Trial Discussion Thread #36 - 14.05.09 Day 29

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Night everyone and thanks for the interesting discussion this evening .
Falling asleep now which is good as I would like to be alert in the morning for the rest of Wollie 's cross :)
so really it comes down to, who benefits the most from lying?

Oscar...Reasons..... could spend years in jail, no more Olympics, celebrity lifestyle, hot women, money, gun toting, fast cars.


Ear witnesses....Reasons......They just didn't like the look of him, jealous, 15 minutes of fame, don't like disabled people, fancied a day out in court. Hardly likely!!!

Think my moneys on Oscar.
Decibels comparison:

Jet take off - 120 dB
Jackhammer- 130 dB
Gun shots 150-160dB average, higher for larger magnums, as high as 170's. ...

Those gun dB's are NOT indoors in a small space, which amplifies the dB.

BTW, 140 dB is the pain threshold for human beings and noise. Above 140 and anyone WILL experience pain.
There seems to be conflicting opinion re whether he would have been able to hear or not - from what I gathered his ears would have been ringing but he would still be able to distinguish voices so that would suggest he would certainly hear screams. IIRC it was the firearms lawyer on Sky that some have then dismissed because he was a lawyer, not a firearms expert. I dunno but you'd think a lawyer who specialises in firearms-related cases would have a good idea even if he wasn't a ballistics expert. Lawyers who specialise in maritime law might not be able to hoist a mainsail but I reckon they'd still know a bit about boats.

I personally believe that even in his wacky fairy tale version he certainly would have heard her scream at the very least after the first shot hit her.
Decibels comparison:

Jet take off - 120 dB
Jackhammer- 130 dB
Gun shots 150-160dB average, higher for larger magnums, as high as 170's. ...

Those gun dB's are NOT indoors in a small space, which amplifies the dB.

BTW, 140 dB is the pain threshold for human beings and noise. Above 140 and anyone WILL experience pain.

Funny he didn't stop at one shot if he was in that much pain!!!

Those poor police in pain every time they shoot someone, you'd think something would of been done about that years ago.
Do you mean like you "assume" he couldn't hear?

No, actually quite the opposite. You say you assume he could hear because he lied about other things ( also an assumption). I say there is reasonable doubt that he could hear screams then because objectively it is demonstrable that gunshots in such a space are more likely than not to cause pain and hearing loss.

I very specifically dont rely on his words one way or the other to reach my conclusion, nor my own subjective feelings about his veracity..
that's a very detailed investigation/explanation, for something that you then say is unimportant. ;)

and anyway, i want to ask oscar why he didn't phone the police.

Not so detailed sound being a part of what I do... took me more to write the post than "investigate"!

But point taken about the unimportance, I just hoped it might save me having to play, and lose, catch up through pages and pages of circumferential arguments about what he did or did not say ;-)

And as to why OP didn't phone the police... a good question I'd ask myself, but not holding my breath it's gonna be answered any time soon.
No, actually quite the opposite.
You say you assume he could hear because he lied about other things ( also an assumption). I say there is reasonable doubt that he could hear screams then because objectively it is demonstrable that gunshots in such a space are more likely than not to cause pain and hearing loss.

I very specifically dont rely on his words one way or the other to reach my conclusion, nor my own subjective feelings about his veracity..
BBM - excuse me? I'd appreciate you not accusing me of making assumptions about him lying about other things, when it is a fact that he pulled the trigger on the gun at Tasha's and it is a fact that he lied about discharging that gun. Lied. It is not an assumption. There are plenty of other proven lies, so please refrain from being rude and accusing me of "assumptions" about his other lies. Thank you.
Yes, lying hurts credibility. Which is why analysis of objective possibilities is all the more important...

If OP said he was deafened and only 1 in a 100 folks experienced such deafness then I would be very disinclined to believe him. That's not the case so I accord him reasonable doubt on this point.

Honestly, what difference does any of this make? OP already testified that Reeva did not scream. Then he testified that he did not hear her scream because he was deafened by his gunshots. So he has lied.

It is great that he says he was deafened! That means that he cannot contradict the five (5) witnesses that heard a woman screaming. This is not rocket science. Although some apparently are intent on seeing this morph into a science. :floorlaugh:
Posts like this make it very clear its a waste of time to do actual research and post it on this thread. What a circle jerk.

Mods....spank away. I'm ready. :D
That is an unfair comment given that most people here are happy to debate the evidence and only occassionally descend to frustration (or humour) over the seeming inability of Pistorius' supporters to do the same - I have seen many posts by supporters that are responded to politely and accurately and are then ignored by the original poster. You're under no obligation to answer my questions but for the third (or 4th) time, do you have any thoughts as to why OP was holding his gun like a complete novice when he was metres away from the dangerous intruder/s? Thanks in advance.
Posts like this make it very clear its a waste of time to do actual research and post it on this thread. What a group jerk.

Mods....spank away. I'm ready. :D

I've just read your average policeman who is armed doesn't wear ear protectors as they cant hear the radio etc etc.

and I'm sure OP would of stopped at one shot if it hurt that much, there was a pause.

I'm not the one that every ones disagreeing with....:seeya:
To be honest MsMarple I may have snickered until you said 'stop that snickering' before I got a chance to and then I didn't want to anymore if you know what I mean.

Totally off topic but do you like Miss Marple or just chose it as a good websleuths name? I only ask because I like to re-read Agathas after enough time has gone by to forget whodunnit and I've come to realise I really dislike Miss Marple as a character - now she displays TOTAL confirmation bias if I understand the term correctly. Like the little Belgian though - he has more sympathy for human foibles IMO.

I hear ya ;) You can snicker if you want - I do too now that enough years have passed. Amazing how we get so attached to our pets.

I read all of Agatha C's books when I was young and saw some similarities in the way she drew from her experiences with the locals in her village. I'm geekier than Miss M and I like to think that if she existed in today's world she'd also rely on the scientific method. And like Miss Marple I have to fight to avoid confirmation-biased thinking, along with other logical fallacies... so yeah, I guess I aspire more to a combination of her and Hercule Poirot.

I thought the username was oh so clever - until I found a gazillion variations of it on the Internet. Oh well. :rolleyes:
BBM - excuse me? I'd appreciate you not accusing me of making assumptions about him lying about other things, when it is a fact that he pulled the trigger on the gun at Tasha's and it is a fact that he lied about discharging that gun. Lied. It is not an assumption. There are plenty of other proven lies, so please refrain from being rude and accusing me of "assumptions" about his other lies. Thank you.

Goodness. I took your words at face value about " his lie after lie after lie " caused you to make assumptions based on his credibility. Rude is exactly what I've not been . Well, until my last post. Now that WAS rude, in response to sophomoric. :D
This might have been discussed already, and I'd given up on the live feed and gone to bed when this happened:

Did the DT get the last 2 female neighbour witnesses to scream like OP when he was supposedly screaming like a female????
Thread is closed and being reviewed.

New thread will open when trial resumes.

ETA: this post falls at random.
FYI - I'm reviewing now. I am flabbergasted at the little I have seen so far.

Know that ANYONE who has participated in attempting to "out" another poster or directly ask about their offline identity will be issued TOs. Compromising another member's anonymity is one of (if not THE) most serious offense and breach of WS TOS & Rules.

If you are aware of posts like this, I ask that you please alert (triangle in upper right corner of each post) so I can review. You can simply type my name in the alert box. Thanks
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