Trial: Is Casey medicated? (Poll)

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Has Casey been medicated during the trial? (Multiple options ok)

  • I think she's been medicated a few times during her trial.

    Votes: 65 20.5%
  • I think she's been medicated the entire trial.

    Votes: 78 24.6%
  • I think she's been medicated since her crying episode the day CA testified.

    Votes: 35 11.0%
  • I am certain because of news reports that she's medicated.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • I don't think she's been medicated during trial at all.

    Votes: 95 30.0%
  • I feel she should be allowed to be medicated.

    Votes: 14 4.4%
  • I don't think she should have medication during the trial.

    Votes: 81 25.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Medicated for what? She is a Narcissistic Machiavellian Psychopath, I don't believe there is a medication for that.
I don't think she's been medicated because when the Jury in out of the room she becomes very animated and talkative and on and on and blah blah blah, in other words annoying.
I don't think she's been medicated because when the Jury in out of the room she becomes very animated and talkative and on and on and blah blah blah, in other words annoying.

That is just Casey. I think she would probably be fun to hang out or party with(in an alternate universe where she didn't murder her kid) but would get annoying if you were stuck in a room with her she since she doesn't shut up and incessantly talks about herself. I think only a dim bulb would be able to date her for any length of time since her novelty would wear off. Oh and also she is a there's that.
I don't think she's been medicated because when the Jury in out of the room she becomes very animated and talkative and on and on and blah blah blah, in other words annoying.
IMO she was a slob per Lee. Now she is OCD CHATTY and almost somber all. at the same time.
Shades of attention deficit drugs.
Not benzos.
Personally I feel she shouldn't be medicated.
Professionally I feel she should and HIPPA laws protect her.
I am torn, but this girl clearly has issues!
She is still a killer either way
Update from one of our lawyers, beachbumming:
Casey's medical records are confidential.

***my op-
I think she is medicated and has a legal right to the medication if it is properly prescribed. She should not be denied medical care in jail or prison whether we like what the doctor is doing or not. Respectfully in the minority (of 1) opinion on this one.

Minority of 2 opinion :) I believe ICA has been medicated for most of her jail stay and those meds were tweeked for trial.
I also believe she is medicated. She is likely on anti-depressants daily and anti-anxiety prn, which she is using for this trial. If you really need anti-anxiety meds they do not knock you out. For those who are not really suffereing from anxiety or are not used to the med, they may make you sleepy. My gut tells me ICA has been taken Xanax for awhile.

Many, many inmates are medicated. With ICA being high profile, she literally can get what she needs/wants. Her lawyer will make sure she gets some meds. I am sure he prefers her on them, then not..LOL.
I doubt she is on anything. Her personality type doesn't get depression or anxiety. Just listen to her complete lack of anxiety when being interviewed by the police. Xanax you may be right about though. All the interviews I've heard of her sound like she is at a job interview. She is always working the angle.
It doesn't matter is she is depressed/anxious. She will say she is. I have worked in prisons and directily w/inmates and their treatment. Any of them can get anti-depressants whenever they want. The doctors get around it by saying them have situational depression. Anti-anxieties are more difficult to get by ICA can virtually get anything that is needed. She is high profile and has five attorneys to file against the County at any time. Attorneys will claim inadequate treatment on the County if she doesn't get meds they think she needs.
Attorneys have taken a major role out here concerning inmates health and mental needs. We had fifty attorneys on call at the prison. These inmates pick up the phone to complain and here goes a lawsuit. California had to implement mental health teams into the prisons themselves to monitor and take care of medication needs.
You are probably right. We do live in a society that feels the answer to everything is more prescription drugs. I do remember an interview with one of Casey's friends where she said Casey was saying she was thinking about having herself committed (this was in 2007 after she split with her bf Brandon) and that she was feeling crazy etc.

I find it odd how Casey really wanted to be with Tony, the interviews I've heard with him make him sound like a total pud.
I doubt she is on anything. Her personality type doesn't get depression or anxiety. Just listen to her complete lack of anxiety when being interviewed by the police. Xanax you may be right about though. All the interviews I've heard of her sound like she is at a job interview. She is always working the angle.

I agree with you concering your assessment of her. However, her attorneys would want her medicated in that courtroom. She is OCD, impulsive and will lash out. Since they are not physically restraining her, she may need medical restraints

I expect a meltdown when she is handcuffed and taken to prison. If I don't see one, I wil know that she is on tranquilizers.
If Casey had been taking an antidepressant for awhile it would seem like she wouldn't have a flat effect or appear dull. You'd think the meds would be doing their job. Something has helped her to quit smacking her lips and constantly smoothing clothes and hair. I've seen her almost smack her lips together quite a bit and she seems to catch herself, and the same thing with the clothes. Maybe having her hair back is planned to prevent the messing with it, too. Stern warnings about all those habits may be all that she has been given. She still has that wild eyed glare at times when she's smiling at people.

Good poll, I was thinking about this today because to me it seems like she stopped all that OCD stuff overnight.

I've heard that different anti-depressants work well if someone has OCD or anxiety with their depression. But if all of her fidgeting has stopped because of that kind of med, I don't think the change in behavior would be so dramatic. I've taken Prozac and it took a couple of weeks for it to kick in.

But I'm sure I don't know everything about how these drugs work so maybe she is taking an anti-depressant for the fidgeting. If she is taking anything I think it would be an anti-depressant because I don't see prisons handing out valium that easily.

I'm not real sure if doctors make a habit of rxing stuff like xanax anyway. I used to have massive panic attacks and IIRC I was only rxed something like that as needed. I didn't quite understand the wisdom in taking something that made me unable to function to treat something that was making me non-functional in a different way. Taking the meds is just a much more comfortable way of not functioning.

If its just a matter of comfort, why should ICA be medicated with downers? I'd think that there many prisoners who would love medication to deal with the enormous stress of trial, prison etc. I can't imagine the state medicating all of them. Why should ICA be any different?

If it is not a medical necessity or something she needs so she is fit to stand trial and participate in her defense I don't think it should be rxed.

So since I don't know for sure how medications would affect her or how prisons do that I just voted that she should have the right to take them, but only if its a medical necessity, not so she will look better to the jury.

I don't know about Lee. Sometimes it looks like of all the Anthony's, Lee has been the one who's physical appearance has changed the most. I have never known what to make of him.
I doubt she is on anything. Her personality type doesn't get depression or anxiety. Just listen to her complete lack of anxiety when being interviewed by the police. Xanax you may be right about though. All the interviews I've heard of her sound like she is at a job interview. She is always working the angle.

Good point. IIRC she was fidgeting OCD-like in at least one of the interviews I've seen. The OCD stuff has never struck me as being anxiety related.

I used to have a lot of anxiety too and I would pick at my fingers and twirl a piece of my hair. I heard a talking head say that people do that to calm themselves. That makes sense, but I'm pretty sure that it was obvious to others that I was anxious. I've never seen that with ICA. Not everyones the same though, but still.

With ICA how can we know if her behavior is "real" or an act?
I think she has OCD for real...amongs a lot of other mental issues...LOL.

ICA is high profile and arrived at the jail w/numerous attorneys. She is not the common inmate. She will get meds if she wants them and there is documentation. There have been psychs that have visited her. She can get meds advised by them or their reports could leave wiggle room
for her to get them regardless. She is different from the common inmate, much to my dismay.
OCD is an anxiety-related disorder. and I see her having this. Many people who have major anxiety issues will have control issues also. They are what some call control freaks...also stems from anxiety.

Typically control freaks don't like any meds that will slow them down...but she may have been convinced to take them for the trial.

IMO, her entire family struggles with major anxiety..and other assorted tics....of course, IMO.
I agree with you concering your assessment of her. However, her attorneys would want her medicated in that courtroom. She is OCD, impulsive and will lash out. Since they are not physically restraining her, she may need medical restraints

I expect a meltdown when she is handcuffed and taken to prison. If I don't see one, I wil know that she is on tranquilizers.

Your posts are interesting because you've been in the prisons.

I wouldn't think ICA would be a threat and I don't think she's shown any tendencies towards being violent, but I guess it doesn't take a major incident to cause a lawsuit.

It is disturbing to hear that prisoners can medicate with downers that probably wouldn't be rxed longterm in the real world, but I'm in AZ so I know what happens when prisoners aren't given proper physical and mental medical attention. I do not think its right. Its bad for the inmates and its also makes it much more dangerous for the people that work at the prisons.
If she isn't medicated, then she is truly a heartless person. I don't see how she can sit there so detached, considering the topic matter at hand.
I don't think she is medicated. She had the giant fit 2 Saturdays ago, and started to have a minor one yesterday. I a certain that the attorneys had a talk with her on the big Saturday fit about not acting up in Court. I also notice each time she gets angry the "guards" get right up on her now, not giving her any space to shove a pencil in anyone at the table. If there is any medication it is not stopping her from getting angry. She may just be spacing out, it can't be easy to sit there all day long.

I know it is next to impossible to get meds here in jails, I don't know about Florida. Whisperer did make a good point though. With as many psychologists as have passed through her cell doors, at least one could have written a scrip for a mild sedative, just so she will not keep having hissy fits. For all we know AL or AF may have requested just that since KC is just out of control when she is angry or seeking attention. I just don't know about doping someone up daily for 8 weeks though, there lies another problem with the idea.

If you haven't seen any of her fits from mild to bizarre, you have missed a frightening adult tantrum.
I have been wondering about this for a while. I, most definitely, think she is medicated. She was uncontrolably fidgeting with her hair during the jury selection and now that has completely stopped. It was very apparent to all the media outlets and I am sure it got back to her attorneys. It would have been too much of a distraction during the trial. I don't think she has that much self control that she could just turn that off. I remember that same look on the face of Scott Peterson during his trial. This may be common practice for high profile cases. There is so much that comes out in these trials that the defense can't risk an "outburst" during the trial. I don't know what they would give her, but I would look like this even if I just took Benedryl. Just my opinion....

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