trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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I have twin boys who juggle fruit, very badly, so I always have dented apples and squishy oranges from repeated drops on hardwood floors. I hope you are easier on produce. My guys lack interest in juggling items that aren't edible-hopefully you are more open minded.

So, with the BPD, is is just a gradual awareness that hey, what's that about...gee, that's not normal...hmmm, I'm starting to get scared...

You don't seem terribly naive (in a good way!) especially in comparison to Travis who seemed to dwell amidst extremely nice, hardworking, kind Mormons. I tend to think he was fairly naive in regard to psychopathy that had a pretty face (relatively speaking, at least back then).

He grew up with bad things that were clearly defined as bad, dirty house, druggie parents and he sought out the good, the "normal" suburban house, nice car type thing as a young adult. Yet he couldn't bring himself to marry even though he knew he should. He had his long term girlfriend but he couldn't commit. He was looking for something that he hadn't found yet. Was Jodi as a BPD able to tell and pretend to be that "thing" he had been missing?

I've wondered whether Travis was an easy "mark" for a BPD or whether Jodi just masked her BPD well at first so she appeared to be the same type of nice, normal woman that Travis was used to. I see him as not catching on for a long time to what she really was. I see him easy to maipulate with sob story dramas. He was used to people who actually were what they seemed to be and Jodi was nothing like she pretended to be.

Yet, so many of his friends were creeped out by Jodi. That could just be revisionist history. But clearly, after a certain point people began to know who she really was. But Travis hung in there longer, too long obviously.

I just find it puzzling, what the process is of discovering that a person you think you love, is an actually dangerous person who could and would hurt you. It must be hard to believe and they must try to convince you you're wrong. It must be quite traumatic. To find this out and then need to extricate yourself and keep yourself mentally and physically safe.

Thanks. I'm learning to juggle too.

It's never the Borderline's fault. My experience is that the borderline feels slighted, that every failure is something done to them. Justice, for them is to skip over conventional weapons and go nuclear.

So, think of the craziest, most vindictive thing you would do. The borderline would laugh and call you an amatuer.

My borderline was so vindictive that she made accusations that didn't hold water. The sort of things that didn't bear 5 minutes of analysis. And in that it was self-defeating, or would be if the borderline didn't interpret that defeat as something else done to them.

Dealing with a vindictive borderline is like dealing with a kamikaze: Even when they are riddled with bullets, on fire and in a dive, the only thing they are thinking of is how to fly right into your flight deck.

And how dare you make them do it.

Being vindictive -- crazy, transparent, self-destructive vindictiveness -- becomes an end in itself.

Yeah, they can be terrifying. And with their emotional instability, often more so than a calculating psychopath.

Yes. She used the new Helio for her hurt finger June 1 and the old Helio for hew new hair June 3
So when she wrote that journal entry, "It's a good day - I'm excited my phone is coming today" - that was a LIE?? because she wrote that a LONG time ago!
Does she just make stuff up and write it in her diary, or was she planning this whole thing way back then?
Were those photos shown in court today of Jodi's Narcissistic self photographing in the car seen before? I tend to do that too...take a picture of myself when I've just had my hair done, like I just did last night. :blushing: I do it to do a Facebook ad for my stylist because she has a referral program and it never looks as good as the day she styles it. I mean NEVER looks like that again. :facepalm:

She was so excited for her new murder look, she had to document it on film as soon as she got in the car! I keep hoping there's a hair stylist to come in. Maybe still............???

I don't think a hair stylist is necessary or coming. The evidence entered was the photo that the defense showed "proving " JA's hair in May when she said she dyed it brown. That photo was the one with kind of blonde brown mish mash. The photo she took on her phone June 3rd at 2:12 pm was very dark brown.
Were those photos shown in court today of Jodi's Narcissistic self photographing in the car seen before? I tend to do that too...take a picture of myself when I've just had my hair done, like I just did last night. :blushing: I do it to do a Facebook ad for my stylist because she has a referral program and it never looks as good as the day she styles it. I mean NEVER looks like that again. :facepalm:

She was so excited for her new murder look, she had to document it on film as soon as she got in the car! I keep hoping there's a hair stylist to come in. Maybe still............???
Jodi's love of "selfies" will be the death of her yet (or get her closer to it.) ;)

Yes. She used the new Helio for her hurt finger June 1 and the old Helio for hew new hair June 3
So when she wrote that journal entry, "It's a good day - I'm excited my phone is coming today" - that was a LIE?? because she wrote that a LONG time ago!
Does she just make stuff up and write it in her diary, or was she planning this whole thing way back then? :banghead:
it was said up thread that there were perhaps were not two Helio phones.

What evidence did we see put into the trial that there were two phones by the prosecutor?

Is it just one phone and we have been misled by her and her journals that there have been two? Can anyone help me understand please as far as the evidence.

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They took the 2nd Helio from her upon arrest. That is how they knew she shut it off before going into AZ.
The 1st Helio showed up in 2010 when she needed the blackmail sex call and they found the pics of her "new do" from June 3 rd


Or, what about "Out Of The Fog"...
I guess his plan was confuse the jury.:banghead: However, it came across as funny to me. It reminded me of grade school questions designed around comprehension, except he left out any pertinent info: A red bus with 72 passengers left the station at 12:30 traveling 70 mph to a town 10 miles away. What time is lunch? Huh?:doh:
I was especially tickled when the juror called Nurmi out on it. lol
So when she wrote that journal entry, "It's a good day - I'm excited my phone is coming today" - that was a LIE?? because she wrote that a LONG time ago!
Does she just make stuff up and write it in her diary, or was she planning this whole thing way back then? :banghead:

It was after May 10 because she talks about the "scathing" sex call that she did not want found.
Today's repeated questions about if Det.Floes measured oh about 20 shelves each asked separately without his making a SINGLE point afterwards, leads me to believe that he might be a little bit lacking. Oh , and also very slow. Excruciatingly sssssslllllooooowwww.


You mean the bottom shelf is lower than the top shelf, right? :floorlaugh: and you know,the rails on the side there, you know? the rails! That shelf or that shelf?
Flores: Yeah, those effin shelves OK!! :banghead:
you know what is funny? my friend and i are both watching this trial closely, and we've been saying ever since jodi took the stand that her arrogance will be her juan proved that not only her arrogrance gonna bring her down, but her narcassistic mindset has sealed the deal with regard to premeditation!
Funny you say that. My girlfriend and I were saying the same thing, but because we believe she would not really play the victim for ALV very well. She has to be in control. She wouldn't want anyone to believe Travis was in control instead of her. Because of that, she refused to play the victim roll she so desperately needed to fool the jury.
I think if we knew all the evil things/mind games/soul sucking tricks she pulled on Travis we'd run screaming, or head for a corner to suck our thumbs. This chick makes my spine shrivel. If we ever knew just how evil she is, we'd lose our marbles. She scares me. Always has. There's a level of evil here that even some of the most notorious murderers couldn't aspire to.

Well said.
California? Really? Were you around during the OJ Simpson trial? It lasted much longer than this one.

Actually, I detect a note of something not pleasant in "round them up and put them on a train to where they came from". Not something Websleuths should be tolerating, IMHO.

Sorry, but if I lived in Az I'm sure I would be ready to round up the TH and send them home too. MOO
This is OT, but we just got an Amber Alert in WA state... A 6yr old boy is missing! Oh, my heart aches...
Jun3 pic: [IMG said:[/IMG]

Jun4 pic:

EWWWW,, she looks so ugly in this picture, her hair, her face her body, especially the creepy expression on her face... what is she thinking? she looks soo dorky and fugly yukkk
IDK, those have not been released yet.

Are you saying after those texts (May25), they never texted again? I doubt that. moo

Travis also called Jodi twice in the early hours of Jun3.

One call was approx. 45 mins. long. I bet that was another phone sex call.

How many texts were there after he told her she was a sociopath, evil, and the worst thing that happened to him?
I think that the point of that question was: could Jodi have grabbed the gun from one of their rooms or from a common/shared area...?

I also took it as someone clearing out any other possible sources for the gun, other than it being the killer's grandfathers gun.

It is like they already realize it was NOT Travis's, so just to clarify, they want to rule out the roommates as well. Getting rid of any reasonable doubts, imo.
"Cosmetic approach to your pelvic area" that is one phrase I will never forget. I wonder if Martinez coined that phrase himself.

You didn't add the :bananapowerslide: Cracked me up earlier :floorlaugh: Hey, how bout this for the artist? :Banane29:
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