trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Last night on NG the sheriff said they only play C-SPAN and the Weather Channel on TVs in the jail.

Yeah, but then a jail rep who actually gave NG the tour said they have ESPN, and several other cable channels....and NG seemed taken aback because Sheriff Joe just told her via Skype that they only have CSpan and TWC.

Not sure old Sheriff Joe is really in tune with his own jails. :facepalm:

Def. witness list addendum:

Matt McCartney, a former boyfriend who lives in California.

Two friends and two former girlfriends of Travis Alexander. The defense claims Alexander was seeing those girlfriends at the same time he was dating Arias.

Richard Samuels, a valley psychologist and expert on sexual violence cases. NOOOOOOOOOOO

Kimberly Ross, Arias' former cell mate. Nancy Grace tweeted that Ross has a long rap sheet.
LOL!!!! Southerners who raise chickens save our gizzards. These are the organs designed to crush the small rocks chickens pick up with their feed. Dee-lish-us. I can't tell you how hard it is to find good fried gizzards. As far as weighting you plate it means "Pile it on".

Ewwww Lol

I figured the weighing thing was something like that. I wonder if I eat anything that you would think is weird! I'm in AZ.
I still think JM has something up his sleeve with this guy, or maybe I'm just hoping. It's clear MM and JA aren't buddies anymore so something happened to change that. Probably has to do with all the trouble he could have been in over those letters.
Me too. I think she already threw him under the bus explaining that he has illegal guns which is a no no when she testified about her access to guns. She's said over and over again I hope he doesn't betray me...If matt rolls on her I bet she'll spend her years plotting to get him back.
Well, it was a tiring day. Night, nite :eek:fftobed: :lamb: :countsheep:


Awww... See, now that picture is more cute than creepy. :seeya:
Those folks (being nice mods) appear to have drank the Jodi kool-aid, and that's what they want us to think. I've read that they put up those websites because they protest the "trial by media" of the defendants in these high profile cases. I call BS on that. They do it because they love being the opposing opinion. Whether that opinion is reasonable based on the evidence or not. It's that squeaky wheel thang. :)
I don't go there because I'd be banned inside of 3 minutes :lol:. They have an agenda that IMO has nothing to do with justice in this case. I'll leave it at that.
I was banned from that took about an hour and 3 comments from me. Someone posted something like, "do your work, Dog" and when I refreshed my screen it was white. Most of the members seem to be woman with very low self esteem that feel have been in abusive relationships (true or imagined) I'm sure they all wish they could have killed their abusers. If Jodi is found innocent they'll feel like it's a victory for them. I use a proxy server and still read there occasionally if something exciting has happened in the courtroom.

Def. witness list addendum:

Matt McCartney, a former boyfriend who lives in California.

Two friends and two former girlfriends of Travis Alexander. The defense claims Alexander was seeing those girlfriends at the same time he was dating Arias.

Richard Samuels, a valley psychologist and expert on sexual violence cases. NOOOOOOOOOOO

Kimberly Ross, Arias' former cell mate. Nancy Grace tweeted that Ross has a long rap sheet.
We already saw samuels. is this a new list? how do we find the defense witness list? Do they get a rebuttal after Juan is finished his?
She gets 2600 calories a day. That's a LOT. If I ate that much, I would have to get my doors widened. There are 3500 calories in a lb., I think.

Anyway, it's certainly enough calories to keep someone going if they eat it. It's not like she's doing anything other than sitting around.
I don't even consume that many per day, and I work full time and am busy at home before and after work.

She has also been in jail since July 2008. One would think she would be used to the food allocation by now.

She is transported to court handcuffed to two other prisoners. How on earth is she supposed to carry a sack lunch with her?

I am sure they have the lunches in a cooler or a separate carrier. jmo
ITA. Wouldn't he just plead the 5th on everything? Don't see a possible advantage for JM to call him. This guy has the potential to make Kato Kaelin look like a genius. :help:

Some theorize they would offer him some sort of immunity deal and not charge him for his role in the forged letters. Leverage so to speak.
I snatched it up here:

The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial
on Facebook.

We already saw samuels. is this a new list? how do we find the defense witness list? Do they get a rebuttal after Juan is finished his?
I have a question, why is the diary regarded as a legitimate source? I mean, she had a lot of time in prison to fake entries.

Would her diary not have been taken as evidence either before or soon after she was charged? I have no idea, I'm late to the game here. :newhere:

Def. witness list addendum:

Matt McCartney, a former boyfriend who lives in California.

Two friends and two former girlfriends of Travis Alexander. The defense claims Alexander was seeing those girlfriends at the same time he was dating Arias.

Richard Samuels, a valley psychologist and expert on sexual violence cases. NOOOOOOOOOOO

Kimberly Ross, Arias' former cell mate. Nancy Grace tweeted that Ross has a long rap sheet.

When did they add this? Oh noooooooooooo is right!

The other girls are pointless. JA and TA weren't engaged. The only person who's said they were exclusive is, once again, HER. We have no evidence he ever agreed to that.
Any thoughts on what ALV will cover tomorrow? Who thinks she'll be done tomorrow?

With this delay I am certain it means Juan Martinez won't have the opportunity for a cross-examination until next week.

How ironic.

I don't know why people feel as if Jail should be some kind of club med experience. In ny the jails/prisons are like some kind of sleep away camp. They get to hang out in day rooms, hang out with friends, watch tv, play cards, eat a variety of snacks that some people cant afford the luxury of, play outside, get an education, practice religion etc. IMO jails in NY are too relaxed and fun. It doesn't feel like a punishment and thats why you have people coming back like over and over again. If criminals had to really face punishment there would less crime. I mean 3 meals a day, and a roof over your head rent free. Heck some people can barely keep food on the table and a roof above their heads.
Yeah, but then a jail rep who actually gave NG the tour said they have ESPN, and several other cable channels....and NG seemed taken aback because Sheriff Joe just told her via Skype that they only have CSpan and TWC.

Not sure old Sheriff Joe is really in tune with his own jails. :facepalm:

He isn't. I have a tendency to go OT too much so I will leave it at that.

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