Trial Discussion Thread #28 - 14.04.17, Day 25

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I agree. I'm feeling rather ill for speaking badly about him, thinking it's funny about his Trans Am and posting it He's probably a really nice guy and this may ruin him... and who knows if he might hurt himself (yeah I know far reaching). He didn't murder anyone after all.

Good point.
Im having fun watching the police office behind Dixon. His facial expressions says it all.
"Get this guy out of here. What you talking about you crazy fooool!" :floorlaugh:
The Dixon-Oscar Interaction Model
Or Getting Everything from Nothing in Oscar World

(Must Read)

Now Roger Dixon stated he interviewed Oscar on what he saw in the toilet after the shooting of Reeva. And this helped form Dixon’s expert witness testimony.

But Oscar has given sworn testimony that he does not remember seeing much or anything just after the shooting. Under oath he has said that he is relying on ‘reconstruction’ and on witness testimony.

So you see in this Oscar-Speak/Oscar World, we have both circular logic at its finest (or worst depending on your POV), AND we have everything being built out of nothing through the use of circular logic and Oscar—Speak. This of course occurs all the time in the Quantum world. Please look up “creation and annihilation of virtual particles” [from the Void].

So the Dixon-Oscar interaction has led to the heights of circular logic and creating something or everything (Oscar’s allibi) out of nothing (Oscar’s null memory).

I have heard that I have been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics for creating this model to serve as an explanation of the interaction of the Quantum World with Oscar World.

Please help with my nomination.

And please remember with Oscar-Speak, should you be charged with a crime, you can create something out of nothing. We have the witnesses (or laypeople) to [Oscar]-speak wiith you today. We have the people who can get items of evidence into black holes should your case require this.

We are here for you with Oscar-Speak and so much more. ©Shane13.
What are the chances that this guy now regret's allowing his image to be shown?.
D: I was not asked to draw up a full report. I was asked by counsel to give testimony...

N: You were in the police for several years, did you not think it was important to keep a record?

Witness says he has a record but it's on his computer at home.
D: I have a visual memory, not a numerical memory.
He should know to write a complete report of his 'expert' findings for the court, whether or not he'd been asked. Dog ate my homework; it's on my computer at home; my eyes as a scientific instrument; I have a visual memory, not a numerical memory (eek!). Has a degree from the Oscar school of not taking responsibility.
Dixon's Twitter account has gained over 100 new followers in less than 20 minutes...!
I'm beginning think Dixon has no concept re the low standard of his tests and reporting. I detect a tone of self-righteousness in his voice. An introvert thinker.
Witness says the varnish adhering to the prosth is 'slightly' smaller that area of varnish missing from door'....'Pieces of the fibre sock stuck in the door'.
Someone asked if Nel could seek to preclude this witness. He can't. Dixon has been put forth as an expert witness and the court has accepted him as an expert. So Nel has to discredit his testimony - the witness isn't making that hard. Then its up to the judge (or jury) to determine how much weight to give the testimony rendered. My opinion is that much of his testimony won't be considered because of its inaccuracies, like the balcony light.


Please pardon errors as posted via Tapatalk with a less than stellar user.
I'm beginning think Dixon has no concept re the low standard of his tests and reporting. I detect a tone of self-righteousness in his voice. An introvert thinker.

Introvert thinker! Exactly. And the world's intruding and giving him a bit of a shock at the moment.

I completely forgot he was once a police officer. Hard to believe.
D: You can see in the photo there's a lot of dirt present on the door that's not there now. It's been cleaned.

I agree. I'm feeling rather ill for speaking badly about him, thinking it's funny about his Trans Am and posting it He's probably a really nice guy and this may ruin him... and who knows if he might hurt himself (yeah I know far reaching). He didn't murder anyone after all.

Aaah.....I think he will be ok. He got he can add to his rock and mineral collection. I'm not being funny...I collect rocks too.

He have a beer and smile.
I reckon it's straight over to Oscar's house for Dixon when this is over, he could certainly do with a lay down in a dark room.
I think Dixon is rather naive. More accustomed to the (relatively) genteel struggles of academic life. I think he completely failed to foresee or understand the scrutiny and powerful cross examination he would be subject to, in the witness box.

I don't believe he thought of keeping his eye open for any possible manipulations either...

I don't think he can have followed many trials.....

I would've been inclined to agree with all of that if it hadn't been for the obvious and deliberately deceptive way he took that photo of OP's bathroom window, and the person behind it.
I have to still wonder why OP put his socks onto his prosthetics instead of just a pair of shoes.
Nel seems to be saying that if door was kicked, there should be a larger amount of varnish missing from door, and transfer to the sock.

Not sure what he's getting at now....

Witness says he would expect tiny bits on the sock but he never tested for them.
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