trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

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JDM: "I don't use these scales nor do I interpret the results."
JW: "Oh! You don't! Well let's see if we can figure this out."
Wow! JW is barking up the wrong tree again. Dr. D is correct that the scales where LPE (Low Positive Emotion) fall within are not as empirically reliable. I found this on a site that is helpful:

"These scales are more obvious (and more fakable than the MMPI-2 Clinical Scales). They are meant to be more distinct, and supposedly clearer forms of the Clinical scales (Tellegen, Ben-Porath, McNulty, Arbisi, Graham, and Kaemmer, 2003). They may be helpful as sub-scales to the MMPI-2 Clinical scales, but not as separate clinical scales. They are redundant to the content scales, but are not better than the MMPI-2 Clinical Scales "
Please note: These scales are more obvious (and more fakable than the MMPI-2 Clinical Scales)
I liked when the good DR. said: no, I'm not an *expert* on domestic violence because I don't have a license in it and that's my definition of expert... and then added to JW, there IS NO LICENSE for it!

Bravo, Dr. DeMart*......well played! :woohoo:
Love her demeanor...she is keeping Willmott off balance. How funny
left hand side is validity scales and right side is the clinical scales you know this is a valid test - no issues with it. Look @ scales on right - see D = depression - goes over the 65% line of clinical significant line, PD - psychopathic deviant. these scales are further broken down and on pg 8 - subscales . . .familial discord - authority problems, social and self alienation, highly elevated scale often elevated in issues of abuse (sometimes - yes) . . .

can be elevated with victims of trauma - sometimes often they become perpetrators themselves - sometimes yes

more scales than just pg 2 - - see pg 4 - restructured clinical scales . . .you might reference my report . . . these are not scales I interpret they do not have as much research backing . . . .

you didn't use other scales than pg 2 . . .
common protocol . . .analyze clinical, validity and (something else)

LPE - I have not spent looking @ them . . don't know what LPE means
not off top of my head . . .low positive emotions
T- score of 70 . . .low positive emotion means self-image

I do not use these scales - this is not part of the scales with the most imperical backing

low positive emotions - the descriptor on MMPI are not actual labels they mean . . don't know what LPE is as related to MMPI

contents scales - know what these are? yes
anx = anxiety - Tscore 76 . . . clinical level is 65 - her anxiety elevated

Dep is elevated

bizarrementation - bizarre thoughts (simplistic way of putting it) - also elevated

background and experience these 3 things are associated with trauma - amongst other things

ASP - anti-social personality -
refer to my notes . . . I already gave it to you -
Every thirty seconds, Defense council shoots herself in her high heel shod foot.
But, I do love the smart little suit she sports.
The layperson is trying to school the expert.... coming across as overly pathetic....
How come they didn't have these nice scales and reports to question their own expert with?
Wilmott is destroying this angry woman...look at her eyes she is cold as ice.
The only thing Willmott is destroying is her own reputation with all of these petty questions - just demonstrates that Willmott has not done her homework.
JA looks like she is studing DeMarte and then pulls her hair back over her ear like DeMarte's is. This is so creepy watching the mimicing sociopathy in action.
"That's a simplistic way of saying it."

WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Cup Toucher just poured a cup of water. Jurors are seen sitting with a blank stare on their faces. #JodiArias
One thing I would have liked to have seen from this witness on cross examination is a complete list of the factors that support her BPD diagnosis -- I mean, I wish she had some notes in front of her that listed every data point that she reviewed that supports each of the BPD criteria. She just gave examples -- even on direct exam with Juan, but she never went into the complete list of behaviors that support her diagnosis.

Actually... She did go through many of the factors of the behaviors which support her BPD diagnosis...

If you google DSM IV... Borderline Personality Disorder... You will find the diagnostic criteria...

I was thinking, too... That it would have been helpful for the jurors to have this at their fingertips...

And wondered if there was some reason that this was not allowed in court...

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