BIB 1- Nothing much wrong with this line of argument in an article, IMO. It's the ones that make links to DV, or focus on the possibility of the cricket bat being used to crush her skull, or that publish unverified stories of pre-trial holiday romances, or that seek to ramp up the moral outrage that perish-the-thought pistorius dates to play football in prison etc that are the problem
BIB2- your label. It's too simple to say you are either a Reeva supporter or a Pistorius supporter. Surely it's about truth and justice for the sake of all involved parties?
BIB 3- how can that cognitive leap be made from believing that the verdict /sentence was right and from accepting and exploring other equally viable explanations than the more popular murderer-narrative, to not seeing the terrible death of Reeva steenkamp as the central tragedy? I would have thought that goes without saying. But the tragedy of her untimely death and the circumstances of it don't make him more or less guilty of murder.
I would not say I am a Reeva supporter. I didn`t know her, I just find her death so needless. Like you I want to see justice done and in this case i do not think that was the result. Even if it was CH, it is still a slap on the wrist type sentence IMO.
I probably shouldn`t call you a Pistorius supporter and wouldn`t except that you and the other two always excuse or justify his actions. We have been through this before, but every topic that comes up related to his actions before, during and after the trial is somehow justified or explained away. Perhaps it is a reaction to the overwhelming belief on this forum that he is a murderer, but even so, it just makes you look like an apologist for everything he said and did.
The cricket bat story emerged very early and was quickly quashed. CNN however continued with their `poor Oscar` tone through the whole thing. Did you see any of their coverage and if so, what did you think of it in general and Kelly Phelps in particular?
Finally, you talk of all the anti Pistorius talk on social media. What about some of the vile things said by the Pistorians about Reeva Steenkamp, with their attitude of if it hadn`t been for that woman our boy wouldn't be in this trouble. That was more disgusting than any rumours of nightclub altercations or new girlfriends IMO.