DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Don't know about everyone else, but I really really loved these interviews. Both the one with Nick alone, and the group interview. I'm so glad they seemed to have had an absolutely stellar draw in terms of the eighteen chosen. No divas, no dramas, no annoying or arrogant characters. Just eighteen people doing their absolute best to find the truth and do their job. Every single one of those interviewed spoke incredibly well about their experiences, and it was really interesting to me what evidence and which witnesses were impactful to them, and why and how.

Thanks spartygirl.

However I am not suggesting the Idaho prosecution would be the prosecutors, just will the Arizona prosecution have the Idaho Prosecution team as witnesses.
Well, what do you think the prosecutors could say on the stand?

They can't tell about other people's testimony, that would be hearsay. (IANAL- so MOO)

They didn't witness the crimes.

AFAIK there is no reason to call the prosecutors as witnesses.

Well, what do you think the prosecutors could say on the stand?

They can't tell about other people's testimony, that would be hearsay. (IANAL- so MOO)

They didn't witness the crimes.

AFAIK there is no reason to call the prosecutors as witnesses.


I would not think so. What would they be witnesses for?
YEAH true, seems black and white but, in this unusual scenario of all these cases being engaged by an entangled web.
Now that Lori has a conviction I don't see how it shouldn't be part of her next trial.
Having SAY....Rob Wood come to the stand and state that he successfully prosecuted her.
Why should it be prejudicial?
Its true and related. IMO.

Before heaps of posts remind me about due process and fair trial and defendants rights.
I know it, so not necessary to tie up the thread with explaining it at a deeper level.

When the cases are linked so intricately, would it be out of the question the Idaho Prosecution making an appearance and if that is definitely a no go, would the investigators in Idaho be witnesses or would they share their files and body of work and not be a seen presence.

There just seems like there is so much cross over to deal with moving into ARIZONA.

Killing everybody for insurance money before and after Charles death. (Possibility Joe Ryan too)
Such an important part of his demise is what happened around him that has since been adjudicated.

Juror 9 also singled out Zulema''s testimony as damning for Chad's case, with her explanation of his doctrine and showing of her notes.
When a group of jurors was interviewed separately (5 jurors, 1 alternate), they mentioned Chad's confirmation that there was a plan to "take" the children, his remark to Emma that he wasn't coming back, his talk about turning up the children's pain level, as well as his message after Tammy's death about not being sad for the reason everyone thought. The jurors noticed how he labeled Lori's family dark, but not his own (apart from Tammy).
I was really impressed with a lot of statements that I thought would come out of the mouths of people who were following the case for years, not two months plus a weekend. (Some of the jurors immediately googled the case when released.)

One juror characterized the defense as just trying to confuse them, which I think it spot on, but I was impressed they saw it too, since the information is confusing, even without red herrings.

The jurors were very moved by the rebuttals. That the defenses ME didn't have all the info, that Garth's friend would not lie about his conversation, that the police had it on tape Emma refused to see the autopsy.

The jurors even noticed that the only person who did not cry during witness statements was Chad. The jurors took Chad's reaching for tissues at a point as contrived. They said no tears-no red cry face.

The juror who shaved his mustache had it get back to him during the trial. A friend called him and asked if he shaved it. Because the friend knew some juror did, and knew the juror was a juror on a case, probably this one. When the juror got that question, he was like, they are watching us.

It also seems pretty strange as my impression was that the LDS church wanted to distance itself from these fringe cults, of which there have been a few and high profile, at that.

From the description at the LDS book site:

In this true account of near-death experiences, we learn about the miracles of the millennium, the return of the Ten Tribes, the building of the New Jerusalem and temple, and many other astonishing events long prophesied in scripture but never before described in such vivid detail. Visions of Glory is a mesmerizing and fascinating read that you will not be able to put down.
Oh wow I just continue to be amazed. I think I will call them and ask why they would promote the books of a convicted serial killer. I think it’s like a stab to the heart of any family victim. I could not continue having faith in any leader of that denomination if they are promoting the works of Satan. If they allow that then I have to ask what kind of church are they really?
It makes me angry.
All of the love I’ve felt for Charles and Tammy and Tylee and JJ and yet they and their families were/are a part of this evil.

Artis, thank you for your research throughout this trial. You’ve stayed with it all the way through. I admire you for that.
YEAH true, seems black and white but, in this unusual scenario of all these cases being engaged by an entangled web.
Now that Lori has a conviction I don't see how it shouldn't be part of her next trial.
Having SAY....Rob Wood come to the stand and state that he successfully prosecuted her.
Why should it be prejudicial?
Its true and related. IMO.

Before heaps of posts remind me about due process and fair trial and defendants rights.
I know it, so not necessary to tie up the thread with explaining it at a deeper level.

When the cases are linked so intricately, would it be out of the question the Idaho Prosecution making an appearance and if that is definitely a no go, would the investigators in Idaho be witnesses or would they share their files and body of work and not be a seen presence.

There just seems like there is so much cross over to deal with moving into ARIZONA.

Killing everybody for insurance money before and after Charles death. (Possibility Joe Ryan too)
Such an important part of his demise is what happened around him that has since been adjudicated.

I do believe some of the investigators will be subpoenaed. It just makes good sense. There was an officer from AZ who testified in this trial and just as you said, the cases have been linked so intricately.
I’m hoping Chad is put on trial in AZ also. And MBP should certainly be a defendant, not a witness. She has skated this whole time. She was willing to see Boudreaux murdered and sacrifice her children.
I love Nate Eaton’s interviews with the jurors last night. He has another tonight. Actually the juror called Nate to talk but Nate hopes he will go on camera.
I was happy to hear the jurors say they saw the evidence clearly just as we all did. They caught every little bit of it.
I do believe some of the investigators will be subpoenaed. It just makes good sense. There was an officer from AZ who testified in this trial and just as you said, the cases have been linked so intricately.
I’m hoping Chad is put on trial in AZ also. And MBP should certainly be a defendant, not a witness. She has skated this whole time. She was willing to see Boudreaux murdered and sacrifice her children.
I think Chad should be charged in Arizona before MBP. He declared BB and their children dark. According to Chad, BB was part of Hitler's entourage in a past life.
I plan on giving a highlight summary of the interview Nate did with the eclectic group of jurors. I will pop my earbuds in when it gets slow at work at some point today. People seem to like the highlights I've done in the past. I encourage everyone to give it a listen themselves regardless though.
I think Chad should be charged in Arizona before MBP. He declared BB and their children dark. According to Chad, BB was part of Hitler's entourage in a past life.
I don’t believe in past lives period so I won’t even go there. This is it. We get one shot at being decent, helpful, kind, loving and saved. And then we face God.
Tired of Chads bs.
I don’t believe you get paper and pencils on death row. I think pencils are considered dangerous to one’s self or to the guards.

However, I would predict Chad would stop writing within a short time as he would have no one to read his writings and worship him.
YEAH true, seems black and white but, in this unusual scenario of all these cases being engaged by an entangled web.
Now that Lori has a conviction I don't see how it shouldn't be part of her next trial.
Having SAY....Rob Wood come to the stand and state that he successfully prosecuted her.
Why should it be prejudicial?
Its true and related. IMO.

Before heaps of posts remind me about due process and fair trial and defendants rights.
I know it, so not necessary to tie up the thread with explaining it at a deeper level.

When the cases are linked so intricately, would it be out of the question the Idaho Prosecution making an appearance and if that is definitely a no go, would the investigators in Idaho be witnesses or would they share their files and body of work and not be a seen presence.

There just seems like there is so much cross over to deal with moving into ARIZONA.

Killing everybody for insurance money before and after Charles death. (Possibility Joe Ryan too)
Such an important part of his demise is what happened around him that has since been adjudicated.


I don't want to get too deep in the weeds on this, but I think the Federal Rules of Evidence will help you with this.

Link to Federal Rules of Evidence: Federal Rules of Evidence

The most instructive of these rules on this issue is Rule 404, but Rules 401, 403, and 602 are also. The comments sections of these rules also help to explain the reasoning for exclusion of other convictions as evidence.
I liked the one juror who, when talking about Chad's adult children on the stand, described them as living in a vacuum. It was definitely spot-on. I glanced back at the video for a time-stamp for the juror's comment but can't find it now.

I think Chad should be charged in Arizona before MBP. He declared BB and their children dark. According to Chad, BB was part of Hitler's entourage in a past life.
I agree. Not that Melani is without responsibility. But her mother, while AFAIK loving, was not able to take care of her properly. Her grandparents exacerbated the problem. Lori (!!!) became a surrogate parent, and is always manipulating and using others. I feel like any crimes Melani committed, and I believe she has committed crimes, were her doing the best she can.

She does very much need to find out that there is something very wrong with her ability to parent and live in the community safely. If she can think, "La, la, la, if Daddy and Mommy say move away from law enforcement, while they are surrounded by murdered bodies, I guess I better do that," she is a very dangerous decision maker. She was willing to accept, indeed she was praised for her ability to accept, the murder of her children.

I tend to see her more as victim than perp, but I fully support her indictment and being charged. Her victimhood makes her actions appear without malice to me, but it doesn't make anything legal or okay.


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