Trial Discussion Thread #45 - 14.07.3, Day 36

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D has just told judge Nel's questions are 'temporal'. Lecturing again....
My comment was not aimed at you in any way shape or form.
I was commenting more toward the people who appeared, to me, to be ridiculing Nel's attempts at XE approximately 2 minutes after he started :facepalm:

I doubt they will agree he has done a good job but I totally agree with you on that score.


this is the first witness that's rattled me, like pulling hen's teeth. :run:
N: I'm just asking. Without knowing his blood pressure, we can't know if he had flight/fight response.

In his answer, I'm sure D just said 'fright' instead of 'fight'. Nel got told off for that.
From coming across as an expert in his field and a well spoken gentleman, he's now coming across as a quite angry defensiveness man when his testimony is questioned and very similar to OP when he was on the stand.
Hi Zwiebel!

Vielen Dank für deine heutige Arbeit!

Nel lists all the physical responses that witness won't testify about because he couldn't test for them at the time...

Lost my feeds...
Oooooh, Nel's getting him to say that OP had full intention of shooting - which is murder.
Nel asking him about the second startle and what it was - as Prof understands it it was closing of the toilet door
N: As far as you understand, he ided it as closing of the toilet door?

D: Yes

N: That caused a fight response?

D: Whatever that sound was, it created a second acoustic startle response.
D said OP was holding gun one-handed at shoulder level and not with elbow bent as OP testified?
Prof now saying the toilet door sound was an acoustic sound that created the second startle.
The guy is nuts (or the DT are for allowing him to) giving evidence on behalf of OP .. he's going to be the nail in his coffin .. :scared: .. what he is saying is 'premeditated' (in OP's intruder version) :facepalm:

Great for the PT though :-D
N: He acted on the sound?

D: Yes.

N: What did that startle cause him to do?

D: I do not recall..memory fuzzy...he was looking between open window and door, there- I need to read the record again.
Your feed's back now zwiebel so I'll stop pretending to give a good account of what's going on :D
N: ...but accused is still clealry thinking, evaluating...

D: Milady, question unfair. I cannot say who was in the bathroom...not my expertise...

N: You must be able to tell court how it affected him?
If he had any sense he would be saying he cannot answer because he wasn't there, and stick to it ..
D said OP was holding gun one-handed at shoulder level and not with elbow bent as OP testified?

OP appeared to be nodding as Nel was describing the gun position.
Bless you, whoever's sneezing in court.

N: You can't tell if he looked out of the window?

D: I can't say about sequence of's not fair...
I'm feeling for Roux. Surely he is thinking how hard is it to have one non debarcle of a witness. Just one!
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