DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Curious minds want to know---
How's that Ikea dresser and is it put together yet ?? LMAO

Please send me the 3 Martini drinks at lunch break-- I am in need of them.

Yes-- Prior is such a dim wit. While I think he is doing everything possible that HE can do to defend Chud, he still comes across as aggressive, bumbling, shame blaming MG and DW and is still pondering if HIS house has an upstairs and how many acres it has.
Oh, don't remind me. My son and daughter-in-law came over for Mother's Day. I was so embarrassed. They even offered to help me finish the thing (for the 2nd time). I am too stubborn to accept help. Just get another martini . . . then it'll be done! I've got yours on order for lunch break -- which should be coming up REAL soon!
One can always put those clever name-callers from the sub basement on ignore. And, if WS is on a significantly higher discourse level, well, I assume the mods can be notified of those horrible name-callers and their posts deleted.

Chad Daybell is a conspiring, manipulating killer... calling him names is really too good for him.

Funny you should mention "Ignore." For the first time since I joined Websleuths, yesterday I did just that! To my knowledge nobody's post was deleted. But, just to keep the peace, if I were a frog I would be in LOVE with Chad!
He's also apparently worried the evidence has been "altered."

How many years has it been, now? Four?
His statement about not objecting to the exhibit but to the timing made no sense to me. I think this is the exhibit that the state brought up the other day and in order to comply with the judge’s ruling on it they took some stuff out of it - meaning JP had the exhibit previously and the only thing he needed to review was the 3 or 4 slides that were removed to make sure that he agreed it complied with the judge’s instructions the other day - he didn’t need to review the whole thing because he already had it.

It came across like OMG this is the last witness and if I’m going to get some complaint about the prosecution on the record for possible appeal I’d better do it now because I know I don’t have a snowball’s chance of getting CD off with the defense I’m going to be presenting soon.
I don't know, Lori doesn't have a monopoly on (bleached) blonde hair and some women change their hair color (and style) frequently. It's interesting how many key witnesses changed their hair color completely: ZP, MBP, now Emma,... but not MG. Maybe it's also a way of breaking with one's past.

I can't disagree with you. And, I've done my best to leave my opinions of Chad & Tammy's children out of any of my posts in all these many threads. I simply can't imagine what any of them have experienced. I'm not a AMH subscriber but the post appeared in my YT account... at first I thought that picture of Emma was a younger photo of Lori.

Sick sick sick. Believing he can increase pain levels in a 4 yr old child.
These messages always make me feel like vomiting.

Cheerfully talking about torturing children until they die, basically. It doesn't matter that it's all metaphysical when the end result is two very murdered children buried in the backyard of the man blithely relating how he's spiritually torturing them and how close they are to death. They eagerly counted down the numbers until they decreed it was the right moment to murder them. That's what these messages show.

We all need to be wide awake to the people Chad brought into his cult. They all still believe him to some measure and he may have convinced them to carry out his deeds even though he will be behind bars. This is far from over. Those people include:
(His other child whose name I don’t know)
Melanie B Pawlowski
Possibly Ian Pawlowski
Melani Gibb
Possibly David Warwick
Zulema Pastenes
Julie Rowe (has her own large group)
And sadly, even Tammy bought into it, followed his visions, edited his books)
And others we don’t know.
Just wondering how Chad kept up with all these names and spirits and ratings. He must have had a spreadsheet or something on his computer. Think of all the time he could have put to actually making a living to support his family instead of all this make believe hogwash.
People keep asking why there's little to no cell phone pings for Chad, at least in comparison to all of the pings or "bings" for Alex. I think it's because this dude never left the house.

The next slide shows a photo of Chad standing by a picture of Jesus Christ hanging on a wall in an old LDS church. Alex sent it to Lori with caption, “Look at the bubbies.” There is also a photo of Alex standing by the same picture of Jesus Christ. Chad texted Lori the image with the caption, “Two exalted beings.” SOURCE.
Did they really just call Jesus Christ a "bubbie?" The pet name Lori uses for Alex, Chad, and JJ? The cringe knows no bounds with this group. MOO.
What I'm getting from this is just how eager Lori was for the kids to be dead and gone and out of her life. And how Chad was telling her it was going to happen, that it was all planned. Perfectly orchestrated.

"Just keep resolving the telestial issues so you are unencumbered and fully free."

The kids were a burden and a prison to her. And by 'resolving' them, she would be free of them. There's no code in this, it's plain as plain can be.

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