Trial Discussion Thread #43 - 14.06.30 Day 33

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Apologies for interrupting. I am just beginning to watch the start of Monday's session on YouTube. If I were to post here it would be about trial events most of you have already witnessed. Would I be breaking up the flow of conversation and be unwelcome with those posts? Either way I will understand. Please let me know in advance.:blushing: Thanks.
Apologies for interrupting. I am just beginning to watch the start of Monday's session on YouTube. If I were to post here it would be about trial events most of you have already witnessed. Would I be breaking up the flow of conversation and be unwelcome with those posts? Either way I will understand. Please let me know in advance.:blushing: Thanks.

Thanks for asking, I'm watching from the start also.
N: If the ccused can see-if there's light, the risk of falling is less?

Dr agrees, Nel repeats question about why Dr mentioned OP being vulnerable without a weapon.

Dr: He is still impaired (with weapon) but not as impaired as he would be without one.

Just catching up now on this morning's court session, but I have to stop to comment on this ridiculous response.

First of all, being armed does not make one less impaired. His physical impairment does not change. Feeling less vulnerable because he is able to defend himself perhaps, but absolutely not less impaired.

Second, wouldn't ANYONE, whether physically disabled or not, feel less vulnerable if they were armed with a 9mm loaded with hollow point bullets?!
:seeya: Geev & Chell, I can't watch today but maybe can jump in tomorrow!
Having one of those lovely Mondays :facepalm:

Catch up soon... :loveyou:
It seems the prosecution was given a large gift with this witness, and so far Nel is not looking that gift horse in the mouth.
:seeya: Geev & Chell, I can't watch today but maybe can jump in tomorrow!
Having one of those lovely Mondays :facepalm:

Catch up soon... :loveyou:

Okay Ny, sorry you're having 'one of those mornings' :(, hope it improves soon.
I'm only going from memory, and it's too late to look for it, but I thought the fan cable went behind a speaker on the left-hand side of the DVD player and the photo showing this didn't reveal how long the cord was. I thought Nel implied it was too short to reach the extension cord AND in any event it couldn't have been plugged in because the big fan and hair clippers were plugged in and there wasn't a spare socket for the small fan to be plugged in.

I was referring to the large fan, Jj, as that was the one which was attached to the extension lead and which would not have stretched far enough to have been in the position where OP insists in was. In fact, from the pix posted a couple of posts upthread to this, it is quite clear that that was indeed the case .. the extension lead was stretched to it's full length, and the cable for the large fan which was plugged into the extension lead was only a short one and the fan could not possibly have been moved much further right than the position in which it was photographed. Therefore, OP told one stonking great lie about having positioned the large fan at the foot of the bed (where the duvet is seen on the floor in the photos)
Sorry, you are respectfully incorrect. ➊The "cops" controlled the crime scene therefore were responsible for every item there during that time. ➋The "cops" didn't take the cable into evidence, therefore they are responsible for that too.

And to be fair the "cops" probably didn't need it but much later, without checking they had the cable, Nel decides to use the cable, or a photo of it, to prove a part of the State's case, i.e. that OP's testimony of what happened when he returned to the bedroom couldn't possibly be true.

Now, if I have this correct, for the relative part of the State's evidence to stand in evidence, Nel would have to enter the cable into evidence and file it with the court, along with the measurement of the distance from fan to plug which from a photo of the cable Nel affirmed could not reach where OP said it had been plugged in. otherwise IMO it will have to be struck off the record which is what I believe Roux is going for, not the cable itself which he knows is never gonna appear now.

What is missing? A pic of the cable and the cable or just the cable?
About the acoustics....

There were two people making noises in OP's house that night.

The Stipps and Burgers, who live in line with the bathroom window at the back of Oscar's house are adamant they heard a female voice screaming (definitely not crying) and then bangs and then silence.

All the close neighbors who testified for the defense were adamant that they'd heard a male voice crying loudly (definitely not screaming) and then security and the Standers showed up. Only one lady heard a bang which had woken her up before the crying, but not after the crying.

All the witnesses were sure of the gender and emotion in the voices they heard.


Source of image: Edited and uploaded it myself on imgur.

Edit: Similar (unedited) images can be found here...
and here...
From today's early testimony, it is unlikely that OP was moving around on his stumps prior to and during the murder.
For today's early testimony, it is unlikely that OP was moving around on his stumps prior to and during the murder.

You could very well be right. The interesting thing to me is that if he was moving around on his stumps he needed light. So then it couldn't have been as dark as he said it was. And this means he must have been able to see there was no one on the very white sheeted bed.
Anyone have a link to the continuous replay of live coverage of trial today?
Thank you!!:cheers:
For the life of me I can't figure out why OP is crying out to the night for help when his longtime domestic helper, Frank, is asleep downstairs in a room said to be right off the kitchen. Why has Nel never asked OP, "Why did you not call out to Frank or ask him to help you move Reeva downstairs instead of calling the Standers?"

Indeed. Or he could have just pressed the panic button and/or triggered the alarm.
It was mentioned before adjournment. If it is entered into evidence, blood has to be tested, does it not? Botched forensics, all around messy.
Isn't that what the acoustic engineer testified about? Defense is trying to say screams were from OP, because 'he sounds like a woman' when screaming.

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