trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #159

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So the judge caved and Jodi gets another witness?? Let me hear more about how AWESOME this judge is! Gag
Jodi working working working to summon up the tears...she just can't do it today!
Court today, nothing until next Wed. (All day if necessary), closing arguments Thurs. & Friday, then to the jury...
oh for christ sake! no trial til next wednesday after thursday this week

this is wrapping up folks as it should do not forget the deliberation phase, the penalty phase (if applied), the mitigation phase.

this is far from over.
I don't think I've ever seen JW with her glasses off. She has a very pretty face!
I know everyone's taste is different and I am not the art police, but as a professional artist I find her work to be an expression of her inner emptiness. It is devoid of feeling, connection, even the barest understanding of color theory. It is bland, flat, and lifeless. Sure, there is a measure of technical proficiency and a kind of "correctness" that seems a desperate attempt to appeal to a commercial interest.

I'm on the fence about purchasing the work, since those funds may be seen as benefitting JA, (or possibly alleviating a small amount of the financial burden on her family.) I can see why someone would want to own one of her pieces as a kind of "outsider art" or naive-style work. It is interesting to see pieces done by the mentally ill. I knew of a schizophrenic painter whose work is fascinating, (and VERY good.)
Great post. I did an international MBA program in Lausanne, Switzerland and had time to see all the typical tourists sights and then some. They have an entire museum devoted to the art works of the criminally insane, loners and prisoners. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Highly recommend if you find yourself in the French region of Switzerland with some time to kill (pardon the pun). Musee de l'Art Brut.
Does Ms. Einstein look sick or is it me? Must be no surrebuttal being allowed and Judge is ending this ridiculous case?? :floorlaugh: Sorry bright girl !!
Does anyone know what happened with the motions that were discussed in chambers?
So does it appear that the Defense will NOT have a surrebuttal witness to present? Or is it their witness that can't be at trial until Wednesday?

I can't imagine Juan allowing his witnesses to have "scheduling conflicts."
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