Thanks for that. Just read it, and yes, to see it laid out that makes you wonder how on earth Masipa could have accepted a single word OP said. As for the supporters who believe him, when they have to resort to making cruel and disparaging remarks about Reeva (the actual victim), rather than criticising an aggressive trigger-happy foul-tempered dishonest killer, you can tell they're not around for justice - but just to support a has-been celebrity.Well worth reading post number 9173 just put on DS. When it is all laid out like that it astounds me that Masipa chose to believe crucial aspects of his version or that the posters here who support and believe him continue to do so.
Thanks for that. Just read it, and yes, to see it laid out that makes you wonder how on earth Masipa could have accepted a single word OP said. As for the supporters who believe him, when they have to resort to making cruel and disparaging remarks about Reeva (the actual victim), rather than criticising an aggressive trigger-happy foul-tempered dishonest killer, you can tell they're not around for justice - but just to support a has-been celebrity.
Of course, many people who believe that Pistorius could be telling the truth don't make cruel and disparaging remarks about Reeva and can still criticise Pistorius for his macho- entitled guns-girls-cars attitude etc
Well worth reading post number 9173 just put on DS. When it is all laid out like that it astounds me that Masipa chose to believe crucial aspects of his version or that the posters here who support and believe him continue to do so.
BIBThat particular poster is superb...and has the patience of a saint.
What annoys me reading through (when I can bear to) is the continual harping on about the "intruder" from certain people.
What intruder, exactly? There wasn't one - that's the point.
They keep trying to pretend that Pistorius (supposedly) thinking there was an intruder is somehow exactly the same as when someone ACTUALLY has an intruder in their home.
"So what should be the punishment for someone who shoots an intruder?" - is the wrong question.
The right question is, "What should be the punishment for someone who leaps to an unwarranted assumption that there's an intruder, grabs a lethal weapon, makes no effort to secure the welfare of others, ignores every law laid down regarding gun use, offers no warning and then assassinates a person without provocation?"
Laws are laid down to protect innocents from being hurt by irresponsible gun owners...and Pistorius broke every single one. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
And STILL they think that less than a year in prison, followed by four sleeping in his own cosy bed ought to be enough!
It's genuinely hard to fathom.
Of course, many people who believe that Pistorius could be telling the truth don't make cruel and disparaging remarks about Reeva and can still criticise Pistorius for his macho- entitled guns-girls-cars attitude etc
James Grant ‏@JamesGrantZA 10m10 minutes ago
Whats at stake in the Supreme Court of Appeal judgement in the Pistorius appeal.
No, no, jilly...imo the best thing to do when you login on Thurs for Appeal Result Hearing is go directly to the LAST page where Mods will provide a link to a New Thread just before the Court convenes.Thanks for this Val. For the past few days I've been logging on and firstly taking note of the # of posts in this thread. I figure when I see the # of posts skyrocket that will mean a verdict! :crazy:
Exactly. This would mean that ANYONE (ISIS included) can go into a restroom at a hotel / mall / public place and start shooting through the toilet cubes, claiming they thought there were intruders in there.
Not the point.
It seems to me that for many the true horror of what Pistorius actually did has escaped them. Or doesn't matter to them.
Even if you do believe him, what he did is still so outrageously disgusting that no decent person should take his side and think the feeble punishment he got was enough.
Really, what is our world coming to when you can behave like that, leaving a young woman in that state, and still get (in essence) less than a year in prison?
I am so glad gun ownership in the UK is as limited as much as it is - given how many of my countrymen and women seem to think that what Pistorius did was somehow justified.
In relation to the post I was responding to, it is the point.
Many people who believe he might be telling the truth about not intending to kill Reeva are able to hold that brief without making cruel and disparaging remarks about Reeva.
Many of them are very critical of his macho behaviour.
No one whose posts I have read either here or anywhere else have ever suggested that he was justified in what he did. Understanding why he might have done it -according to his version - is not condoning it.
In relation to the post I was responding to, it is the point.
Many people who believe he might be telling the truth about not intending to kill Reeva are able to hold that brief without making cruel and disparaging remarks about Reeva.
Many of them are very critical of his macho behaviour.
No one whose posts I have read either here or anywhere else have ever suggested that he was justified in what he did. Understanding why he might have done it -according to his version - is not condoning it.
BIB -yep. That was right here on WS. Quite disturbing to read such disgusting comments about a young woman who was shot dead by a nutcase. The nutcase killer gets a free pass, and the dead woman gets insultedWell, a certain bi-forum poster of my acquaintance declared, explicity, that he "didn't give a damn about Reeva" (not on here). A few days ago there was someone going on about how she was a failed model hanging on to someone more famous.
And, I'm awfully sorry, but "understanding why he did it" IS justifying it. It is personally beyond me to "understand" how one human being can behave so recklessly and murderously based on a noise. That anyone can "understand it" genuinely worries me.
Oh, and I am astounded that you would describe putting four bullets into a person as "macho behaviour". Blimey.
Exactly. This would mean that ANYONE (ISIS included) can go into a restroom at a hotel / mall / public place and start shooting through the toilet cubes, claiming they thought there were intruders in there.
BIB Let's not limit ourselves to just ISIS here but instead expand our view to include what the real threat is here....American gun owners who kill more people every year than ISIS ever has in the US. BTW, in case anyone hasn't seen the news yet another mass shooting is under way in California with possibly 12 dead. The story is still unfolding.
Probably white, radical males.
So sad.