Mr Fossil and JJ,
I have just read your excellent description of the trajectories. I am sure you are spot on. OP had to be nearer the door when he fired the final 3 shots. The powder deposits do not lie. The are usually only detectable for 1 metre which confirms that any deposits found nearer the door have to be within 1 metre of the gun. Why did Nel not labour this point. It seems to simple to prove.
Interestingly on one of Judge Greenland's old videos he categorically states (I believe Greenland shoots) that OP had to be mentally totally in charge of his faculties to shoot such a tight set of shots. So none of the "I didn't know what I was doing" or "I did not aim". We know OP lies. With your work we are finding out just how much.
Very well done, again, and brilliantly presented.