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I remember the great trial lawyer Louis Nizer once described what he called the "rule of appropriateness." He said that you can tell the truth by all the myriad of actions that are appropriate. When people tell lies or pull shenanigans, they create ripples that inevitably stand out as not being appropriate. Chad's actions were so inappropriate throughout this nightmare that he painted himself as a guilty man.

Let's assume he is a truly innocent man on December 1, 2019, as he boards the plane to Hawaii with his new bride-to-be. ALL of his bizarre and suspicious behavior to this point is simply the result of very poor judgment and the conniving lies of his bride-to-be and her brother. Assume Lori has told him, the kids are fine. "Honey, just trust me!"

The story as to where the kids are is so good that this innocent man happily goes about life with his new wife in Hawaii for ten days when he learns the police are exhuming his dead wife's body and that his brother-in-law is dead the next day.

The innocent man enjoys the beach for another week when he learns that the Rexburg police have announced to the public that JJ and Tylee are missing and that their disappearance may be linked to the now-deemed suspicious death of his wife. Moreover, he learns the next day that the police publicly announce both he and his new wife are considered "persons of interest" in a criminal investigation.

Two more weeks in the Hawaiian sun pass when the innocent man learns a search warrant has been served on his home back in Salem, Idaho where authorities have taken computers, cell phones and various other items for analysis and the innocent man learns that a huge national news story is catching fire in which the press and public are clamoring and demanding to learn where the kids are.

In the next two weeks the innocent man learns the kids' grandparents have offered a $20K award for any information leading to the location of the kids while his brother makes a public plea through the press for him to cooperate and tell everything he knows.

The innocent man keeps working on his tan for another two weeks when on January 25, 2020, his new wife is served with a formal notice that she must produce the children in Idaho within 5 days. The next day the innocent man is confronted by Nate Eaton on camera asking where the children are, but he refuses to say anything.

Chad's behavior defies any rational explanation. Or, as Louis Nizer would say, his conduct was dramatically inappropriate for an innocent man. However, I'd say Chad's behavior is perfectly explainable and very appropriate for a guilty man.

I frankly believe his only hope would be to take the stand to convince the jury of his innocence. A task that would be almost certainly impossible to pull off unless he truly could explain his behavior.
Very good points, vislaw! I can’t in my best “pretend” mode, make the assumption you suggested but I totally agree with your point.
Every time I see this Lori video in Rexburg about JJ, it still amazes me how quick on her feet she is and the lies come to her so naturally. She is convincing and believable, especially to men!

I felt exactly the same with the video of her sitting on the curb in front of the house where Charles Vallow was just murdered.
Done for the day.


DAY1: W APRIL 10, 2024 (video)
Count I: Conspiracy to commit first degree murder and grand theft by deception (Tylee)
Count II: First degree murder (Tylee)
Count III: Conspiracy to commit first degree murder and grand theft by deception (JJ)
Count IV: First degree murder (JJ)
Count V: Conspiracy to commit first degree murder (Tammy)
Count VI: First degree murder (Tammy)
Count VII: Grand theft (Tylee & JJ’s social security benefits)
Count VIII: Insurance fraud (LifeMap Assurance Co)
Count IX: Insurance fraud (Primerica Life Insurance Co)

Opening Statement: “Two dead children buried in Chad Daybell’s backyard… His desire for sex, money and power the deaths of his wife and two innocent children."

Opening Statement: “What’s important are facts and evidence.”

1a - LT RAY HERMOSILLO: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg Idaho PD detective
Jeep surveillance, welfare check, search warrants on apartments (Nov 2019); search warrants in HI (Jan 2020); final proof of life for Tylee (8 Sep 2019) and JJ (22 Sep 2019); Tammy’s death (19 Oct 2019); discovery of kids’ bodies in CD’s yard (9 Jun 2020)

DAY2: Th APR 11, 2024 (video)

1b - LT RAY HERMOSILLO: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg Idaho PD detective

discovery of kids’ bodies in CD’s yard (9 Jun 2020); attempted shooting of Tammy (9 Oct 2019); shooting of Charles Vallow (11 Jul 2019); attempted homicide of Brandon Bordeaux (2 Oct 2019)
D X-EXAM: body cameras; paintball guns; charges in Charles & Brandon’s cases; interview of Melanie Gibb & David Warwick
S REDIRECT: CD familiar with and not afraid of AC

DAY3: M APR 15, 2024 (video)


CD & LVD phone call on day when children were discovered (9 Jun 2020)
D X-EXAM: Interviews Melanie Gibb, Garth Daybell
S REDIRECT: CD & LVD phone call tone (9 Jun 2020)
D RECROSS: possible other reasons for tone, driving off

3 - ERIC WHEELER: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD detective
Video of CD & Emma after arrest (9 Jun 2020)
D X-EXAM: body cam footage of CD’s arrest, being told “Your attorney can now come to you”
S REDIRECT: timing of CD’s flight
D RECROSS: CD had not been told about remains when he left in his car

4 - LT JOE POWELL: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co PD detective
Tammy’s death (19 Oct 2019); surveillance (Nov 2019); Tammy’s medical records, exhumation and autopsy (11 Dec 2019)
D X-EXAM: No body cams; Tammy’s medical records and prescriptions
S REDIRECT: timing of Charles Vallow’s death, Tammy’s death
D RECROSS: CD not implicated in Charles Vallow’s death

Phone attribution for CD (9 numbers, 3 of interest), LVD (6 numbers, 3 of interest), AC (6 numbers, 3 of interest)

DAY4: T APR 16, 2024 (video)


Web searches including: wind direction (8 Sep 2019), Jeep seat removal (30 Sep 2019), wedding items (22 Oct 2019)
D X-EXAM: Melanie Gibb & David Warwick at LVD’s that weekend; JJ & Tylee as witnesses to Charles’ death
S REDIRECT: No searches regarding divorce/separation

6 - NATHAN DUNCAN: STATE WITNESS, Chandler PD detective
Shooting of Charles Vallow (11 Jul 2019); email, phone, and text records; patriarchal blessing (24 Nov 2019)
D X-EXAM: possession, dark/light, church of firstborn, frequencies, death percentages, multiple probations; AC died of natural causes
S: REDIRECT: witness recommended charges for CD in Charles’ death

7 - MARK SAARI: STATE WITNESS: Social Security Administration special agent
[JAN 2020] Tylee’s survivor benefits from Joe Ryan = $1859/mo; JJ’s survivor benefits from his father = $1951/mo
D X-EXAM: CD not on any SS documents, not responsible for that

DAY5: W APR 17, 2024 (video)


search warrants for apartment, storage unit, PO Box, financial documents (Nov 2019); travel documents
D X-EXAM: CD’s business travel; CD not implicated in Charles’ death; CD & LVD did not co-mingle money
S REDIRECT: CD was married to LVD when she received SS funds

9a - MICHAEL DOUGLASS: STATE WITNESS, FBI forensic accountant

Tylee’s financial timeline

DAY6: R APR 18, 2024 (video)

9b - MICHAEL DOUGLASS: STATE WITNESS, FBI forensic accountant

Tylee’s financial timeline; JJ’s financial timeline; CD money transfers to children after arrest
D X-EXAM: burner phones; life insurance timing

CD’s books; multiple probations; LVD’s & AC’s “missions”; dark & light ratings; “castings”; recording of phone call to CD & LVD; “zombies”
D X-EXAM: shared beliefs; media interviews; texts w Rob Wood; events of 22 Sep 2019 weekend

DAY 7: F APR 19, 2024 (video)


D X-EXAM: shared beliefs; visit to Rexburg
S REDIRECT: “translated beings”; CD’s visions
D RECROSS: castings

11a - DOUG HART: STATE WITNESS, retired FBI agent
iCloud accounts w texts; “James & Elena” story

DAY 8: M APR 22, 2024 (video)

11b - DOUG HART: STATE WITNESS, retired FBI agent

Charles’ beneficiary change; “angels are angry” that LVD was ignoring CD
D X-EXAM: nicknames; creative license in James & Elena story
S REDIRECT: “telestial relatives”

LVD told her that Charles died of heart attack, that Tylee was living in town
D X-EXAM: JJ’s tantrums

13 - DR JOSH WILSON: STATE WITNESS, Kennedy Elementary principal, JJ’s principal in Rexburg
JJ’s school attendance in Rexburg (3-21 Sep 2019)
D X-EXAM: CD never mentioned

No record of Tylee’s application, enrollment
D X-EXAM: CD never mentioned

LVD initially told him Charles died of heart attack; LVD’s move to Rexburg
D X-EXAM: LVD’s lies
S REDIRECT: believe LVD was influenced by CD
D RECROSS: CD never mentioned

16a - DAVID WARWICK; STATE WITNESS, friend of LVD and husband of Melanie Gibb
Visits w LVD & CD
D X-EXAM: relationship w Melanie Gibb; shared beliefs

DAY 9: T APR 23, 2024 (video)

16b - DAVID WARWICK; STATE WITNESS, friend of LVD and husband of Melanie Gibb

D X-EXAM: descriptors of CD; seances; “seven gatherers”; CD & MG’s marriage
S REDIRECT: CD’s character
D RECROSS: CD’s prediction about TD

LVD’s family; Melani B’s involvement w LVD; being shot at from Jeep (2 Oct 2019); IDing JJ (11 Jun 2019)
D X-EXAM: temple visits; light/dark spirits & visions

18 - RYAN PILLAR: STATE WITNESS, Gilbert PD officer
Brandon B’s shooting
D X-EXAM: AC is primary focus

Tammy’s shooting & 911 call
D X-EXAM: bodycam; paintball gun vs “gun”
S REDIRECT: no bodycam requirements; “gun”

Garth & CD’s 911 call & Tammy’s unattended death (19 Oct 2019) - pink foam, postmortem photos
D X-EXAM: “old” bruises on TD’s arms; TD’s medications; no signs of struggle, no foul play
S REDIRECT: no bodycam requirements; all medical info given by CD

DAY 10: W APR 24, 2024 (video)

21 - BRENDA DYE: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co EMT, coroner (1, 2)

TD’s death (19 Oct 2019) & autopsy (11 Dec 2019)
D X-EXAM: death certificate; “old” bruises; informing family of TD’s exhumation
S REDIRECT: CD providing info; bruising; autopsy
D RECROSS: supplements

22 - KELSIE HARRIS: STATE WITNESS, TD’s coworker and clogging instructor (1)
TD very active in fitness classes
D X-EXAM: TD’s fitness; Emma’s presence in fitness classes
S REDIRECT: confidence in assessment

23 - SHANNA MILLER: STATE WITNESS, TD’s coworker and workout buddy (1)
TD very active in fitness classes
D X-EXAM: TD’s fitness, Emma’s presence in fitness classes

24 - JENNIFER GEISLER - STATE WITNESS, TD’s coworker, friend, workout buddy (1)
TD very active, seemed healthy & happy
D X-EXAM: Emma’s presence in fitness classes
S REDIRECT: intensity of classes, healthy lunches

25 - BRUCE MATTINGLY: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff detective (1, 2)
TD’s health; life insurance; FitBit info
D X-EXAM: no contact with CD’s children; TD’s FitBit
S REDIRECT: CD’s children unwilling to speak to LE; FitBit in photos

2b - VINCE KAAIAKAMANU: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff detective (2)
Joe Murray & TD’s 911 calls after paintball incident

DAY 11: Th APR 25, 2024 (video)

2c - VINCE KAAIAKAMANU: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff detective (3, 4, 5)

AC’s google searches, gun range practice around time of TD’s shooting; TD’s email to her son Mark about the shooting (13 Oct 2019); AC’s GPS locations
D X-EXAM: paintball gun vs “gun”; AC’s guns; Daybell family emails w dark & light ratings
S REDIRECT: theft of neighbor’s dog; paintball guns
D RECROSS: close-range rifles

26 - SPENCER COOK: STATE WITNESS, Sugar Salem School District technology director (1)
TD’s school emails

DAY 12: F APR 26, 2024 (video)

27 - STEVEN SCHULTZ: STATE WITNESS, Springfield funeral director and CD’s neighbor (1)

TD’s funeral; "I actually turned to Jason, and I said, 'Do you think he killed her?'"
D X-EXAM: opinion of CD; nothing of concern on TD’s body; sextons dig with backhoes
S REDIRECT: opinion of CD; rushed funeral
D RECROSS: familiarity with death

28 - RON ARNOLD: STATE WITNESS, realtor, member of Daybells’ Rexburg ward (1, 2)
Real estate showing w CD, AC, Melanie Gibb, David Warwick (21 Sep 2019); visiting CD after TD’s death (19 Oct 2019); meeting LVD (Nov 2019); visit w CD after LVD’s arrest - CD said kids were okay (Mar 2020)
D X-EXAM: real estate showing on Sabbath; acreage of Daybell property “You own it”
S REDIRECT: manufactured home to be moved onto property

29 - WHITNEY ARNOLD: STATE WITNESS, member of Daybells’ Rexburg ward, TD’s friend (1)
TD’s death (19 Oct 2019); meeting LVD (Nov 2019)

30 - CRAIG HUFF: STATE WITNESS, member of Daybells’ Springville ward (1)
TD’s funeral - CD said she “choked to death”; CD had just “miraculously” gotten passwords (Oct 2019)
D X-EXAM: CD’s role as bishopric secretary; CD’s grief seemed genuine
S REDIRECT: CD’s quick remarriage

31 - RICH GARDNER: STATE WITNESS, Central Elementary School principal (1)
TD healthy & active, 5k race (7 Sep 2019); visiting Daybells after TD’s death (19 Oct 2019); TD’s Rexburg memorial
D X-EXAM: TD & Emma’s closeness
S REDIRECT: 5k race

DAY 13: M APR 29, 2024 (video)


Cell phone location ‘pings’ (Sep-Oct 2019)
D X-EXAM: drive test; MG & DW’s locations were not examined
S REDIRECT: geolocation

33 - HANNAH PARKER MUNOZ: STATE WITNESS, family friend/relative in Springville (1)
CD said that he found TD on the floor at 1am when he went up to bed; later says he went to bed w her but she rolled off at midnight
D X-EXAM: layout of home

34 - PATRICIA LATER: STATE WITNESS, Tammy’s cousin & friend (1)
CD said TD went to bed around 10a but he stayed up late working; CD called Tammy lazy
D X-EXAM: no communication between witness & TD in past year (witness denies)

DAY 14: W MAY 1, 2024 (video)

35 - DR ERIK CHRISTENSEN: STATE WITNESS, Utah chief medical examiner (1, 2)

Tammy’s cause of death = asphyxia (unable to get enough oxygen); manner of death = homicide (another person caused it); bruising on Tammy’s body; time of death = 1-6hr prior to 911 call
D X-EXAM: bruising ointments; five manner of death options; seizures; anemia
S REDIRECT: if Daybell children had spoken with LE about TD’s health, medical officer would have received those records; TD’s anemia
D RECROSS: dates of anemia records

36 - ALICE GILBERT: STATE WITNESS, TD’s neighbor & fellow Rexburg church member (1, 2)
Relief Society with Tammy; funeral; visiting Daybells after TD’s death; CD moving out within a week of TD’s death; LVD said she’d recently lost a daughter; CD said JJ & Tylee’s disappearance was “custody issue”; asked them to put house up for LVD’s bond
D X-EXAM: home layout, where Daybell kids were living
S REDIRECT: home layout

37 - TODD GILBERT: STATE WITNESS, TD’s neighbor & fellow Rexburg church member (1)
CD’s books didn’t always align w LDS doctrine; CD “prophesied” TD’s death but didn’t tell his own kids; CD said that LVD had a daughter who’d just died; CD said he’d seen TD’s spirit after her death; CD asking for bond
D X-EXAM: home layout, Preparing a People/AVOW
S REDIRECT: CD & LVD’s affair would disqualify them from temple recommend

38 - JANICE OLSON: STATE WITNESS, TD’s coworker & workout buddy (1)
TD healthy in last days
D X-EXAM: students walked to library; TD was busy preparing for book fair that Friday
S REDIRECT: school layout, how much TD walked

39 - TAYLOR BALLARD: STATE WITNESS, insurance broker (1)
CD inquiring about health insur after TD’s death for himself +Seth, Leah, Mark (31 Oct 2019); his income after TD’s death at a loss, but he was making ~$30k profit; asked about adding a future hypothetical wife even though he was already married (21 Nov 2019); paid for plan (11 Dec 2019)
D X-EXAM: open enrollment

DAY 15: Th MAY 2, 2024 (video)

40 - KAY WOODCOCK: STATE WITNESS, grandmother of JJ

CV’s life insurance; JJ’s disappearance; LVD’s wedding purchases on CV’s Amazon acct
D X-EXAM: life insurance beneficiary changes; Amazon purchased done by LVD
S RECROSS: clarify date of Amazon searches

41 - ANGELA YANCY: STATE WITNESS, Salem Sugar School District admin
TD’s life insurance policy w increases (8 Sep 2019); CD filing claim - 8 death certificates (21 Oct 2019)
D X-EXAM: death certificates; Daybell financial situation
S RECROSS: recalling specific situation bc of traumatic events

TD healthy before her death; meeting LVD - LVD said CV died of heart attack, said daughter had died (13 Nov 2019); didn’t know where CD was living
D X-EXAM: LVD provided info about her family; CD’s character
S REDIRECT: not common in LDS faith to remarry two weeks after spouse’s death

CD predicted an earthquake in UT in 2015; CD moved to Rexburg bc of end times beliefs; CD tried to recruit her son (2014); photos of Daybell residence & “cozy cone”; TD’s death & funeral; letter to Relief Society presidents
D X-EXAM: CD’s leadership in church; AVOW; letter to Relief Society presidents; CD’s father called her “pot-stirrer”
S REDIRECT: affair would be cause for church discipline; CD’s “close” relationship with Julie Rowe

Electronic records; welfare check body cams (26 Nov 2019)
My first thought on this was that it seemed a bit odd…But then I thought about Tammy’s life. She grew up LDS and no doubt heard this song all of her life. She probably sang it around the house while doing chores and considering the difficult life she had, I could easily see where it could be one of her favorite songs. Her children might have thought it was a tribute to her to have it as the first song at her funeral.

I’m going to give CD a pass on this one.

PS My brother’s favorite song was “Werewolves of London” - he loved the aaahhhhooo howling part - would sing it at the top of his lungs every time he heard the song…but never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that song would be played at a funeral. And yet, my sister-in-law included it in the playlist and didn’t tell any of us it was coming. The entire congregation burst into laughter as soon as the song started playing - our tears and sadness instantly pushed aside for a moment as each remembered how his face would light up whenever the song played and how he would howl at the chorus. It was one of the oddest moments I’d ever experienced at a memorial. And yet it was exactly what my litte brother would have wanted - the song and the laughter.
That is SUCH a great story about your little brother!
Every time I see this Lori video in Rexburg about JJ, it still amazes me how quick on her feet she is and the lies come to her so naturally. She is convincing and believable, especially to men!
And Alex, lurking at the top of the stairs -- out of sight -- unaware that the officers can see his shadow!
I grew up LDS as well. I've heard this song all my life. Not a funeral song at all.
As I know from helping plan my stepfather's funeral, there are strict rules about which hymns can actually be played and sung during one.

I do wonder if Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel is on the okay list, or if they snuck it through, given the hasty rush to bury Tammy.

I agree, it's totally inappropriate for a funeral. It's an incredibly bouncy, jovial song that generally is scheduled about two thirds/three quarters through sacrament meeting to wake everyone up.

At my Grandmother's funeral they played, "Love At Home". If anyone got in a fight, you had to hug each other and sing the entire song, every single line. She was very strict about no fights or arguing at home. And yes, we all sang it at the end of the funeral laughing and crying.

LVD sounds crazy in this video. The lies just come pouring out.
As I think about CD's mother, Sheila Daybell, testifying today, I am surprised that JP didn't ask her any questions at all. It was an opportunity to open up the door, if she was there under subpoena or her own consent. While she often answered, "I don't know", she did testify about meeting LVD and CD, and they mentioned no children.

He had an opportunity here, and it was either missed, or he knew that she was not going to say anything that would help CD.
The HTC podcast with Heather Daybell is really helpful to understanding some Daybell family dynamics in CD's family of origin. It sounds to me that CD's mom had little to no power in the family structure, and was openly mocked for her body and any other shortcomings. Of course, that is HD's account, but I tend to trust her reporting of events.

I am not religious. I may have an entire axe shop to grind with organized religion, but I do understand and appreciate that it gives essential meaning to others.

However, I think that if the culture of a religion denies women fair access to power and control, it will always result in scary dysfunction somewhere. Also, if a religious culture places a premium on keeping up pleasant appearances in spite of dysfunction, that is where real atrocities can take cover.

Humans need a sense of agency and control to feel alive. It sounds to me that being a docile and accommodating homemaker is the traditional route for women to achieve peak authority in the LDS church. I believe LVD sought power and control through manipulating men because it was the only avenue she felt she had available to meet her insatiable need to control. She used her sexuality and creepy baby voice to lure in men who could give her money and position her power-adjacent because she was not interested in nor good at completing the traditional tasks of homemaking.

CD's mom, as opposed to LVD, appears to have gone limp in the face of her powerlessness. When the man in the family has full authority given by the church, women live in mortal fear of their own defiance all the time. It hurts less if you resign yourself and let it roll right over you. If you are looking for a zombie, this might be it. Of course, I do not really know who she is as a person, but this is the vibe I'm getting from the HTC podcast.

TD, on the other hand, kept putting out feelers to find her power elsewhere. I think her job gave her an opportunity to be free from CD's weird ideas and to be a rock star in her own arena. She also engaged in hobbies and activities where she could be a leader and receive praise and recognition. TD found a work-around, and I think she could have found a post-CD life where she could shine, if she had been given the chance.

Women are actual people. It is not to anyone's benefit to treat us like our ideas and priorities are irrelevant or that we will all be suited to a limited range of roles. This is not a threat, just feedback. If you share power and control fairly, we ALL benefit. If you deny fair access to power and control, people find another way, and it is MORE likely to be a manipulative way. Manipulation is the child of powerlessness.

The co-manipulation and power-jockeying between LVD and CD is all atangle, and it has a "which came first, the chicken or the egg" level of confusion. They were snared in the mess of each other's puppet strings and control sticks. BTW- what do they call the stick part? I want it to have a fun name like maniplulax or some such.
Standing ovation here! They’re called marionette controllers, by the way, which is so boring! Your suggestion rocks :)
The letter that Prior is currently asking Heather Daybell to read to "refresh her memory," which she originally sent to Relief Society members in her stake --
I have to say that, as an adult, I have always felt that all organized religion is nothing more than greed or power-based manipulation. This letter really touched me. So have several posts made here by LDS members, but for some reason Heather's letter really made an impression.

She says she's not a good speaker; boy is she wrong!
I have to say that, as an adult, I have always felt that all organized religion is nothing more than greed or power-based manipulation. This letter really touched me. So have several posts made here by LDS members, but for some reason Heather's letter really made an impression.

She says she's not a good speaker; boy is she wrong!

An amazing and powerful letter. Her faith in the LDS gospel, and heartfelt testimony is rock solid. It seems like she has felt shunned in her community, due to the actions of CD. I can understand that. But, it seems through her faith and prayer, she has grown spiritually.

I hope that her ward, and stake members embrace her with love and support. She has endured much, through no fault of her own. Another victim of LVD and CD.
An amazing and powerful letter. Her faith in the LDS gospel, and heartfelt testimony is rock solid. It seems like she has felt shunned in her community, due to the actions of CD. I can understand that. But, it seems through her faith and prayer, she has grown spiritually.

I hope that her ward, and stake members embrace her with love and support. She has endured much, through no fault of her own. Another victim of LVD and CD.
HD has since left the church. She explained it in her HTC interview a while ago.
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