Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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Could someone post the jurors questions, I missed that.
Also where can I find the shower pix with the date/time stamp. HLN and Huffingtons don't show the time.

Bumping hoping someone has this info
Respectfully disagree.

Jodi treated him very badly. And then she brutally slaughtered him.

Was Jodi just "a girl being a girl" when she made Travis feel like a "dildo with a heartbeat"?

I think human beings in general can do much better towards each other. That being said, I don't "blame" other people for how I feel or the choices I make each day. Jodi blames everyone else for everything that happens to her and every bad choice she makes.

This argument really infuriates me. Makes me think of LaViolette.


Which argument really infuriates you? I'm sorry, but I don't understand.
Does anyone have a link to the new Medical Examiner photos of Travis Alexander?

If so, could you please post it, or, send it to me.

Thank you in advance.
I sure wish we could find out if juror #8 was taking notes this morning BEFORE his dismissal.... That would give us an idea if he knew this was coming or not. (rumors, in here, of him in trouble with the law and maybe he knew his dismissal was coming today?)
That's exactly right I completely agree .. I also think that Jodi had shown signs of major disturbance by the things she had done (especially sneaking into his house which to me is really creepy) It's not that Travis is not a victim it's just that he was 'unwise'.

Also, dare I say it, not considerate of HER.

Clearly he knew once Jodi was latched on in an unhealthy manner that she was overly invested and a continued sexual relationship would only make that worse FOR HER .. I know this is an unpopular view, but out of consideration for her feelings alone another man may have ceased all sexual contact, and found someone else to sleep casually with.

Look this is all hindsight before she slaughtered him for it FGS! That changes everything, but I think there is DEFINITELY a lesson in this for young people, men in particular, who may not be aware of dangerous red flags, or how to pick an unstable woman, and what to do if one finds themselves caught up with one.

I agree with you, but I have also noticed a trend in younger people or more bluntly those without a lot of experience with the other sex that it seems to be very hard for them to say "NO" and cut if off. I have heard them talk and say things like "Well, I don't want to hurt their feelings" or "I want to let them down easy". From my experience, the older more mature and more experiences I got in life the easier it got for me to say NO and to be adamant about that. Just saying. Some people are just too nice or too worried about hurting someone elses feelings. Kinda like sympathy sex..which I would never do.
Could someone confirm that I heard the Judge's comments correctly:
Earlier in the week, when the Judge announced next week's schedule, she said that Wednesday would be a long day and they would be in court all day and into the evening, if necessary, so that closing arguments could be held on Thurs and Fri.

Correct? Thanks!!
I do not think HLN's model of Travis' bedroom is scaled properly. Mike Brooks is as tall as the shelves, and those shelves are supposed to be 7 feet tall
I so wish the medical community would discover or create some sort of "crazy person detector". Typically, the psycho, control-freak, stalkerish type of behavior lays dormant, masked by the kind, romantic, loving outward persona for awhile. I am only speaking from my personal experience. The monster may peek out from time to time, but if you do not know the signs to be alerted to, you have no clue what you are in for. Through my personal drama-infested relationship of the past the "inner demon" that my ex possessed did not surface until I had already formed a strong personal attachment to the "person I thought he was". Fortunately for me, I am more alert to the little signs of a possible "control freak" that I overlooked before. I apologize if this is confusing. I got my psychology degree from a bubble gum machine. :floorlaugh:
Does anyone have a link to the new Medical Examiner photos of Travis Alexander?

If so, could you please post it, or, send it to me.

Thank you in advance.

Mod Note: These are graphic images and will come up immediately at the link with no buffer to click through first. :tyou: -Ynot

i think this was them

please be warned these are graphic
Hey everyone :) I just got home from grocery shopping, the cashier was talking to the lady in front of me, they were both saying the juror who was excused today was arrested for stealing a car, and he had been stealing cars for a while. Soooo I thought I would come here to see if any of this is true. I did not get in the conversation; I do wonder how anyone knows anything about this juror. I don’t recall the judge giving an excuse; just that he was being excused. Has anyone heard anything?
Could someone confirm that I heard the Judge's comments correctly:
Earlier in the week, when the Judge announced next week's schedule, she said that Wednesday would be a long day and they would be in court all day and into the evening, if necessary, so that closing arguments could be held on Thurs and Fri.

Correct? Thanks!!

yes correct
I don't really understand this part. Are you talking about the pissed off texts he sent her? Because I don't know any person who has not said mean things during an especially heated fight. It doesn't mean he treated her like crap during their whole relationship. IMO. Regarding the sexual comments and the sex: Jodi admitted on the stand that she liked those.

I agree. After thousands of texts and emails between Travis and ja, the defense picks out 3-4 where Travis was angry and told her what he REALLY thought of her....but WHY, what had she done that he was so angered about? From what we know about Travis he was not easily she had to have done something REALLY TERRIBLE..more terrible than stalking him, slashing his tires, spying on him, breaking in his emails, reading texts on his phone, stealing from him, wrecking the car, sneaking in his house, refusing to leave when asked...worse than all these. He did not deserve to be slaughtered for a couple texts telling her what an evil person she is. JMO
I do not think HLN's model of Travis' bedroom is scaled properly. Mike Brooks is as tall as the shelves, and those shelves are supposed to be 7 feet tall

What? You mean they could be getting the Bold Accusation wrong? :gasp:
Could someone confirm that I heard the Judge's comments correctly:
Earlier in the week, when the Judge announced next week's schedule, she said that Wednesday would be a long day and they would be in court all day and into the evening, if necessary, so that closing arguments could be held on Thurs and Fri.

Correct? Thanks!!

Chelly, yes that is how understood what she said.
Could someone confirm that I heard the Judge's comments correctly:
Earlier in the week, when the Judge announced next week's schedule, she said that Wednesday would be a long day and they would be in court all day and into the evening, if necessary, so that closing arguments could be held on Thurs and Fri.

Correct? Thanks!!

This is what she said, yes. Given how we've seen the DT take forever to question their witnesses, then take every point one by one after the jurors questions....not to mention migraines, swine flu, scabies and other assorted excuses, Judge Stephens may be a little ambitious here. Hope it goes according to schedule though- would be nice to have the jurors return to their normal lives.
After watching the dateline - along came jodi story I do feel that Travis was playing with fire and it should be a good lesson to all to treat people with respect. Not saying he deserved anything to happen to him, just saying that I think he could have handled his relationship with Jodi in "better" ways.... But what do I know..

With all the things she did to him starting with after they broke up how do you expect him to treat her? She stalked him, moved to Mesa, slashed tires, came to his house uninvited, hacked into his personal spaces and followed him and his dates. Would you respect someone that had done all those things to you?

Respect works both ways.
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, including Travis, which he didn't get. Snooping into someone's private accounts, whatever they may be is not respect. Neither is hiding in someone's closet, sleeping under their Christmas tree after being asked to leave, slashing another's tires.... twice in as many days, sneaking into one's house through another way other than the front door or being invited in, peeking in the window of one's house while with another woman and then barging in and creating a scene, blackmailing.... which probably happened. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. None of these are examples of respect.

The point is, if Jodi had treated Travis with respect, she would have gotten respect in return, but she didn't. Personally, IMO, Travis gave her more respect that I ever would have. A person can only take so much before you have to bluntly and sometimes disrespectfully say what needs to be said. :twocents:

(Bolding mine)

What if Jodi had been on the receiving end of those kinds of antics? I can imagine that she would have had a conniption-fit and would have had cops and restraining orders all over him... with alerts going out to everyone she could think of to feel soooo sorry and afraid for her!
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