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I’d like to take this opportunity to thank fellow posters who have faithfully followed this case and that of Lori Vallow. This case has had the most civilised discussion, but I think that is because we were unanimous in our agreement of the guilty parties from the get go.

It is almost four years since Tylee and JJ were found. I am grateful for a swift verdict.

Now Arizona , move forward with charging Chad with conspiracy to murder Charles and conspiracy to attempted murder of Brandon.
When will the victim impact statements be read?
I don’t know for sure but I would think that any of these would be included in the state’s presentation in the penalty phase. Since it is DP case it is a little different than a typical trial where the victim impact statements are given to help the judge decide on what sentence to impose. The jury will make the decision here so I would think any victim impact statements must be given before the jury goes in to deliberate the penalty
Can you all imagine how happy Judge Boyce is that this crazy case is ending? All he has to do is hear what the jury’s decision is for punishment and then he has to do the formal sentencing phase probably in a month, like he did for Lori.
I hope someone tells Lori today that she gets to stay in her cell forever. No more portals for her. She could have loved and stayed with her first husband but she thought she was too hot to stay in one relationship too long.
I cannot believe Prior didn't want the jury polled!!!
I have never seen the defense decline that.

Then I had a thought: I've never seen the guilty verdict come in and that NOT be the final decision of the jury.

The defense needs them on their side in the sentencing phase. So maybe Prior is playing nice.

I can sense Chad's percentages dropping rapidly.

Indeed. Though he might take some comfort in the court achieving a far higher level of accuracy in predicting his own End of Days than he and his prophetic visions seem to have managed.

This verdict was a foregone conclusion for me -- still, it required an enormous amount of investment from those who helped to uncover and prosecute it, in terms of professional and personal time, energy, attention, emotional capital and I imagine a surfeit of nightmares as the details added up.

Chad will fully deserve the punishment he gets.

His victims did not. At all. Ever.

I doubt that for him the second truth will have any impact on how he understands the first.
Can you all imagine how happy Judge Boyce is that this crazy case is ending? All he has to do is hear what the jury’s decision is for punishment and then he has to do the formal sentencing phase probably in a month, like he did for Lori.
I hope someone tells Lori today that she gets to stay in her cell forever. No more portals for her. She could have loved and stayed with her first husband but she thought she was too hot to stay in one relationship too long.
Are you sure that there is a formal sentencing in a month if the jury decides on DP?

I’m not sure how long the presentation of the penalty phase will take but both the state and defense can put on witnesses and evidence that was or wasn’t seen or heard in the guilt phase. The state will argue that the murders included aggravated circumstances and the defense presumably will offer mitigating circumstances. It will be direct & cross examination just like in the guilt phase. And then there can be victim impact statements which don’t get cross examination and aren’t given under oath - they are not supposed to address the guilt of CD but the impact of the crimes on them or their loved ones. If they do address CD’s guilt the jury is to disregard that part of what they say. All of this is why some say it may take a week or two.

If after hearing from state & defense & victims, the jury determines the death penalty is to be given, then why would there be formal sentencing in a month or so? In LVD’s trial, wasn’t that month to give time for the judge to get sentencing reports from the psychologists & such? Remember the ones she wouldn’t talk to so there was no report from them. But if the jury says DP the judge has no need for further info and really no say in the matter and DP will be imposed so I would think that would happen immediately after the jury reaches a verdict in the penalty phase whenever that will be.

Now, if the jury determines the death penalty should not be applied then you might be right about a delay for formal sentencing as the judge would have to determine the sentence for each murder as well as the fraud charges and would probably request a psychological report on CD before doing that.
I liked how Blake talked about LVD calling CD on an hourly basis to "check" on the "Zombie" status for Charles, Tylee and JJ.

It is just so crazy.

Did LVD skate on the DP, because the state thought that while she was part of the conspiracy, she didn't actually direct the killings? Like CD did?!
I have never seen the defense decline that.

Then I had a thought: I've never seen the guilty verdict come in and that NOT be the final decision of the jury.

The defense needs them on their side in the sentencing phase. So maybe Prior is playing nice.

In this case after the verdict was read the judge asked the jury collectively whether this was their verdict it was clear they all answered their agreement. That really made polling the jury superfluous and Prior knows he has to ask them to spare his client. Indeed, polling the jury is almost routine and I'm sure he would have asked for it if he wasn't going to have to be standing up in front of the same jury within an hour.

It's similar to the routine request for dismissal after the prosecution rests. It only works in a blue moon, but there's no reason not to make the motion. If the jury is going to be dismissed, you almost always ask the judge to have the jury polled because once in a blue moon you'll detect some reticence or a reaction on the part of a juror that suggests they may not be happy with the verdict (and you can then send an investigator out to try and figure out if there may be an opportunity to impeach the verdict). This is rare situation where the same jury remains impaneled and will be deciding the penalty phase, so I think Prior did the absolute correct thing by waiving the judge's offer.
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