographer and a Mormon salesman.
Years ago when I first moved to the mountains in western NC I saw some women in very long skits and sandals with socks.. it was the dead of winter... I felt sooo badly for them. Much later I learned just how much those sandals cost.. and bought my first pair. Love my birkies!

And they last forever!

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Not the judge's fault. Why take away from the jury's time off? They still have lives to live. This jury is not sequestered so there is no reason to work extended hours or weekends. They probably are relieved not to have to sit through ALV's testimony going over what DV is. Defense seems to want to ask the same question 20 different ways to try and get their point across. It will be a long weekend for everyone and I'm willing to bet the jurors will welcome it. jmo

In another trial I followed recently the Judge polled the jurors to ask if they would rather work extended hours and Saturdays to move things along faster. The jury voted 100% to work overtime to get it over with so they could put it in the past and go back to a normal life.

Please, don't ask me which trial because I have "memory Issues" about which trial it was! :blushing:
Do not want the jury to see her with a migraine that may only give her sympathy. I've had some before that no amount of medicine will fix so I just curl up on the couch with something over my face to block out all light and no one is allowed to talk higher then a whisper near me. Do not need to see her in the fetal position ( sure a bit dramatic but I bet Jodi would try to do it) on the floor in pain. Though I am ticked off that there is no court today dragging this all out even more.

By the way those lights in the courtroom look horrible on the eyes of someone with a migraine so I hope they hurt her like HE double hockey sticks before they canceled court today. May she be doubled over, head spinning and feeling like her skull will crush in any moment in time every time she blinked her eyes, breathed, hair moved etc.

I'd love to see her medical history! I would bet this is a new affliction for her...

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Hope everyone enjoys their afternoon. I feel like hitting myself in the head with a sledge hammer to get rid of the migraine that I have but I need to struggle through work.

relax everyone -
I wonder if she will be singing "Here Comes Peter Cottontail"?
for the Maricopa jail American Idol Easter Pageant

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Too funny ! I tell ya, ya have to laugh to keep from crying ...

This song has been in my head for days.

Oh. I did not see that. Will it be up on YouTube?

Yes, she stamped her little hooves, pointed at something on the DT desk and you could clearly see her mouth the words: "what is this? what is this?"
Won't her jail cell have lights??? Can you turn off lights in a jail cell (the inmate turn them off)?

I wish I had some imitrex - I have my office lights off now.

Not sure. But hope they have some nice bright florescent bulbs in there beaming down on her.
Sorry about your head hurting. I read some where about lavender being rubbed on your temples helps headaches and can help lessen migraine pain. A friend tried it before on a headache and it worked. I've not been able to try it for migraines since I'm allergic to lavender.
As aggravated as I am with JA and the DT funky bunch I try and console myself that JM's closing arguement will invoke standing ovations. I might just have to take a vacation day from work to witness it.

Biosilk silk therapy... you put a bit on the ends of your hair before drying and your hair is literally like silk afterwards. I promise you will love it!

Wow, I used to rinse my hair in Coors beer for the extra shine back in the day. How times change!
Oh. I did not see that. Will it be up on YouTube?

I hope so- I only caught a glimpse before they said they would go back to chambers. I think that is when JM left the room and went to the regular court room with the Alexander family and listened to the end of the other case. But obviously there was a camera- who it was- idk.
My husband is not following the case, except for knowing I am occupied with it most days. He is out of town, and just asked me if I was busy with the trial. I told him no because JA had a migraine. He said, "I bet it's not as bad as Travis' headache was". See, even he gets it, and he does not know all the facts. First degree and death for JA, please!!
:fence:So I hear a local law-yer Jim Hammer speaking on Ronn Owens (local KGO radio) this morning, subject : Jodi Arias. Jim Hammer says if defendant (killer) was so afraid of the abusive TA, then why did she let him tie her up with rope ? :what:
Here in NC we say 'carry' too. And we say 'put up' which means putting away. Another thing, instead of saying someone has diabetes we say they have the sugar.

I only know these are strange sayings as my Northern relatives tell me so! And we still say breakfast dinner and supper.

When I was a child, I would read The Bobbsey Twins books. I was SOOOO confused and annoyed when the children would come home from school at noon for "dinner". Wait, what? That didn't make any sense! Eventually I figured out that, for them, dinner=lunch and supper=dinner. As a native Californian, these were terms I had never heard in those contexts

No matter where we live, people who live elsewhere "talk funny".
Yes, she stamped her little hooves, pointed at something on the DT desk and you could clearly see her mouth the words: "what is this? what is this?"

What was the hearing in reference to??? All I had up was a seal so I never saw the hearing.
Hope everyone enjoys their afternoon. I feel like hitting myself in the head with a sledge hammer to get rid of the migraine that I have but I need to struggle through work.

relax everyone -

I hope you feel better

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As aggravated as I am with JA and the DT funky bunch I try and console myself that JM's closing arguement will invoke standing ovations. I might just have to take a vacation day from work to witness it.

Wow, I used to rinse my hair in Coors beer for the extra shine back in the day. How times change!

"JA and the DT Funky Bunch":great::floorlaugh:

Hilarious! !!
Didn't Travis say in a text he was going to expose Jodi to her family, friends and church? the sociopath text??! I'm sorry but everything I've heard from this lady, Alyce, she has described Jodi.
Travis might had a potty mouth, may have used Jodi for sex at times but it seemed mutual and maybe Jodi didn't feel like Travis didn't treat her good enough to marry or take her to Cancun.....well, I wonder why. We only have certain pieces of the puzzle. Why did Travis say he was tired of having to fix Jodi's drama or her bank account was over-drawn? Everyone was always mean to Jodi, never her fault. Jodi was Travis to fix everything...just like she had done all her life.
Maybe if she sat her butt at home instead of driving across country after work to check up on him or to stalk him/slash tires, run to these PPL events, where she wasn't really invited (wanted?)...lady on DD said Jodi always wanted to be with the bigwigs...when she hadn't EARNED her way. That's the key, Jodi never EARNED her way....Jodi just wanted it given....Travis on a platter, along with money, career, home, family, friends, his very being and soul....heck, she was even jealous of his bed.
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