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DNA Solves
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Ya know Melani had interest in Chad before he hooked up with Lori. She left her husband and four children for his beliefs. I don’t know the timeline of when he met those two women but he even told Melani they too were married in a past life. If you are raised in LDS, the idea of being married to a prophet must be exciting (I guess). Didn’t Chad tell Melani she should grow close to Lori? Several women were interested in Chad. (Eek!) There are rumors of other women. So bottom line, I wonder if Chad may have slept with Melani. He knows she knows a lot. He must hate her for not lying for Lori about JJ.
As for David, it is my understanding Melani and David split a long time ago. Don’t know if they ever divorced.
ETA: Chad also told Zulema they were married in a past life.
I'm just gobsmacked over that pickup line -- We were married in a past life.
Prior also brought out in cross examining Melanie that she was married to someone else at the time she entered into a relationship with David -- her current husband. I was surprised, as I did not know that.

I think that jurors are past caring about that sort of thing. Prior is just trying to throw slime on the wall and see what sticks.
I u
It’s odd how people can come to so very different conclusions. We’ve been following this together for years here on WS and hearing and seeing the same things regarding MG and I know a lot of WSers agree with your opinion of MG but I don’t see her that way at all. I don’t think she ever thought that LVD would do anything to those children even when she had suspicions about what happened to CV. I think she was gullible and I think it took that call asking her to lie to police about having JJ to open her eyes. But I think that since then she has been cooperative and truthful - though I do think she had her timeline confused in LVD’s trial and in interviews before trial and after she testified - she seems a bit clearer on some of that this time and I really do believe she regrets any involvement with castings and with LVD & CD at all.

And I’m glad that we can have different opinions and share them with each other here on WS!
I understand what you are saying. I cannot see how she is a star witness as I don’t see her as credible. I realize Chad is a creep who is defenseless but Prior is doing what he is supposed to do. I do think Prior is cruel for continuing to call David Warwick her boyfriend to make sure that the jury knows Melanie was committing adultery as well as Lori was. He wants her to look like the hypocrite she is. But…I guess her testimony is needed. Man I just don’t see Melanie or Lori as gullible. And I do believe this belief system of Chad’s was theirs also. They felt exalted. In the end Charles, Tylee, JJ and Tammy were dead or very dark and close to their deaths while the others were excited about their future.
Prior is making some very good points and I agree with him…except for the murderer he is representing.
I hope Melanie gets some much needed rest tonight. She is going to need it.
IMO she did well today. JP didn't manage to throw her off (he also made an effort to stay polite most of the time, which was new) and she didn't appear intimidated by him.
At this point, JP is doing a much better job representing his client than LVDs lawyers did, no doubt about it. I may find him irritating and condescending at times, but what def atty isn't? He does need to quit testifying, though.
My husband was a respected Public Defender in our community. While he didn’t win popularity contests , and their were times I told him you wouldn’t want me on his jury , he had high integrity believed in the Justice System and provided the best defense to all his clients. Many were not going to win any Citizens awards , but I admired my husband and his ethics bc I knew he gave his best on every case from murder to shoplifting clients. It is disturbing to read everyone’s comments slamming Pryor for doing his job.
Cleaned up my notes a bit to make them more concise


DAY1: W APRIL 10, 2024 (video)

Count I: Conspiracy to commit first degree murder and grand theft by deception (Tylee)
Count II: First degree murder (Tylee)
Count III: Conspiracy to commit first degree murder and grand theft by deception (JJ)
Count IV: First degree murder (JJ)
Count V: Conspiracy to commit first degree murder (Tammy)
Count VI: First degree murder (Tammy)
Count VII: Grand theft (Tylee & JJ’s social security benefits)
Count VIII: Insurance fraud (LifeMap Assurance Co)
Count IX: Insurance fraud (Primerica Life Insurance Co)

Opening Statement: “Two dead children buried in Chad Daybell’s backyard… His desire for sex, money and power the deaths of his wife and two innocent children."

Opening Statement: “What’s important are facts and evidence.”

1a - LT RAY HERMOSILLO: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg Idaho PD detective
Jeep surveillance, welfare check, search warrants on apartments (Nov 2019); search warrants in HI (Jan 2020); final proof of life for Tylee (8 Sep 2019) and JJ (22 Sep 2019); Tammy’s death (19 Oct 2019); discovery of kids’ bodies in CD’s yard (9 Jun 2020)

DAY2: Th APR 11, 2024 (video)

1b - LT RAY HERMOSILLO: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg Idaho PD detective

discovery of kids’ bodies in CD’s yard (9 Jun 2020); attempted shooting of Tammy (9 Oct 2019); shooting of Charles Vallow (11 Jul 2019); attempted homicide of Brandon Bordeaux (2 Oct 2019)

D: X-EXAM: body cameras; paintball guns; charges in Charles & Brandon’s cases; interview of Melanie Gibb & David Warwick
S: REDIRECT: CD familiar with and not afraid of AC

DAY3: M APR 15, 2024 (video)


CD & LVD phone call on day when children were discovered (9 Jun 2020)

D: X-EXAM: Interviews Melanie Gibb, Garth Daybell
S: REDIRECT: CD & LVD phone call tone (9 Jun 2020)
D: RECROSS: possible other reasons for tone, driving off

3 - ERIC WHEELER: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD detective
Video of CD & Emma after arrest (9 Jun 2020)

D: X-EXAM: body cam footage of CD’s arrest, being told “Your attorney can now come to you”
S: REDIRECT: timing of CD’s flight
D: RECROSS: CD had not been told about remains when he left in his car

4 - LT JOE POWELL: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co PD detective
Tammy’s death (19 Oct 2019); surveillance (Nov 2019); Tammy’s medical records, exhumation and autopsy (11 Dec 2019)

D: X-EXAM: No body cams; Tammy’s medical records and presciptions
S: REDIRECT: timing of Charles Vallow’s death, Tammy’s death
D: RECROSS: CD not implicated in Charles Vallow’s death

Phone attribution for CD (9 numbers, 3 of interest), LVD (6 numbers, 3 of interest), AC (6 numbers, 3 of interest)

DAY4: T APR 16, 2024 (video)


Web searches including: wind direction (8 Sep 2019), Jeep seat removal (30 Sep 2019), wedding items (22 Oct 2019)

D: X-EXAM: Melanie Gibb & David Warwick at LVD’s that weekend; JJ & Tylee as witnesses to Charles’ death
S: REDIRECT: No searches regarding divorce/separation

6 - NATHAN DUNCAN: STATE WITNESS, Chandler PD detective
Shooting of Charles Vallow (11 Jul 2019); email, phone, and text records; patriarchal blessing (24 Nov 2019)

D: X-EXAM: possession, dark/light, church of firstborn, frequencies, death percentages, multiple probations; AC died of natural causes
S: REDIRECT: witness recommended charges for CD in Charles’ death

7 - MARK SAARI: STATE WITNESS: Social Security Administration special agent
[JAN 2020] Tylee’s survivor benefits from Joe Ryan = $1859/mo; JJ’s survivor benefits from his father = $1951/mo

D: X-EXAM: CD not on any SS documents, not responsible for that

DAY5: W APR 17, 2024 (video)


search warrants for apartment, storage unit, PO Box, financial documents (Nov 2019); travel documents

D: X-EXAM: CD’s business travel; CD not implicated in Charles’ death; CD & LVD did not co-mingle money
S: REDIRECT: CD was married to LVD when she received SS funds

9a - MICHAEL DOUGLASS: STATE WITNESS, FBI forensic accountant
Tylee’s financial timeline

DAY6: R APR 18, 2024 (video)

9b - MICHAEL DOUGLASS: STATE WITNESS, FBI forensic accountant

Tylee’s financial timeline; JJ’s financial timeline

D: X-EXAM: burner phones; life insurance timing

CD’s books; multiple probations; LVD’s & AC’s “missions”; dark & light ratings; “castings”; recording of phone call to CD & LVD; “zombies”

D X-EXAM: shared beliefs; media interviews; texts w Rob Wood; events of 22 Sep 2019 weekend

My husband was a respected Public Defender in our community. While he didn’t win popularity contests , and their were times I told him you wouldn’t want me on his jury , he had high integrity believed in the Justice System and provided the best defense to all his clients. Many were not going to win any Citizens awards , but I admired my husband and his ethics bc I knew he gave his best on every case from murder to shoplifting clients. It is disturbing to read everyone’s comments slamming Pryor for doing his job.

I am sure that your husband has done a great job. Sometimes, people make mistakes. And they deserve a vigorous defense. Chad Daybell also should have a vigorous defense.

We have just had to deal with Prior's backhanded behavior for years. It goes beyond a "defense", into trying to make honest people into confused people who sound like liars.

That is beyond a "vigorous" defense. Just my own thoughts.
I u

I understand what you are saying. I cannot see how she is a star witness as I don’t see her as credible. I realize Chad is a creep who is defenseless but Prior is doing what he is supposed to do. I do think Prior is cruel for continuing to call David Warwick her boyfriend to make sure that the jury knows Melanie was committing adultery as well as Lori was. He wants her to look like the hypocrite she is. But…I guess her testimony is needed. Man I just don’t see Melanie or Lori as gullible. And I do believe this belief system of Chad’s was theirs also. They felt exalted. In the end Charles, Tylee, JJ and Tammy were dead or very dark and close to their deaths while the others were excited about their future.
I think I may see MG differently because many years ago I was involved in a church that may not have quite been a cult but certainly wasn’t in line with God’s Word. I was young and a relatively new Christian and hungry to learn more and for a while I bought into some of the things that were being taught - certainly nothing as bizarre as dark people and zombies and previous lives and wives but hurtful to people in other ways. I didn’t realize it until I left it but I had noticed things that weren’t quite right and overlooked them to be a part of this church and ministry. Once I recognized how we were hurting people and left, I could see much more clearly than while I was in the midst of it. No one died or anything but spirits were crushed and some of the people who were hurt never have returned to the Lord. I will always regret my participation in that church and with that pastor even though at the time while I was in it, I could not see it…but the moment I stepped away it was literally as if blinders fell off my eyes and my heart was broken and overwhelming conviction flooded my soul for having had any part in any of it. It was decades ago but it forever changed the way I see people who have come out of similar situations - including MG.
@aafromaa thank you for sharing your experience. My friend had a similar experience, she joined a "cult", which had various "classes" that people took, at great expense, to have "secret" advanced knowledge that others in the cult did not have.

She was also supposed to recruit people. I couldn't afford the "classes", so she stopped being my friend, because I asked her how the classes were helping her. The cult leader only wanted cult members to be with other members buying into the cult. And spending their money to be "exalted".
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