trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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1. Mimi walked in bringing a different frame of reference with her.

2, The cat is peeing in an otherwise pee-free situation, suddenly introducing a strong odor. The pee stain is still an outlier and localized.

3. We don't know what the ducts were like or what cooling system the house had.

4. Fresh blood has a strong metallic odor from the heme, an unstable iron component of hemoglobin. Blood that is not fresh doesn't have that distinct odor.

5. I once had my nose broken requiring reconstruction. People who have had nasal surgery often had a reduced sense of certain types of smell, as I do. We have no way of knowing the olfactory sensitivity of the roommate due to rhinoplasty, allergies, genetics, his own gym socks, etc.

6. So, assuming that the smell of decomposition not being noticed is something so wildly improbable as to require explanation, what exactly does it prove?

There are two separate air conditioning units for two different parts of the house. I'm not sure how this could impact smells but perhaps they do?

She is bending over backwards for a death penalty case. Should a third "expert" be allowed to waste more time because JM eviscerated the first two? No. Was there ever a doubt that the judge would give in to the defense? No. The good thing is that it won't matter.

completely agree!

The second JM asks this guy about his connection to ALV and his previous sanctions, it's over.

you know....until today i found ALV annoying, and idk, how to describe it...not harmless per say, but after hearing her go on and on for days it became blah, blah, blah to me. i'm sure she has seen some pretty awful stuff over the years reagarding DV, and her clearly biased testimony came across as completely irrelevent. plus i thought that deep down she really believed jodi was abused....but you know what? after hearing deanna (bless her) testify about the email to the hughes' i'm pretty livid at Ms. ALV...she said over and over again how she didn't just rely on jodi's accounts of abuse....and relished in saying, "you see his friends know about it too..." she refered to that email countless times, and she knew....knew the lie she was helping to perpetrate....

i really hope she is hanging her head in shame right now...and she's taking a long hard look at herself and her choices.
Its a vinnie verdict need to follow him on twitter...he did this with Case that Shall not be Named....

I am technically challenged and I have learned so much from this thread and this forum. I am older person compared to the new technology of everyone.

Does this mean it will send a text to your phone? That is the only way my phone will go off as I will be at the Jazz Festival in New Orleans and will not be checking email or be able to see things live.

also, my and availability to see the closing on Friday is also going to be questionable! the lineup on Friday is going to be great and I will be in at the blues tent .. Heritage stage ..or jazz tent or the Acura stage!


any others here going to be there those 4 days? Would love to meet you guys.

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Hi, this might be in the wrong place but I dont knnow where to put it.:kilroy:
I heard bits and pieces tonight on N.G. Jodie claims she was pregnant once? I cant believe this. During questioning I heard her say she and Travis only had vag. sex ONE time. I kept thinking there was something wrong with her. Does anyone else remember her saying this? She has also stated Travis never abused her. Why doesnt someone (LE) look into this? There are so very many lies and contradictions in her testimony. I hope someone else heard that also. I hope I'm not out of line, I do believe there is something wrong physically! Thanks,Nore:seeya:

P.S. she also said the one time was a disaster!!:eek:
Yes, she thinks she is OJ Simpson and can write a book called, "How I Would Have Done It If I Could Remember How I Did It." Apparently the blowback from the public about that book was a blowtorch to OJ's overblown ego.

A liar goes from truth to half truth to almost truth to could-have-been-true. She is now embroidering the case to advance herself. People want a substantial reason why she did the overkill. They are not believing her, so in true borderline fashion, she's not upset, she just trots out something else to see if it will go down.

Well, if not Cancun, how about the beastly way he treated me after my miscarriage?

Next, we will hear how she supported him through his sex change operation, which he got selling drugs when he was young and female, which is the real reason he likes little boys... and how she helped save the life of the the disabled child he had with Deanna and hid away because they were all Mormons and planning to live in polygamy.

I"VE GOT THE TITLE OF HER BOOK!!!! "It Could Be True..." Remember, you read it here first!

Or, what about "Out Of The Fog"...
Just for her timeline
She called Darryl, took the remote back, went to Wamu then apparently went to the Salon for several hours before Walmart in the late afternoon.
Photo at 2:12, Walmart after that...then Starbucks and filling up the car and gas cans

can somebody do a time line that has it easily accessible. Of Justice date with the new information? based on receipts

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Ya got me here!

IF he had sex with her that day... and that is a BIG IF to me.
It was only to keep her from blackmailing him and outing him to everyone.

I do not believe for one second he ever wanted to "see" her again

I think it's possible he may have not cared about seeing her anymore. I think he had no intention of going to visit her in California. He didn't go seek her out, she came to him. But once she's over there, he may have thought, why not? He may even had in his head that there would be no sex after she showed up. They went to sleep without any sex. But after sleeping in the same bed with her, lying next to her, maybe she was touching him, he may have had his mind changed. It happens all the time with exes. It's happening in probably hundreds or thousands of beds across the nation at this very moment.
The style of Mr Nurmi is such that all Witnesses including his own, even Jodi had trouble following the questions. I was really studying this to see if he does this on purpose to sort of lose the person (by the time he gets to the end of the question and the point, you totally forget the entire first 1/2 of the question) OR is this just his style.

I had a few options on the table.

A. His style on purpose, slow drag out question so the person forgets what you are asking in your very compound question that went in 3 directions
B. He is not fully prepared for each Witness so he is making up questions on the fly as he goes, sort of Ad Lib? (I even caught J. Willmott really just losing her train of thought or trying to think up the question as she stands there, so the very long pauses with both of them in the middle of many questions is so distracting and must be for the Jury also)

In contrast, the rapid fire Witnesses on the Stand yesterday and today with Mr Martinez at the helm, I can almost recite who each person was in order, and every question they were asked, and what their answers were. It's amazing the retention I have for what the State put on, and seriously I can't recall the Defense's case. I'm in some kind of fog there?
Today's repeated questions about if Det.Floes measured oh about 20 shelves each asked separately without his making a SINGLE point afterwards, leads me to believe that he might be a little bit lacking. Oh , and also very slow. Excruciatingly sssssslllllooooowwww.

I mentioned this way up thread, but I'll repeat it. The "Jodi wants to have a baby with her jailhouse lesbian lover and move to Europe" story first came out in late February/early March. Jodi later used Twitter to deny she had a jailhouse lover and said "I'm surprised that I haven't turned gay after everything I've been through." So who's behind the regurgitation of this story, the pregnancy/miscarriage tale, and the latest iteration (Psycho re-enactment gone bad) of how Travis ended up with 27 stabs wounds, his throat slashed from ear to ear and a bullet in his face? The master puppeteer herself? Hangers on? Family? The DT? And why NOW? I really saw defeat/resignation on the faces of Jodi and her DT today. Is this barrage of Jodi-related stories an attempt to make it more difficult for jurors to avoid all-things Jodi? Or is it simply the result of her self-absorbed need to be the center of the universe?
There are two separate air conditioning units for two different parts of the house. I'm not sure how this could impact smells but perhaps they do?


Well, if they compose different circuits cycling air (assuming they aren't an evaporative swamp cooler venting straight out) that sure can make a difference.

As it is a two story, I wonder if it's conventional A/C (expensive in terms of electrical usage) on the lower floor and a swamp cooler up top.

Of course, in pure Nurmi fashion, now I'm just making it up as I go.

OK JA is just using this chick and parts of her story.
This woman has proof.
This woman called 911.

Not saying she is innocent, but it does sounds like DV

Totally using her story! we know where the abuse story and the petophile story came from!
Today's repeated questions about if Det.Floes measured oh about 20 shelves each asked separately without his making a SINGLE point afterwards, leads me to believe that he might be a little bit lacking. Oh , and also very slow. Excruciatingly sssssslllllooooowwww.

Killing time and trying to create an illusion that Detective Flores hadn't been thorough. Hard to see around KN, much easier to see through him. ;)
completely agree!

you know....until today i found ALV annoying, and idk, how to describe it...not harmless per say, but after hearing her go on and on for days it became blah, blah, blah to me. i'm sure she has seen some pretty awful stuff over the years reagarding DV, and her clearly biased testimony came across as completely irrelevent. plus i thought that deep down she really believed jodi was abused....but you know what? after hearing deanna (bless her) testify about the email to the hughes' i'm pretty livid at Ms. ALV...she said over and over again how she didn't just rely on jodi's accounts of abuse....and relished in saying, "you see his friends know about it too..." she refered to that email countless times, and she knew....knew the lie she was helping to perpetrate....

i really hope she is hanging her head in shame right now...and she's taking a long hard look at herself and her choices.
Ok I'm late to the party!
What has this guy done ! Unethical? Broke rules ? Help
I am technically challenged and I have learned so much from this thread and this forum. I am older person compared to the new technology of everyone.

Does this mean it will send a text to your phone? That is the only way my phone will go off as I will be at the Jazz Festival in New Orleans and will not be checking email or be able to see things live.

also, my and availability to see the closing on Friday is also going to be questionable! the lineup on Friday is going to be great and I will be in at the blues tent .. Heritage stage ..or jazz tent or the Acura stage!


any others here going to be there those 4 days? Would love to meet you guys.

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I signed up for this one it texts you

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If I were going on a killing spree, I'd get me a throw-away phone so I could talk to my friend that would never betray me.
winnah! I'll excerpt from a TN court opinion where Geffner testified for the mother.

Let's check the boxes-biased, doesn't interview important witnesses including the guy who he declares is an "abuser". Yes, this seems like a typical expert the defense would come up with.

And, of course, he possesses that super secret, special ability that is incapable of being documented in any way, because of his "experienc" to determine who is an abuser and knows that tests are not required and in fact are not useful as only his special experience can find this "abuse".

Oh, and of course, he devotes all of his time to his "expert" testimony...

OK, so I think we can see what this guy's role is. The quesiton is whether the judge has allowed this new "expert" when the defense already got to have two. On of whom was a psychologist, just like this new guy. I'm not an AZ attorney but I don't get how you can suddenly rope in a whole new expert at this stage of trial when you already have one with the same credentials. What is the argument? Well, Juan destroyed our guy so we should get a new one. i really want to hear from AZlawyer or someone about this. Strikes me as really improper but then I am a picky person!

So we can all look forward to ALV version 2.0 if this guy is allowed to testify. I hope AZLawyer does chime in here, because this is WRONG if it's allowed IMO.
Ohh I have a feeling Gloria Allred may be all over this Tanisha pic!!!

what are you talking about. I miss what you were talking about and I've read the last five pages? I did not see you referring to anything

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1. Mimi walked in bringing a different frame of reference with her.

2, The cat is peeing in an otherwise pee-free situation, suddenly introducing a strong odor. The pee stain is still an outlier and localized.

3. We don't know what the ducts were like or what cooling system the house had.

4. Fresh blood has a strong metallic odor from the heme, an unstable iron component of hemoglobin. Blood that is not fresh doesn't have that distinct odor.

5. I once had my nose broken requiring reconstruction. People who have had nasal surgery often had a reduced sense of certain types of smell, as I do. We have no way of knowing the olfactory sensitivity of the roommate due to rhinoplasty, allergies, genetics, his own gym socks, etc.

6. So, assuming that the smell of decomposition not being noticed is something so wildly improbable as to require explanation, what exactly does it prove?

Nothing... except that bachelors are impervious to bad odors, not exactly a revelation, is it? Anyone who has a teenage boy and girl will notice immediately that the boy's room can smell like a corpse and the boy will just keep playing video games while the girl is taking everything out of her closet yelling "a mouse is dead in there, I just know it! I can't sleep in here, HELP me find it...."

I can't believe we are talking about the decomp again. The very first post I made her was about my own very recent experience with this in California in a senior retirement apartment complex. The woman one apartment over died in her bed after asking me to "leave her alone" because she was sick. It was four days until they opened the door to check on her specifically because of the odor--and this was in 65 degree weather, perhaps not unlike and airconditioned large home in Arizona.

She had a massive stroke with a lot of bleeding from the nose. Now here's the part that relates to this case: IT WASN"T UNTIL THE FIFTH DAY that the odor became really noticeable. The paramedics came out on the fourth day and declared her deceased and it was 12 hours later that the coroner showed up finally. The police posted a guy at the door to keep people from going in (crime scene?).

The residents here all fought about whether or not they smelled something or if it was just garbage, or some Asian stuff cooking, or the cat had an accident.

So I don't think the behavior of the roommates was unsurprising at all, especially since they had a large peeing, crapping-in-the-house (how could Travis permit that?) dog.

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