trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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Thinking of that song don't know who sang it.
Their gonna put me in the movies, they are going to make a big star out of me , all i have to do is act
Jodie thinks she's going to be popular.
Today was a bombshell day, wonder what Juan has in store for tomorrow.

Autograph copies of manifesto for when famous
Self comparison to Einstein
Does it bother anyone else as much as it bothers me that ALV says "Mr. Martinez" at the end of so many of her answers?

Khaki, I apologize in advance but I am a little late on this response. Yes it bothers me tremendously; she is using a therapeutic technique that is popular in "in prison therapeutic communities" and with many Associate and Bachelors level substance abuse counselors whose education was obtained prior to the mid 1980's.
The lady on JVM she is part of the panel JVM has on. Long hair, can't remember her name maybe an attorney..... Said earlier when ALV looks out into the public gallery she has a friend/group one in particular will nod head yes when she thinks alv answered the question correctly.

I was wondering if it was the Donovan lady.

You mean Jodis friend??
I don't believe Jodi is that evil. She's evil but there's some humanity in her. I saw it when Juan said, "it stung when you stabbed Travis in the chest, didn't it?". She immediately was stricken with guilt and she tried so hard NOT to cry. I believe she even has remorse but she's too much of a coward to admit the truth and loves freedom too much to give it up entirely.

She did have an emotional attachment to Alexander. That's why his 16-page email compelled her to contemplate murder. The man she looked up to, the man she put on a pedestal, tore her down and it was traumatic for her. I believe 100% that on June 4th there was a time when she didn't want to kill him and it was during this time that the sex took place. But then something Travis did re-triggered Jodi to follow through with her original plans.

I am curious, what do you think her punishment should be ?
JM said in his opening statements that they had sex..

That's fine. Maybe his case doesn't depend on whether they did or did not have sex? Maybe, his case doesn't need to resolve that particular issue in order to be told?

It doesn't mean we can't have opinions about it on WS.

KC Anthony is innocent. That's what a court of law has said and that is her legal entitlement. Does that mean that you are forced to concur?

Just a random thought.....but what would have happened if one of TA's house mates had returned home while JA was in the laundry room washing the bloody towels, clothes, etc.? Some of his friends had the code to his garage....what if one of them just happened to drop by for a visit while JA was running up and down the stairs with bloody clothes in her hands? You would have to be either crazy or downright stupid to carry out a brutal murder under these circumstances. The thought must have crossed her mind. The question is...what would she have done?

I think that we have a double murder trial. If you've killed once, what is going to stop you from a second one.
I enjoyed the cross examination today :great: BUT, I am ready for rebuttal. I get the feeling from watching the DT that they are well aware that this case is over. Jodi will be convicted of 1st degree murder not doubt. I believe she will be given the DP, but she may not. Either way, she will be forever locked up and unable to have any kind of relations (front door or back) with any man again. Her manipulation will be wasted on other inmates who are as unimportant as she is. Never again will she destroy the life of someone who was a positive contributor to this planet. Her 15 minutes (feels more like 15 years) of fame are almost over, and she is getting antsy about that. It shows on her face and in her soulless eyes. JMO!

I get the feeling looking at the DT and the MIT Specialist with all their smiles that they are winning..

That's my exact point to say that they didn't have sex. They were never seen at the same time in the same room naked or otherwise. That's the point. lol

I agree and here is why.

page 19

**"The digital card had several pictures on it, including SOME, which had been deleted."

??????? Were there pictures that were not deleted?? The accidental ones?

**"Detective Melendez stated there were OTHER unallocated photos on the digital card that he would have to work on to retrieve.

She did delete the shower pictures. I believe she uploaded them to her camera first. For a "trophy"

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???:banghead:

could these have been downloaded onto the camera from another source at around 1 pm? Kinda sounds like it. moo
I don't think JA had any second thoughts. There was no fight downstairs in his office. This is another of JA's lies to help solidify her claim of physical abuse leading up to the murder. JA thought she could confine the killing field to the shower for easy clean up.

Perhaps she is so beyond evil that she killed TA after sex so he would have no time to repent.

Yes she lies, but her stories have bits of truth in them. I believe she is telling the truth about a fight downstairs, not the reasons for the fight, just that a fight occurred. It could have had something to do with Cancun and Mimi. And she was re-triggered.
Thinking of that song don't know who sang it.
Their gonna put me in the movies, they are going to make a big star out of me , all i have to do is act
Jodie thinks she's going to be popular.

"Act Naturally" ?
I think...
A very significant development today was the motion to deny the admittance of the closet evidence. If this testimony and pictures gets in then it is over for Ms. Arias. She can't claim self defense if she doesn't get a gun from the closet and she can't get the gun if the shelf can't bear her weight. So what are the chances it come in?
The Dr Drew show tonight with KCL cool lady has been uploaded on the trial Observer thread. An f.y.i.

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exactly and great point here: she was the aggressor. Umm.. I think LAV may have missed that "context"

I liked that she kept using the word "context." I do believe JM can spend an entire session on how she's taken pieces of e-mails and texts and IM's COMPLETELY out of context.

FWIW, I believe WITHOUT A DOUBT ALV knew (and knows) EXACTLY what she was dealing with in JA. You can only wear blinders for so long. She's simply too far in to back out now. And she thought JA could "sell" the self defense story before she even took the stand. But JA left her out on a really big limb. ALONE. :twocents:
I'm sick of a lot of things in this case. However, I think that although it is agreed that it doesn't matter, we can still debate it. People are free to scroll past. :D

Oh, and this debate was going on when I came in here. So, I just decided to join in.

Oh, please don't take it personal. I was saying that I, yes me, is sick of the.. did they/didn't they have sex that day debate. Feel free to debate it all you want. I was just stating my opinion on the matter, that it does not matter.
This woman from Yreka , on DD, .was trying to tell a story about what happened 2 days after Jodi returned from the murder---and the TH's keep interrupting her.

I think all she wanted to say was she worked that night. That's it. She went on as usual, which in itself is weird.

OTOH, the woman did say they JA was known in Yreka as a :liar:, by everyone. At one point she said 'if her mouth is moving she's lying.'

Guess the present witness is wrong, huh?

Except for the fact that BOTH Juan Martinez and Detective Flores have stated they DID have sex that day, and they are privy to ALL of the photos, including those we haven't seen yet. I will trust their views, since they have more information than any of us do.

Just remember that there was also a little disagreement about the gunshot vs knife first.

I'm simply stating (and people don't seem to be very open minded about facts) that there is no PROOF that they had sex that day. I don't care if God himself said they did. In simply looking at the photos of that day, there is NO PROOF.

I ask again for anyone to show it to me if there is some. A naked photo of me in one room and a naked photo of my husband a few moments later does NOT prove that we had sex. Period. :)
Frankly, and I provide the disclaimer that I don't mean to offend anybody, it is obvious from the photo's they were engaged in consensual sexual activity. To argue that Ms. Arias elaborately staged the photos as well as performed acts on herself to mimic that they had a sexual encounter, while possible, is not the optimum conclusion that can be drawn from the evidence we have as of now.

1) Jodi did not want these pictures to be seen and intended that they would never be seen. This does not speak to someone who had staged a fake sexual encounter with someone so as to blackmail someone or tarnish their name in the hopes that these photos would be used.

2) It has already been stated about the other photos, as well as the evidence within the admissible evidence, and the gyn report.

3) Mr. Alexander and Arias had sex before this encounter, even when there relationship was strained, or had taken a turn for the worse.

Whether or not they had sex means very little as to the actual murder itself, the pictures mostly prove her presence at the scene during the actual murder. However, it could provide insight into her psych, her motives for planning this, and how she was able to manipulate Mr. Alexander, a man much more physically stronger than her, into a vulnerable position. It also speaks much about their relationship itself, and why Arias attacked Mr. Alexander with such fury.

Huh, what gyn report?
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