I read an interesting perspective from a firearm instructor who said OP's story of firing one-handed in the dark doesn't match the shot pattern on the door. The first problem he said is being able to control muzzle flip when firing accurate shots in rapid succession. He said it takes a lot of practice and once the skill is acquired, you can shoot rapid accurate shots with about one second between them.
Now, with the type of ammo OP used, he said there is more charge behind the bullet so it requires more firing pressure, which results in more recoil and muzzle flip. With the shots all being relatively the same height, he said this means the shots were controlled and deliberate, and suggests the shots were no less than one second apart from each other. On top of that, he said firing with one hand requires even more time between the shots to control recoil and muzzle flip in order to accurately shoot the target in the same area.
He went on to explain the problem with OP's claim of the bathroom being dark. He said that he himself has participated in night shoot competitions and the muzzle flash of first shot unequivocally destroys your night vision. He said to be able to accurately fire the subsequent shots in the same area takes an inordinate amount of practice.
As an experienced instructor, he said the shot pattern on the door just doesn't match up to an unbalanced, one-handed shooter, who is firing in rapid succession, the dark, with powerful ammo.