DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Going through my list of State witnesses in the LVD trial, these are the ones we haven't seen yet:

1. Kay Woodcock
2. Brandon Boudreaux
3. Ray Hermosillo

4. Jared Willmore (Madison Co. - LVD & CD prison phone call)
5. Joe Powell
6. Melanie Gibb
7. Nathan Duncan

8. Zeluma Pastenes (friend of LVD)
9. Colby Ryan
10. Mark Saari
11. Chuck Kunsaitis
12. Mike Douglass

13. Scott Cowden (Chandler FD paramedic re: CV's death)
14. Airel Werther (Chandler PD homicide re: CV's death)
15. Sandra Ynclan (Chandler PD homicide re: CV's death)
16. April Raymond (friend of LVD)
17. Nathan Moffatt (Chandler PD re: CV's death)
18. Sydney Woodbury Schenk
19. Josh Wilson
20. Wynn Hill
21. David Warwick

22. Bruce Mattingly (Fremont Co - electronic evidence from Daybell home)
23. Benjamin Dean (FBI - TD phone data, including raccoon text)
24. Dave Stubbs (Rexburg PD - electronic records, wedding photos)
25. Nicole Heideman
26. Nick Ballance (FBI - cell phone locations)
27. Summer Shiflet (LVD's sister)
28. Rick Schmitt (Rexburg PD - storage unit footage)
29. Steve Daniels (FBI forensics - excavation of JJ & TR's remains)
30. Dr Garth Warren (forensic pathologist - JJ & TR's autopsies)
31. Dr Angi Christensen (FBI forensics - examination of TR's remains)
32. Douglas Halepaska (FBI forensics - tool marks on TR's bones)
33. David Sincerbeaux (ID State PD forensics - fire debris analysis)
34. Rylene Nowlin (ID State PD forensics - DNA to TR's remains)
35. Katherine Dace (forensic biologist - DNA on shovel & ax)
36. Tara Martinez (forensics - AC's prints on plastic bag)
37. Samantha Gwilliam (TD's sister)
38. Colter Cannon
39. Helena Kaaiakamanu (Fremont Co Sheriff - TD's paintball 911 call)
40. Christina West (Fremont Co Sheriff - 911 call for TD's death)
41. Alyssa Greenhalgh
42. Cammy Wilmore (Fremont Co EMT - TD's death)
43. Brenda Dye (Fremont Co coroner - TD's death)
44. Spencer Cook (School district tech director - CV's address blocked in TD's email acct)
45. Kelsey Harris (TD's friend & workout buddy)
46. Shanna Miller (TD's friend & workout buddy)
47. Keeley Coleman (DNA analyst - LVD's hair on duct tape)
48. Ricky Wright (FBI - AC's GPS location)
49. Dr. Erik Christensen (forensic pathologist - TD's cause of death)
50. Bruce Mattingly (Fremont Co Sherriff - TD's medical records, FitBit, life insurance)
51. Alice Gilbert (TD's neighbor and friend - Daybells' relationship, widowhood/courtship, asking for $)
52. Todd Gilbert (TD's neighbor and friend - TD's funeral, LVD & CD courtship)
53. Audrey Barattiero (LVD's friend - beliefs, negative spirits, threats)
54. Vince Kaaiakamanu
55. Ian Pawlowski (husband of LVD's niece - beliefs, "spiritual attacks")
56. Taylor Ballard (insurance agent - Daybells' health insur policy plans)
57. Angela Yancey (school district admin - changes to TD's insurance policy)
58. Collin Nesbit (Kauai PD - serving documents in HI)
59. Ryan Pillar
60. Doug Hart

61. Nicholas Edwards (investigator for Idaho AG)

Not sure if Kay (#1) is testifying here.
#4's testimony has already basically been covered by other witnesses.
#13-17 were specific to Charles' death, which is CD is NOT being prosecuted for.

Of the remaining witnesses from LVD's trial, there were a number whose testimony went across two partial days -- Zulema, Dave Stubbs, Nick Ballance, Steve Daniels, Angi Christensen, Samantha Gwilliam, Erik Christensen, Ian Pawlowski -- but none that lasted longer than that, which makes me wonder if we're in for someone new tomorrow? Or maybe the State just recognizes that cross-examination is taking a lot longer than in LVD's trial?
Thank you for sharing this! I’m super bummed that Julie Rowe isn’t on the list. Would love to hear her take on things.
Thank you for sharing this! I’m super bummed that Julie Rowe isn’t on the list. Would love to hear her take on things.

That is the list from LVD trial, we don't know who will be up for CD.

I think that Prior is going to try to blame JJ and Tylee on AC and LVD. And stick with the story that the marks on Tammy's body could have happened at any point in time. To raise reasonable doubt on how she died. And of course, per Jose Baez, "if you don't know how she died, you don't know who did it.".

That may work in Florida, but this is Idaho. I think CD is so narcissistic, he thinks that he will beat this. My own opinion, is that he should have taken a plea. But, I guess that the DP is no big deal to him.
That is the list from LVD trial, we don't know who will be up for CD.

I think that Prior is going to try to blame JJ and Tylee on AC and LVD. And stick with the story that the marks on Tammy's body could have happened at any point in time. To raise reasonable doubt on how she died. And of course, per Jose Baez, "if you don't know how she died, you don't know who did it.".

That may work in Florida, but this is Idaho. I think CD is so narcissistic, he thinks that he will beat this. My own opinion, is that he should have taken a plea. But, I guess that the DP is no big deal to him.
The biggest difference is being able to prove who was actually with Tammy when she died and where, vs not. Thats pretty damning for Chad, imo. That does seem to be where he’s trying to go with it but I don’t think it works logically as well as in Casey’s case. MOO

I wasn’t even as convinced in that case as I am in this case!
Can I get possibly too speculative for a minute?

Didn't the Madison LE person testify that Tammy was found "colder than the air temperature," more than once?

And wasn't October of 2019 particularly brutally cold?

Was Tammy stored "frozen" outside, and moved in to call 911?

Lividity suggests she was lying on her back. The simplest explanation is she was killed in her bedroom.

But... how could she be colder than the air? That is just not physically possible unless the room temperature had been dramatically lower before LE arrived.

I guess it is possible that something happened such as the thermostat was located near the door where people started coming and going, causing the sensor to be chilled and the corners of the house heated.

But- it seems to me that if Tammy was detectably colder than the air to the touch, she would have to have been chilled to the core to a significantly lower temperature. If I take something out of my 55 degree basement to a room upstairs, it doesn't feel cold to the touch for more than a moment.

From the fridge (maybe high 30s to 40 degrees) it still doesn't take that long to warm up. But Fridge temp is too cold for a home owned by the stingiest home owners.

I wonder if the coroner took Tammy's temperature?

Would her hair not show signs of being frozen? It would probably melt faster too and be damp. And clothing.
There are beings described as Gatherers in the Book of Revelation, chapter 16. But I don't think Chad-and-Co. would see this description of demons who are gathering in the end days and go, "Ooh, it's in the Bible, that can be us!!" , would they?!?! Ha.

"And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty."
Cocomod, my post was in response to someone posting that MP should have known what happened to the kids because she lived right next door. The “she” was MP not LVD - MP did not move to Idaho until Halloween - sorry for any confusion on that one.
IIRC, MP visited Lori in Rexburg before BB was shot at. That would have been in September. The children were gone by then. How did she explain not seeing them, especially JJ? In her media interviews she never said that Lori told her they were away, but that they were busy. Similarly, AB visited Lori in November. Did she testify about the children's whereabouts at Lori's trial?
If the State had found any new evidence between LV's trial and now, would we know about it? I know there have been little surprises but would there be any big bombshells? Or since Defense has discovery, would it have come out somehow?
JP would ask one of the diggers, did you dig up the whole area or did you stop when you found both children. If they stopped , He would ask Then the raccoon could have been there, just not where you dug.
Chad texted Tammy that he buried the raccoon at the pet cemetery. At Chad's preliminary hearing in the first case JP insisted that the family had multiple pet cemeteries on the property (so did Chad's children in their TV interview). If the raccoon was buried elsewhere, why was only one grave visible on the satellite photo from the day Tylee was buried?
Wednesday, April 24th:
*Trial continues (Day 10) (@ 8:30am MT) & Motions Hearing (@ 3:30pm MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2020 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) & Tamara “Tammy” Michelle Douglas Daybell (49) (died on Oct. 19, 2019 at her residence in Salem, ID; dob 5/4/70). – *Chad Guy Daybell (53/now 55) arrested (6/9/20) & indicted (5/25/21) & charged (5/26/21) & arraigned (6/9/21) with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy, 49, died 10/19/19): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6 (for Tammy): 1st degree murder. Count 8 & 9: Insurance Fraud (Two counts of insurance fraud related to 2 different life insurance policies he had on Tammy). Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP. (Judge denied removing DP 3/14/24). Fremont County
Trial began on 4/1/24 with final jury selection & ended on 4/8/24. Jurors: 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [10 men & 8 women]. Jury will be sequestered during deliberations in the guilt phase thru the penalty phase.
Trial began on 4/10/24. (approx. 8 weeks) Court hours are 8:30am to 3pm Monday-Friday. Trial is being held in Ada County.
Judge Steven W. Boyce presiding. Prosecutors: Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake, Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood, Special Attorney General Prosecutor Ingrid Batey & Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Rocky Wixom & defense attorney John Prior.

Court info from 6/10/20 thru 3/29/24 & Jury Selection Day 1-6 (4/1-4/6/24) & thru 4/9/24 & Trial Day 1-8 (4/10-4/22/24) reference post #603 here:

4/23/24 Tuesday, Trial Day 9: State witnesses: David Warwick [now Melanie Gibb's husband, was contacted by Chad Daybell in around 2015 about writing a book together] back on stand for cross exam. Brandon Boudreax, ex-husband of LVD's niece Melani Pawlowki. Officer Ryan Pillar, from Gilbert [AZ] Police Dept. [Brandon's shooting investigation]. Deputy Colter Cannon from the Fremont County Sheriff Dept. [investigated Tammy's paint ball incident]. Court heard Tammy’s 911 call. Alyssa Greenhalgh is a Fremont County Sheriff’s deputy (Rexburg PD) [responded to Tammy's unattended death].
For more info on direct see post #626 (article) here:
Trial continues on Wednesday, 4/24/24.
NO jury will buy it especially after the "raccoon" text, having her (TD) body quickly cremated and then exhumed, and Tylee and JJ's bodies found in his backyard.
Once the cell phone data and other data are brought in, along with other witnesses, It's a done deal and over for Chud.

I dont think MP will testify, but I will gladly eat crow if I am wrong as I would LOVE for her to testify to hear what she has to say, even if I don't trust her.

I lean more towards ZP next up. But IDK, JMO
I think she will pull another "trick" to avoid testifying, but JMO
Tammy wasn't cremated. Charles was.
Would a coroner be on the stand for two days? I suppose maybe it will be the coroner for all three?
I think Brenda Dye (the coroner) only attended Tammy's death. Logically, I concluded that as the officer attending was last on the stand, it would be the Coroner next - I got the feeling that the next witness would take some time, but not necessarily 2 days.
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Thanks, wnk! That’s a very helpful list. Going by the projection of 2 days on the stand and using your list, my best guess would be ZP.

But…I’ve got another name to throw in there as a possibility…hint…she did not testify at LVD’s trial…yes I’m talking about MP. Will she testify in this trial? Rumors suggested she didn’t at LVD’s to avoid possible charges herself but I felt then and still do that it was because she had violated the court order and the state knew they had LVD without her and decided not to risk it because the court was already aware that she had listened to BB’s testimony. MP was with LVD in Hawaii when TD was killed and in MO with LVD when TD was shot at IIRC and she was around CD enough to start calling him dad. Will she testify in this trial????

I think the next witness…that could take 2 days….will be either ZP or MP…I really can’t see anyone else on the stand for 2 days at this point.
I'm not sure the next witness (whomever that may be) will take two days. I believe the judge was simply saying it would be better to have the next witness called the following day to have a full day, rather than calling them at the end of the day and having to split their testimony over two days. JMO.

ETA - here's what Judge Boyce actually said:

"Alright, counsel we did just discuss scheduling, given the next witness that's coming up and where we are and where we would need to end for the day, I think it's a logical time to break for the afternoon and not divide that witness' testimony up over two days. So for that we will go ahead and conclude for the evening a bit early."
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I'm not sure the next witness (whomever that may be) will take two days. I believe the judge was simply saying it would be better to have the next witness called the following day to have a full day, rather than calling them at the end of the day and having to split their testimony over two days. JMO.

ETA - here's what Judge Boyce actually said:

"Alright, counsel we did just discuss scheduling, given the next witness that's coming up and where we are and where we would need to end for the day, I think it's a logical time to break for the afternoon and not divide that witness' testimony up over two days. So for that we will go ahead and conclude for the evening a bit early."
thanks for this. I think the next two witnesses would be the EMT and then the Coroner (Brenda Dye).
I do agree the ridiculous story regarding burning limbs and burying a racoon is Chad's attempt to cover his actions that morning. However, the bigger problem for the defense, in my opinion, is his confirmation that he was out on the property that morning when Alex Cox's phone showed him present at both locations where the bodies were buried. Based on the cell phone location data at the apartment complex before sunrise, I believe the defense is really boxed in that the kids were killed and buried the morning of September 9th and that Chad's own words put him there on the property, outside the house and at the very same location where Alex is. Unless Chad would take the stand to try to deny this, what possible options are there for the defense to overcome this very damning evidence? The best I can see is a weak argument that there is no evidence Chad directly murdered the children, I suppose.
Thank you for sharing this! I’m super bummed that Julie Rowe isn’t on the list. Would love to hear her take on things.
I think JR is too far out there for prosecution to put on the stand but have thought that maybe they should call Susan Freeman - wrote books CD published early on & around the same time he met JR (2014?) & told him in 2017 I think that she was concerned about the direction he was going & things he was publishing & that it would lead to sorrow & death. They could use her to show that he was heading on this path before LVD came along as opposed to LVD leading him astray.

OUCH !!!
I don't think OP @NeopolitanFisherman , was asking frivolously.
I am not OP, but did not take it that way at all.

Also... My mom had dementia and he did show some of the same signs she had before it got worse and she passed away so I kind of wondered also.
Not being frivolous , just observant and wondering.

Aside from that, I think he was better as a witness at this (Chad's) trial than he was at LVD's.
What specific signs did you notice? My mom had dementia and I managed her day-to-day care.
If I remember correctly, DW has hearing loss. I wasn't sure if his issues were associated with his hearing or neurological issues.
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