Here are some of the main issues at hand that are nagging at me, and why I'm having such a hard time believing OP's account of the events. It's not one thing I'm stuck on, it's several:
1. His explanation of why he was scared. Simply hearing a noise in the bathroom that you share with your lover, who you know is sharing the same room with you that night, is not cause to go in to full blown terror mode. I would have to abandon my logic to believe this. The only way this makes sense is if he was drunk out of his mind or high as a kite to have that level of paranoia. Sure, people get scared at night when they hear noises, I understand that, but full blown terror is something quite different.
2. The details are too intricate and odd: fans on the porch in the middle of the night, a room so pitch black you can't see one single thing, a locked toilet door in the middle of the night, men screaming exactly like women, cricket bats sounding like guns, etc. There are A LOT of details about his story that have to be justified to make sense.
3. OP retrieved his gun from Reeva's side of the bed. If it really was pitch black, he still was right there, right where she was supposed to be. Inches away. The supposed intruders were in the next room. Why in the world would he not get a hold of Reeva and make sure she is ok first. He's yelling to her to call police and she has nothing at all to say about that, and that doesn't strike him as odd? He can't just reach his arm up to shake her or grab her? He is asking us to believe the unbelievable. Just because something is possible does not also make it plausible. Could I win the lottery tomorrow? Sure, it's possible. But not very probable.
4. Why is it so urgent for him to blast through the bathroom door, without first investigating what or who is in the bathroom?. Again, I simply cannot buy that he was yelling out to whomever was in the toilet and they did not respond back to him at all. Of course Reeva would have responded to his voice. I've read some people theorizing that Reeva was hiding in the toilet when she heard OP yell to the intruder to get out. But let's think about that. Within seconds of hearing the noise in the bathroom, OP has a gun in his hand and he's running down the hall on stumps. From what I understand, he is fast on stumps too. If Reeva was just simply getting up to use the bathroom at night and she hears OP shout out, is she going to get her bearings together within a second or two and think OMG, I have to lock myself in here and hide? That is far more of a stretch for me to believe. He goes in there like he's Rambo because he has a suspicion? Is blowing through a bathroom door a reasonable solution when the person in the bathroom doesn't respond back to you? No, this is not a reasonable explanation. We are trying to make reason fit to an illogical situation.
5. Why 4 shots? Please don't try to tell me the 4 shots were an accident too. Nobody fires a gun 4 times unless they intend to either kill or very seriously mame the crap out of somebody. It's not like OP had never seen a gun before in his life. He is aware of what 4 bullets can do. He went at that door with intent to kill. Can we 100% say it was intent to kill Reeva at this point? That would be unfair as there is still a lot of evidence to hear at trial. But the 4 shots tell me that he was hot under the collar about something. I don't believe for a second that he shot 4 off without giving it any thought.
6. Multiple reports of a woman screaming. One or two people may mistake a voice, but 4 people now have very specifically stated that it was a woman screaming. They also heard a different voice, a man's voice. I can't discount 4 people. I will agree that we still need to piece these stories together and nail down a more solid timeline. But the mere fact of a woman screaming out in distress goes against the very fabric of OP's story.
Now, I do understand that people get mistakenly shot in homes. It does happen. But this is not your typical mistaken identity case. Usually somebody is surprised by somebody else when they are expecting to be home alone. Or somebody is sneaking out or in the house late at night downstairs and the father or whomever thinks it's somebody breaking in. I do see where this happens. Usually it requires somebody seeing another person or shadowy figure first before any action takes place.
In OP's situation, he knows that Reeva is upstairs with him. The bathroom is part of their bedroom. Somebody using a bathroom in the middle of the night (even if they were just previously in bed) is nothing unusual. I cannot logically understand ANY situation where simply using a bathroom at night would be terror-inducing. It defies logic. Also, OP never actually SAW anything. He didn't see a person, a person didn't talk, he didn't see a weapon... he had absolutely no clue whatsoever who or what was making a noise in the bathroom. Do you know anybody, and please be honest, anybody who would blindly shoot 4 times at a closed door when they don't have a snowballs clue in hell what they are shooting at?
With all of this said, it pains me to be thinking that OP is guilty. I don't want him to be guilty. Like many others, I once admired him very much. I still hope that something drastic happens at trial and I have an "ah ha" moment that clears it all up for me. It hasn't happened yet. Unfortunately with each witness that takes the stand, I see a much darker picture.