Truth be told, I don't know anyone that owns a gun, we have incredibly strict gun laws. Yes, we have very high levels of crime, hijacking and home invasions are daily occurrences but I believe there is crime everywhere in the world. The difference with us is the level of violence shown here, a "routine" home invasion usually ends in rape/torture/death..there is no mercy for children or the aged. We barricade ourselves in our homes, I live 2 streets away from my daughters school but she may not walk there, play in the street and I don't even know my immediate neighbours. People are randomly shot/stabbed for something trivial like a cellphone. We are used to it, this is our way of life. That being said, we have a huge influx of tourists who do enjoy the country and most make it home without incident. You just need to be cautious and ALWAYS aware. Hth