Trial Discussion Thread #48

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And why didn't he call Frank, who was apparently sleeping right next to the kitchen?

EXACTLY!! It is bizarre beyond belief.

Do you think the guy in the white shirt, standing with security guards, could be Frank? (The Standers testified he was already in the street with security when they arrived!)

BBM - Like when OP said he went upstairs to fetch Reeva's bag, and then just happened to mention he 'didn't go through it' - when it was never suggested he did.

Yes, exactly. It's always suspect when someone voluntarily tries to vindicate themselves of something before they're even accused of doing it.
Great question, Cher!! IDK the answer about the 4 Counts of gun charges, but I'll speculate. :)

Imho since the Judge hasn't addressed these charges, then she currently sees them as allegations only.

Assuming OP is a first time offender, I think that when she rules on Count 1... and assuming she finds him guilty... his punishment will be a fine.

Now, when she addresses the additional Counts, she's judge those on the basis that OP is a repeat offender. moo

BIB - A fine? :confused: Count 1 is murder.
I'm positive that NIKE does not at all appreciate that OP wore a NIKE tank and shorts in his reenactment video.

Real subtle, Oz.

Give up.

You are forever commercial poison.

Your previous life is over.

YOU killed it with four Black Talons.

I don't think this has been posted but it's a well written analysis :

Offered by donmack

Anyone who still believes OP is innocent has to believe that the following scenario is credible:

Reeva happily goes to bed having packed all her clothes neatly away in her bag, including her underwear and the top she was wearing, while leaving her jeans inside out at the bottom of the bed

OP wakes in the night and immediately puts his hands over his face. He takes them off long enough to glance over and notice Reeva’s legs under the duvet. He then puts his hands back over his face to get out of bed – pushing aside a duvet that is not actually on him

He walks around to Reeva’s side of the bed without either looking at her or telling her what he’s doing. She doesn’t ask, either

Once his back is completely turned, Reeva silently scrambles across to his side of the bed and walks totally noiselessly and in the pitch black to the toilet

Never once facing the bed, OP brings both fans in and positions them at the end of the bed. How he did that with his back to the bed the entire time, I am unable to fathom. He either stood with his back to the bed, and put the fans in front of him and then walked around them, or positioned them with his arms behind him

In spite of the pitch black room he notices jeans on the floor. He is bothered by a small LED light enough to want to cover them with said jeans – but not bothered by the lit up LED display, the light on the TV or the lights on the light switches

He hears a terrifying sound from the bathroom and is frozen with fear. At no point does it cross his mind that it may have been the person sharing the bedroom and bathroom with him making the noise – nope, he’s so convinced it can’t be her, he doesn’t even bother to turn his head and glance in her direction

He doesn’t seek to clarify what he’s heard with his awake girlfriend who is feet away from him. He doesn’t wonder if she heard it too and is scared

He feels particularly vulnerable because he’s on his stumps, but doesn’t take a few seconds to put on the legs that are, actually, right next to him

He stops being frozen with fear and heads for his gun, making his way around the fans that he has just positioned in front of the bed. He holds into the bed for balance, and says not a word to the person who is in it regarding the fact that he believes that there are intruders in the next room and he needs to arm himself

He reaches under the bed for the gun careful not to glance across at the person he believes is in it

He stands up, faces the passage and whispers/ speaks quietly to Reeva telling her to get down and call the police without actually telling her why. He is not surprised that she doesn’t ask or that she doesn’t bother to get out of bed and get down as instructed

He makes his way in terror to the bathroom – ignoring the door that he and Reeva could have escaped through and the panic alarm that would have brought immediate help

He’s so desperate to put himself between the intruders and Reeva that he doesn’t actually check where Reeva is

He is too scared to put the light on but not too scared to start screaming as soon as he starts walking down the passage

He is walking slowly and quietly down the passage, screaming

Reeva hears the screaming but is too scared of the intruder to respond and give away her position, so she slams the door

OP screams at Reeva to call the police. She fails to do this even though she has her phone with her

OP gets to the bathroom doorway, and stops screaming so that the intruders won’t know where he is

When he sees that there’s no one in the bathroom, he starts screaming again

Reeva stands facing the door making no effort to speak to her screaming boyfriend who is now standing right outside the toilet door. She doesn’t wonder if he wants to come into the toilet and hide with her, she selfishly hides behind the silently locking door and says nothing

Somehow she steps backwards to knock the magazine rack on the other side of the toilet before immediately stepping forward again to the position she was in when she was shot

OP has many thoughts running though his head – a story about a neighbour being tied up in his house, the crime rate in SA, the builder leaving a ladder outside his house, the folly of shooting a warning shot into the shower in case it ricochets and hits him, but a noise from the toilet has all thoughts disappearing from his mind like a fart in the wind and he shoots once, moves position and shoots three more times without actually meaning to….all the while screaming

He stands screaming for a bit, then walks backwards out of the bathroom screaming

He gets to the bedroom, screaming, and is a trifle surprised to see that Reeva is not sitting in bed after hearing four gunshots from the en suite bathroom

He heads across the bed backwards,keeping his eyes on the passage….she’s not there. He walks along the gap between the bed and the curtains, she’s not there. She’s not behind the curtains either.

Gasp. Was that Reeva in the toilet? He doesn’t even bother checking to see whether she’s run out of the bedroom – that would be a ridiculous thing to do given that the shooting was in the bathroom, so he sees no sense in even checking (yes, he actually said that)

He runs with his gun back to the bathroom and tries to pull open the door – he’s still scared it may be an intruder, and hopeful it’s not Reeva, but he doesn’t bother checking to see if there’s a ladder outside the window

He runs back to the bedroom, parts the curtains and shouts for help from the balcony….holding a cocked gun in his hand because he’s still scared

He puts down his gun, sits on the bed, looks for his socks, puts on his legs then picks up his gun again to run to the bathroom – all in the pitch black because he tells us he never opened the curtains or put on the light

Kicking the door doesn’t work, so he runs back for his bat. He then runs back to the bathroom with a cocked gun in one hand and a cricket bat in the other

Oh, I almost forgot – throughout all of this he is screaming like a woman, except when he goes onto the balcony to shout for help in a man’s voice

All of the above takes him 15 minutes

Back in the bathroom, he puts down the gun and hits the door three times with enough ferocity that six people think they are gunshots. Four of those people had slept through the real gunshots 15 minutes earlier – seemingly not bothered by a sound 1000 times louder than the sound that they are hearing now

Once he breaks down the door and sees Reeva bloody and not breathing, he is as silent as a monk. No more screaming – he is too “sad” to scream anymore

In spite of screaming at Reeva to call the police three times, it doesn’t occur to him to do the same himself now

He sits sobbing over her, then pulls her against him, feeling her blood run on to him – although it only manages to stain his shorts and forearms

He is so distraught by Reeva’s condition, that getting medical help for her is not his first thought….calling a friend is

He psychically knows that Netcare will tell him to get Reeva to hospital himself so he calls Stander to help him lift her so he can do this

He then calls Netcare to be given the worst medical advice of all time – to take a woman who has been shot three times, once in the head, to hospital himself

He calls Security for help, then sobs down the phone to them. When they call him back, he forgets to ask for help and tells them he is fine

He runs downstairs, careful to switch off the alarm first and opens the door, crying

Coming back upstairs he smashes his way through the bedroom double doors before simply unlatching them

He carries Reeva through the bedroom, leaving a dissected line of blood that is half on carpet and half on the duvet on the bed – which the police can handily line up later making it look like the duvet was on the floor all along and that OP is one enormous great big fat liar

I could go on, but my dinner is ready.

I am starting to think that anyone who truly believes this man is innocent is slightly divorced from reality. It’s the biggest load of bullcrap I have ever, ever heard. Seriously.
All I can say is … Oscar doesn’t always lie. The last two lines say,

“This is my weapon. This is how I fight”.

Yep, and that’s how he fought with Reeva on Valentine’s Day.

“I am the bullet in the chamber”

A different Nike commercial, however, that features Pistorius has been pulled from South African television.
“Out of respect and sympathy to the bereaved, M-Net will be pulling its entire Oscar campaign featuring Oscar Pistorius with immediate effect,” M-Net Movies tweeted.
To Oscar:

"See that you do not use the trick of prayer to cover up what you know you ought to do." - Oswald Chambers

Sorry, randomly read ... :smile:
Maybe if they say sorry m'lady it won't happen again. He blatantly lied and said it wasn't him, the gun went off by himself and everyone else is lying... I doubt she'll have much sympathy for him on that matter


BIB You would think that since the defence really didn't put up any argument against the firearm charges, he will be found guilty on all counts. The only issue is that more often then not, first time offenders for these sorts of charges are usually given a fine though you would hope that Masipa would come down a little harder due to the evidence that appears to suggest that OP did lie about how these events really unfolded.
But how would we know? You said that she hadn't "addressed" them - well, she wouldn't be sharing her thoughts with anybody but the two assessors.
I wouldn't expect to hear anything from the judge until the summing-up (where appropriate) except for points of order and clarification.

Cherwell, I sincerely don't understand what it is you want of me and hope that the following will satisfy you.

You're now asking "But how would we know?" We wouldn't.

That's why my reply to your original question,
"When there are multiple charges, can you be considered a first time offender on all of them?....[End Quote], included "IDK" - "I'll speculate" - "Imho" - "Assuming" - "I think" - "and assuming" and ended with "moo."

O/T - options of bolding, Italics, etc. are currently unavail to me
EXACTLY!! It is bizarre beyond belief.

Do you think the guy in the white shirt, standing with security guards, could be Frank? (The Standers testified he was already in the street with security when they arrived!)


Good catch !!

My guess would be that it's Frank. I tried to "work" with photo to make his face clearer, but w/out luck...

I know some of the posters here have studied OP's social media site (or sites). Now I'm wondering if they came across any photos that may have been of Frank?
Cherwell, I sincerely don't understand what it is you want of me and hope that the following will satisfy you.

You're now asking "But how would we know?" We wouldn't.

That's why my reply to your original question, "When there are multiple charges, can you be considered a first time offender on all of them?....", included "IDK" - "I'll speculate" - "Imho" - "Assuming" - "I think" - "and assuming" and ended with "moo."

BIB was a rhetorical question. Of course we can't know.

I only asked you to explain what you meant in your earlier post when you said that (IYO) "since the Judge hasn't addressed (the gun) charges, then she currently sees them as allegations only."

That's all. I didn't, and still don't, understand what you meant by that, but it isn't important, so let it go.
BIB - A fine? :confused: Count 1 is murder.

Oh carp, Fox!!! Egads I wish I had seen your post before I posted earlier today. Yikes... I made the mistake of thinking there were gun charges Counts 1-4 !!

Believe me, I sure wasn't addressing the murder in my posts. Ty so much for pointing out my error.
EXACTLY!! It is bizarre beyond belief.

Do you think the guy in the white shirt, standing with security guards, could be Frank? (The Standers testified he was already in the street with security when they arrived!)


The caption on this photograph is just "Police outside Oscar Pistorius' home", probably taken on 14 Feb 2013 but later in the day. I don't think we can assume that the man is Frank. It could be a neighbour, or any of the residents or staff.

The police officer on the left seems to be wearing some sort of mask.
The caption on this photograph is just "Police outside Oscar Pistorius' home", probably taken on 14 Feb 2013 but later in the day. I don't think we can assume that the man is Frank. It could be a neighbour, or any of the residents or staff.

The police officer on the left seems to be wearing some sort of mask.

I was going to say the same thing .. this photo must've been taken much later in the day because it would've been fairly dark around 3:30-4:00am .. so it could be anyone, really.
I tend to agree it's a late photo of the day one police man in mask the other on his phone
Frank by this time is wisk off to somewhere nice and warm many miles away with more money than sense
And loving uncle Arnold
I know Frank had little say in the matter but I think the whole thing hurts him and someday he will speak for reeva
I've only just read this little nugget of incrimination from the bail statement:

"With the benefit of hindsight I believe that Reeva went to the toilet when I went out on the balcony to bring the fan in"

In was aware of the initial "I went onto the balcony.." in the affidavit that contradicted his testimony to just 'bringing them in from inside" but two occurrences is 'devastating' as GN will say.

I don't remember him putting this second part to OP. I think 'went out on the balcony' is even more incriminating.
Some of those lyrics to the song that OP played that Reeva didn't like are a bit prophetic (the song that he said on the stand he never knew).

A few lines I've selected (hopefully not contravening any copyright)

I am a sinner
Who's probably gonna sin again
Lord forgive me

I got my drink I got my music I will share it but today I'm yelling

I always knew life can be dangerous
I can say that I like a challenge and you to me is painless

Fell on my face and I woke with a scar

I always knew life can be dangerous
I can say that I like a challenge and you to me is painless
You don't know what pain is

This *advertiser censored* is vital, I know you had to
Die in a pitiful vain

Ima break out and then hide every lock
The caption on this photograph is just "Police outside Oscar Pistorius' home", probably taken on 14 Feb 2013 but later in the day. I don't think we can assume that the man is Frank. It could be a neighbour, or any of the residents or staff.

The police officer on the left seems to be wearing some sort of mask.

bbm - Is that one of those "hawks" or whatever the force was called that OP had gotten to solve his Batchelor problem for him?
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