trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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I used to Lurk but decided it was time to jump right in and you need to do the same. Give us your thoughts

You're sweet, thank you :) I think maybe I'm a negative person by nature and I'm thinking the worst here....what is the jury going to think if (worst case scenario) they're lenient on JA, and down the road see the footage and interrogation tapes we're seeing?

I'm really just so disgusted at this point with the DT and her posse....blah. I don't even know what to think.
Imo we dont know if this came from a juror or the defense team. They may have seen something they could convince the judge was misconduct and she would be removed for that as well.

No she wouldn't have. The judge wouldn't BE convinced without proof. If any defense counsel in any trial just shoveled a hill of beans at a judge with no proof than no trial would ever result in a verdict, and they'd all be mistrials due to there never being a full jury panel. If the defense could have done this they would have had a juror bumped off every day right from the beginning of the trial until there were none left, and it's what every defense team would also do for every trial. There is NO WAY #5 didn't get dismissed without proof sufficient for the judge to decide there was misconduct on her part.

All the jurors were interviewed by the judge, and whatever the misconduct was by #5 was brought out then which was why the defense filed a motion over the weekend about it. I would think that #5 would have told the truth to the judge about whatever it was that occurred concerning her misconduct and that the judge found it to be sufficient misconduct to dismiss her.

Judges do not dismiss jurors lightly. And they certainly wouldn't with no foundation at all other than an accusation by the defense. And we KNOW that JM would NEVER EVER EVER put up with such a thing. There MUST be a legitimate reason for a judge to dismiss a juror and it MUST be significant enough so that their own integrity as a judge can't be called into question.

It's just sillyness to imagine the judge dismissed #5 on nothing but the DT's say so and that JM just twiddled his thumbs about about it.
Lol! Now he's a scary thought! Heck, having to sleep next to that man every night is probably what gave her PTSD!!!! Lol!

Yet another blurry photo of hers...

Added JA creepiness - the trademark placed at the same angle as DBs forehead... like a cattle brand.
You're sweet, thank you :) I think maybe I'm a negative person by nature and I'm thinking the worst here....what is the jury going to think if (worst case scenario) they're lenient on JA, and down the road see the footage and interrogation tapes we're seeing?

I'm really just so disgusted at this point with the DT and her posse....blah. I don't even know what to think.

Glad you jumped in. I have complete faith that Mr Martinez will tie up all loose ends and end all confusion. It helps me to say a little prayer at nite for Travis, his family, the prosecution and clarity for the jury. It can be frustrating ..just hang in there.

Each of us have challenging moments and it is nice to come here because there is always someone here with words of encouragement.
Thank you for your personal insight as an active Mormon. I do have a hypothetical question.

I do know that the Mormon faith outlines 3 "degrees of glory" -- the resting places after death. Based on his conduct and standing in the church, let's assume that Travis died of natural causes instead of being brutally murdered by JA. What Kingdom would be be assigned to?

Thank you for your question. I'm happy to answer questions about my perspective as a Mormon, with the understanding that I don't speak for all Mormons, or officially as a mouthpiece of the church. I don't think the manner of Travis' death would alter his experience in the afterlife. Are you referring to the fact that he was killed right after what the church would call a trangression without being able to repent from it first?
I can't sufficiently answer your first question about kingdoms etc., because although I know a lot about this case, (because I have a bit of a "problem" according to my husband. What can I say? I love a good prosecutor- my husband is also one and I LOVE watching him in court too!) I don't know everything about Travis, his actions, his thoughts, his heart, etc. and am certainly not in a position to judge someone else on earth let alone about heaven. That job is WAY above my pay grade. With that said, there is scriptural reference in the Bible to sexual sin being forgiven without an official repentance process taking place when Jesus stopped the stoning of an adulteress and told her to go and sin no more. Like I said before. Jesus is merciful and kind. I don't think Travis' behavior would exclude him from great happiness and peace in heaven. The particulars of that, however I'm sorry to say, I'm not privy to.
No she wouldn't have. The judge wouldn't BE convinced without proof. If any defense counsel in any trial just shoveled a hill of beans at a judge with no proof than no trial would ever result in a verdict, and they'd all be mistrials due to there never being a full jury panel. If the defense could have done this they would have had a juror bumped off every day right from the beginning of the trial until there were none left, and it's what every defense team would also do for every trial. There is NO WAY #5 didn't get dismissed without proof sufficient for the judge to decide there was misconduct on her part.

All the jurors were interviewed by the judge, and whatever the misconduct was by #5 was brought out then which was why the defense filed a motion over the weekend about it. I would think that #5 would have told the truth to the judge about whatever it was that occurred concerning her misconduct and that the judge found it to be sufficient misconduct to dismiss her.

Judges do not dismiss jurors lightly. And they certainly wouldn't with no foundation at all other than an accusation by the defense. And we KNOW that JM would NEVER EVER EVER put up with such a thing. There MUST be a legitimate reason for a judge to dismiss a juror and it MUST be significant enough so that their own integrity as a judge can't be called into question.

It's just sillyness to imagine the judge dismissed #5 on nothing but the DT's say so and that JM just twiddled his thumbs about about it.

We shall see when docs are unsealed...till then no one knows unless they were in that room.
BBM- I'm interested in knowing tho if he will have the best outcome according to your faith. I'm confused about the different levels of heaven and what qualifies one to the ultimate level?

I wrote a reply to a similar question. So I hope you will read that. I don't make the call, and am not sure if it's appropriate to get into super hardcore doctrinal discussions in this type of forum. It's all good. I'm not the ultimate judge, but from what I know about the Atonement and from the scriptures i would think that his earthly mistakes would not preclude him from ultimate happiness in the hereafter.
you may have not seen my previous question to you...

What is your belive on TA's fate? If he went to the bishop to confess? And if not? Where is he? I'm truely intersted.

Thank you for your question. I'm happy to answer questions about my perspective as a Mormon, with the understanding that I don't speak for all Mormons, or officially as a mouthpiece of the church. I don't think the manner of Travis' death would alter his experience in the afterlife. Are you referring to the fact that he was killed right after what the church would call a trangression without being able to repent from it first?
I can't sufficiently answer your first question about kingdoms etc., because although I know a lot about this case, (because I have a bit of a "problem" according to my husband. What can I say? I love a good prosecutor- my husband is also one and I LOVE watching him in court too!) I don't know everything about Travis, his actions, his thoughts, his heart, etc. and am certainly not in a position to judge someone else on earth let alone about heaven. That job is WAY above my pay grade. With that said, there is scriptural reference in the Bible to sexual sin being forgiven without an official repentance process taking place when Jesus stopped the stoning of an adulteress and told her to go and sin no more. Like I said before. Jesus is merciful and kind. I don't think Travis' behavior would exclude him from great happiness and peace in heaven. The particulars of that, however I'm sorry to say, I'm not privy to.

I did try to edit my post to be more clear, I did mean "a trangression without being able to repent from it first" as you stated.

In the church that you are active in-- how would Travis' transgressions be dealt with if elders found out? Is the church mainly forgiving, or could it escalate to excommunication? Was Travis' fear of losing standing in the church justified if his peers found out about his kinky, premarital sex?
While I appreciate the religious aspect of this case, i don't think it should be discussed on the boards....just fyi! Don't hurt me.....

Respected and noted. No worries. I was trying to answer questions, and I agree with you. So no offense taken or meant!
o/t Oh, guys & girls I am way up past my bedtime. Couldn't sleep.
I have already taken my meds, so I'll try & just read. However, if you see a really weird post, yep it's me.

I just think the world of WS & happy to be a part of such a caring group.

Here comes my first comment that I know I will regret tomorrow.

:rocker: The face reminds me of JA shaking like a Chihuahua.
Respected and noted. No worries. I was trying to answer questions, and I agree with you. So no offense taken or meant!

No offense taken! I absolutely respect your opinions, and I appreciate your insight. I'm just going to shut up and go to bed now, like I said I was going to do hours ago lol.
o/t Oh, guys & girls I am way up past my bedtime. Couldn't sleep.
I have already taken my meds, so I'll try & just read. However, if you see a really weird post, yep it's me.

I just think the world of WS & happy to be a part of such a caring group.

Here comes my first comment that I know I will regret tomorrow.

:rocker: The face reminds me of JA shaking like a Chihuahua.

BBM: Your post made me smile :) And yes, it's going to be a long night. The only thing I can find on tv right now is the Cosby Show, and "Bra Buying Secrets" on Lifetime. I really think I need to pop a Benedryl and just go to bed.
Here's my take.

I think Nurmi and Co. concocted a ruse to have a reason to have to interrogate, errr question jurors. They KNEW no juror saw the "photo op" of Martinez on the steps. They KNEW this was a one time occurance. How did they know this, because like TODAY, they exit and enter that door daily themselves. And JM never uses that door. And they are savvy enough to know the low likelihood of any juror claiming they'd be unable to render an impartial verdict by seeing Juan Martinez having his photo taken by some random people on the courthouse steps.

I think they wanted a reason to investigate those jurors, ask them questions and seek reasons to bounce ones that concern them.

I also think that if Juror 5 was one they thought favored their side, they'd not have made an issue of it, whatever it was.

That's my take and I'm stickin to it.

ITA: As much as I would like to hear Juror #5's interview, I hope she waits until the end of the trial. Not because I think she was egregious but I don't want her words twisted that might benefit the defense.
I did try to edit my post to be more clear, I did mean "a trangression without being able to repent from it first" as you stated.

In the church that you are active in-- how would Travis' transgressions be dealt with if elders found out? Is the church mainly forgiving, or could it escalate to excommunication? Was Travis' fear of losing standing in the church justified if his peers found out about his kinky, premarital sex?

Check your inbox. I answered your questions privately out of respect to other posters on this forum. Hope that's ok with you. Goodnight all!
ITA: As much as I would like to hear Juror #5's interview, I hope she waits until the end of the trial. Not because I think she was egregious but I don't want her words twisted that might benefit the defense.

How funny would it be if juror 5 comes out to the press talking about how she was dead set that it was self-defense and thought she was Jodi's only hope for a not guilty/hung jury?
Does anyone know if Jodi has received marriage proposals while in jail--as numerous male killers have? (Including Bundy IIRC.)
you may have not seen my previous question to you...

What is your belive on TA's fate? If he went to the bishop to confess? And if not? Where is he? I'm truely intersted.

I fell asleep during the expert's testimony! I woke up when the Judge said 'Please remember your admonitions. You are excused.' lol.

I got iced coffee today so I can actually stay up. I'm hoping we'll get to see JM today. I'm so thrilled at the Defense is nearly done. I cannot wait for the next phase of the trial.

Ok back to reading through this entire thread!
Good Morning all,

Ms Violet was blabbing when I retired from here last night so I guess I have to go back and read also. Oh what have I missed?
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