trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #148

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Late AGAIN !

Did I expect anything different?
I see personality disorders as different than "mental illness". Wouldn't it be likely that people who kill, rape, abuse have personality disorders... as well as most people with BPD don't kill. Now, if a brain scan showed that JA's brain was different... like some killers brains... then it could be argued "she was born w/ this tendency". I still think any mitigation influenced by BPD diagnosis would be because she is a woman. I'm sure that Ted Bundy, Gacy, Scott Peterson had/have personality disorders. The argument nature/nurture is present in every person and criminal. Society has zero sympathy for pedophiles, yet their upbringing often includes abuse.
IMO, it's the only thing they have <defense> to go on. Like throwing them a cheerio when they need a lifesaver.
Chris Williams@chriswnewsPlenty of people in #JodiArias gallery this AM but there are a few seats available. #Arias teams here but no Jodi, Judge or Jury yet
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Dr. D has on a white blouse with black trim. DP Mitigator has a brown suit on with a minty green/salmony top. #JodiArias
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Jenkasaurus just arrived in a white top with thin black horizontal stripes
good morning yall! just ate pigs in a blanket from ihop all i wanna do is take a nap knowing whos up to bat
Hope JW gets over and done with quickly. Think Dr D can hold her own like yesterday when asking about sex crimes and the family, friends knowing well Ms Willmott look at where she is treating them...... duh da duh PRISON or a STATE HOSPITAL. Then she got the thingy about paedophilia in
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Looks like Dr. DeMarte is rockin' the french manicure. #JodiArias
Whatever happened in the hearing that was not open to the public is sealed.
The end.

My guess is she was fined for contempt. I do not think DT wanted her testimony thrown out. I wonder if ALV planned to testify at the sentencing phase?
If I was on this jury, I would have a difficult time giving JA the dp. The latest witness sees a mental defect, but can't be classified as legally insane. I do believe they will all find her guilty of 1st degree murder, but I bet there will some that will feel bad sentencing a person that has mental problems to death. /I]

In my opinion the mental problems Dr D describes are only anger issues, and having "it should be all about me" issues. Nothing she has said gives the impression Jodi doesn't know right from wrong. I think all murders have the same thoughts....and that is.....they think people that dare to disagree with them or don't bow down to them should be erased from the earth.
Good Morning WS Family!

You all have been very busy since yesterday afternoon . . . .
If I could say one thing to the defendant today, I would point at Dr.JDM and say "Now, that's what winning the 'wife lottery' would look like".

(I do not know or care anything about the good dr's relationship status, and in no way am implying she wants/needs to be a "wife" to anyone...)
I get this impression Jodi had and has a cult following. I say that because it's very odd that many of her ex's maintained a pretty close relationship with her after the split ups.

She dated Matt back in 2000. And she still had him as a close friend while living with Darryl.
She was seeing Travis yet was still friendly enough with Darryl throughout that time to get gas cans from him (which he probably traded for the stolen DVD player w/remote).
Darryl and Matt were acquaintances because Matt was at Darryls that morning (probably collecting the gun and DVD player from him)

Very strange! All of it.

She meets Gus Searcy. Old enough to be her father and yet.......she borrows a cell phone for this trip then calls him hours after killing Travis. I mean....WTF?

So there's this loyalty among this small group that I can't quite put my finger on.

Now we have Donavan. Her criminal jail-mate who meets, befriends and now Tweets for her.
Once again, I see this 'following' or dedication if you will.

Jodi can be very gregarious and warm don't see past the veil of deception. So I would have to conclude, her 'friends' aren't very sharp or deep. They are surface dwellers. Who might get caught up with looks or pretentious personalities thus making them unable to see deeper.

So.......I can definitely see Jodi's low-life clan staging this thief. Not sure what it was supposed to accomplish except perhaps make noise and let people know, someone is watching her.
That was the only item stolen from DeMarte which in itself is quite odd.

great analysis and I agree.

I had a roommate once years ago that reminds me of Jodi's personality. In fact, they kind of look alike too. it has been bothering me since day 1. lol
anyways, this roomie was super outgong and was everyones friends. I bet on FB she has like 10,000 "friends" lol anyways, living with her I saw how neurotic she was and she was very manipulating with men and very stalkerish with her on/off again boyfriend. She was very surface level and that is what people saw and were drawn to. She pulled some of the same kind of stuff that Jodi would but most never knew about it and most of her friends were shallow and not the brightest colors in the box.

anways...lots of people like that out there. scary!!
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Looks like Dr. DeMarte is rockin' the french manicure. #JodiArias

Me thinks WAT has a crush on Dr. D. ?

Did anyone read eggnews yesterday? It was too funny, as always.
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