trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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She can't ever negate human error and she acknowledged it right up front. I think, from the question, that one of those jurors knows what kind of employee fraud that goes on at Wal-Mart and asked about the dummy sku because of that.

So so far we have a Wal-mart employee or some kind of retail worker on the jury, also we have a biologist, and a psychologist! Those are the ones I remember us discussing after the juror questions!
Forget about bondage play. Common sense will do just fine. They stretched out a 25 foot rope across the bedroom and into the bathroom for him to cut it with a knife? For one, she said the rope was about 25 ft so why the need to cut it if they needed about that amount? 2. Fun and erotic chit spending time stretching out the rope in preparation? (Not.) 3. How the frig did they use it around a sleigh bed? Oh, and why did TA need a deadly knife to cut the friggin' rope? Why not scissors?



Also: Why buy that much rope to begin with? That kind of rope you buy by the yard at a fabric store. They cut the length you need. Why would anyone pay for double the amount needed. My mom sews for an interior designer. That stuff is not cheap. Plus can't you see Travis running out to Joann's fabric for decorative rope... This is just a lame *advertiser censored* lie.
Horn, Flores, Brown, Ditmann....who else?


No, it's David Hall. He was subpoenaed by the prosecution after he made comments about Travis not owning a gun. Nurmi objected, but Sherry sided with Juan.
I think the rope story is a sham too, but one of the attorneys on HLN's After Dark tonight said the rope was way too thick to cut with a regular pair of scissors.

Did he see the "decorative" rope?

I hadn't watched either computer experts' testimony before, but I did see on the stand where Jodi was talking about "the little square people dancing" or something like that when referring to the time around 4-4:30 am when she got there and watched some you tube videos with Travis. I thought her whole way of saying it was really weird, and seemed like she was lying as usual. So my theory was that she didn't let Travis know when she got there, that he wasn't expecting her, but that she got there and snuck into the house and didn't show herself to Travis until after the roommate had left. But I was getting stuck on the part about the computer usage at 4 am. Then when I saw the exhibit Nurmi showed today where it LISTED THE NAME OF THE YOU TUBE VIDEO, I realized that Jodi has had access to this information for many years as part of her case information, so she probably had her jail friend Donovan, or her mom, or Matt M or someone look it up and tell her what it was!! That makes the most sense. That way she could describe it and look like she had seen it with Travis.

No, she told Flores about the youtube videos when first interviewed. She was watching them with TA that day.
Also: Why buy that much rope to begin with? That kind of rope you buy by the yard at a fabric store. They cut the length you need. Why would anyone pay for double the amount needed. My mom sews for an interior designer. That stuff is not cheap. Plus can't you see Travis running out to Joann's fabric for decorative rope... This is just a lame *advertiser censored* lie.

Jodi has to describe a rope that was consistent with that one silky fiber found in the hallway.
I caught that also - What she was referring to is there might be "human error" when an employee may forget to either cross out or circle an item on the receipt once it is returned.

Exactly, but there was obviously no "human error" because of the third purchase of gas at the gas station testified to today.
It's not going to happen, but I so wish it was Matt!!

Matt is hiding out somewhere. He will not show up. He's got enough to worry about that he's managed to completely disappear.

Hope he's "comfy" wherever he is.

Just catching up...what I have learned so far is that Jodi tried to avoid leaving tracks in AZ and that Travis didn't call women sociopathic *advertiser censored* unless it was true. Anything important I missed?


That about sums it up. Would love to tell Nurmi that he's damn right TA had different kinds of relationships with other women because these other women didn't slash his tires, stalk him on dates, crawl through his doggie door, sleep under his Christmas tree, steal his ring, push KY and anal sex on him, or murder him when he broke off the relationship.

Every label that TA slapped on her that day - she deserved! It was mild compared to what I would have said if somebody had done the same to me.
Maybe Jodi does not have BPD/PTSD or <insert here>, maybe she's possessed?

I would like to be next to her for 2 minutes in person to feel her vibe.

This is strange. I was just drying my hair and I was thinking about Nurmi and the saying that when you lay down with dogs, you get flees. At the beginning of this trial I had nothing against Nurmi. I felt he got stuck with something he didn't really want. I still have nothing against him, but today he just stooped to a real low, and I think this trial has had an effect on him. And even Willmont has changed. I remember reading something written by Scott Peck about how dangerous it is to be around people like JA.

That evil begins to seep,,, Toxic stuff does that. I personally would never want to even on the same block as she is let alone next to her. Really! JMHO

Someone please help me, new here. How do I ouote a previous post with the
I thought that picture was sent by phone to phone? If so, it wouldn't have been on the computer at all. Did they ever check Travis' phone for that pic?

They need to check Darryl's......
There's nothing more. That was it! There was activity on that computer at that time. Mike Melendez (computer forensics guy) has nothing else? I find that odd.

I want to hear more about the laptop being logged on at 4:54pm on June 4th.......



No way! Didn't Mimi testify Travis told her he suspected Jodi had gotten into a bank account of his?
I think the point is that there were NO pictures at all on his computer that could be considered erotic or racy or sexually titillating.

No, Jodi told Samuels that Travis had numerous pictures of women naked from the waist up on his computer. Juan hammered Samuels about this on cross.
Have any of you ever had sex-play and fantasies on the telephone with somebody talking about stuff that you actually would never do? That is called fantasy-talk.....JA taped that call for a reason. JA also had TA repeat a couple of things ON PURPOSE.
The way I understood it was the human error had to do with marking the receipt if it was provided for a return, and the code had to be input for a refund. So without a receipt a refund could be made using the code on the item. I do not work at Walmart so this this is only my take on it. I am sure you or a juror knows better.Thanks for clarifying.

Yes, you are correct.

There will be no refund for an item WMT does not sell.

They sold that specific gas container to her at 3:22 p.m. on June 3, 2008.

But for that same SKU (stock keeping unit) 004454931777, there were EXACTLY ZERO gas containers returned on that date -- despite JA's claim to the contrary -- and for a number of days thereafter.

BUSTED!!! :behindbar
It's not going to happen, but I so wish it was Matt!!

I dunno...I think Matt could go either way. I tell ya I would be worried if he took the stand, 'cause who knows what lies he'll say for Jodi. She seems to have some kind of hold on him.
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