Trial - Ross Harris #5

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Precisely because he wasn't the primary driver. The rear facing seat was safer. And, to believe Ross was the primary driver is to believe it was Ross who drove Cooper to any and all extracurricular activities outside of daycare, which kinda contradicts the Ross was an uninvolved, diffident, only for show dad storyline.

Do 22 month old babies have a lot of extracurricular activities?
Lumpkin asks Murphy whether he saw Cooper's car seat, and Murphy says he did see it at the police department's evidence garage, where the vehicle had been taken for processing.

Lumpkin asks him where the restraining straps were threaded into the car seat. Murphy says they were in the middle slot, but at the time he mistakenly informed Stoddard that the straps were threaded through the lowest level of the seat.

Lumpkin's direct examination is frequently halted by Boring's objections, most of which the judge sustains. He returns to questions about items of evidence in the search warrants and asks the locations Murphy went to obtain those items. In addition to other locations he'd already testified about, Murphy says he went to the Kaiser Permanente office to fetch medical records on both Cooper and Ross Harris.
Quote Originally Posted by katydid23 View Post
So the point of this witness is going to be showing that Ross planned to buy a home?

Seems to be, hahaha. Really, how is this relevant?

Prior State witness testimony was that RH was looking for a home in a certain area (Alex iirc) about school districts. Def trying to point that if he was going to plan on killing his son wouldn't have been trying to get home were good school dist. JMHO
Found a great reporter on twitter: Natisha Lance from HLN. She is in Brunswick and is covering the trial.
This case hurts my heart just like it does for everyone here. When it first was reported I thought it was just another tragic, preventable accident. Very soon afterward, I read of the father's arrest, the supposed internet searches by both parents on child car death, and the seemingly odd reactions by the parents to their baby's death. As the facts unfold, doubt on the accuracy of some of the initial reporting seems evident.

Since then I had my own beloved son die suddenly without warning. That is still hard for me to even write. If someone had told me before hand that I would lose one of my beloved sons, I would have told them to not bother worrying about me, that I could not survive that. My life would just wither up and die. I have since learned that shock is a very odd emotion that allows one to mask the grief and pain and agony that is inside. The face I showed and continue to show to the world is not what I would have expected and most likely isn't the one anyone else expected either. I have learned to not judge what grief looks like, that it is not a prediction of how someone's heart is breaking. I know now that PTSD is not something that just happens to those in combat.


I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Lumpkin wraps up his direct.

Judge Staley Clark excuses the jury so the parties can argue about the addmissibility of other testimony that Murphy might offer.

She then declares a break in the proceeding.
So in May JRH told the real estate agent he was backing away from buying for now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

IIRC when Alex testified that RH helped him move on May 31 that RH was looking for a home in the area he lived, and spoke about the school dist. That area would be the farther area from "hot pocket area" as this witness spoke of that RH was later looking at. This same night RH went to the prostitute Doerr.
You think a 30 or so year old married man sending photos of his genitals to a 16 year old girl is equivalent to not buying a second new car seat when a child still fits in the first?

Can of worms....

IMO the car seat is worse. Cooper has no choice and if the seat is inappropriate his life is at stake....

This day and age teenagers are not shocked by sex and scandal and most hardly virgins. The 16 yr old seeing a pudgy desperate guys penis isn't going to kill her potentially and she isn't helpless to not have a choice. She sought it out.
After a time, he said, the couple also began looking in Kennesaw and Acworth because they could get "more house for the money" there than in East Cobb.



Which is what Witness Alex Hall testified that RH told him on May 31. When RH helped Alex move. *Alex moved to that are.
Can of worms....

IMO the car seat is worse. Cooper has no choice and if the seat is inappropriate his life is at stake....

This day and age teenagers are not shocked by sex and scandal and most hardly virgins. The 16 yr old seeing a pudgy desperate guys penis isn't going to kill her potentially and she isn't helpless to not have a choice. She sought it out.

Yep. Ross could have bought a legal car seat for his son for less than he paid the hooker for 30 minutes of her time.
This case hurts my heart just like it does for everyone here. When it first was reported I thought it was just another tragic, preventable accident. Very soon afterward, I read of the father's arrest, the supposed internet searches by both parents on child car death, and the seemingly odd reactions by the parents to their baby's death. As the facts unfold, doubt on the accuracy of some of the initial reporting seems evident.

Since then I had my own beloved son die suddenly without warning. That is still hard for me to even write. If someone had told me before hand that I would lose one of my beloved sons, I would have told them to not bother worrying about me, that I could not survive that. My life would just wither up and die. I have since learned that shock is a very odd emotion that allows one to mask the grief and pain and agony that is inside. The face I showed and continue to show to the world is not what I would have expected and most likely isn't the one anyone else expected either. I have learned to not judge what grief looks like, that it is not a prediction of how someone's heart is breaking. I know now that PTSD is not something that just happens to those in combat.

I've gone back and forth on my feelings about this case. I have had to dismiss what I feel about RH as a man, as a husband and even a father to distinguish between his guilt as a murderer from that of his guilt of adultery, sexting minors and of being just generally dis-likable and hypocritical.

The other evening I went to the website of I read every single heartbreaking story of the parents that left their children in a car. While most of them did have a significant break in their normal routine that explained the false memory of dropping their child off at the sitters or daycare, some did not. Some were sleep deprived, stressed, worried. One father ran into a co-worker and became so distracted with conversation with him that he left to go on job site with him, forgetting the baby in his car. Others had similar distractions and lack of sleep and stress were predominate in their stories. .

Near my town we had a recent tragic car death. The mother was an attorney for a large school district. Her routine was to take the baby to the day care and then begin her 45 min commute to the school administration office. On this day she forgot to take the baby to daycare and drove on to work. Whether she had a phone call that distracted her or had her mind on a stressful meeting awaiting her or any other distractions, I do not know. All I know is that she reportedly left work that afternoon and went into the daycare center to pick up her child. That is when she was told her child was not there and she realized he was still in the car.

From all accounts this was a child cherished by her and her husband. His sweet obituary said they they had struggled with infertility before being blessed with this baby. Her Instagram showed happy, loving pictures of a motherly pride in showing off her baby at his recent first birthday.

We would all like to believe this can only happen to other people, to bad parents, to someone that didn't care or love their child enough to protect them. Someone like RH. But I don't believe that to be true. After reading the heart rendering stories of real parents that have suffered this nightmare, I believe that the many pressures on working parents, the increased distractions of technology and even the policies regarding the rear facing car seats (which I know protects and is recommended) has lead to these babies dying.

I am leaning toward believing that RH was so addicted to sex and his mind was so all consumed with what his next texting escapade was going to be that his mind either provided him a false memory of taking his child to daycare or the baby was just was forgotten all together.

While this is not as easy to accept as that of a parent that had a change in routine or a stressful meeting at work, I think it was just a big of a mental distraction. I think he is an immoral, immature, self centered human being but I don't think that necessarily means he murdered his child. I think that his personal history makes it much easier to believe he planned this out as an escape from an unhappy marriage and obligations. But I am left with reasonable doubt if that is the truth.

I too have lost a child so I know your pain....breaks my heart to hear of children's needless deaths...thank you for sharing.
Do 22 month old babies have a lot of extracurricular activities?

Where I live yes, absolutely. And with the circle of parents I hung with (I was 43 when I gave my birth to my one and only, many of my mom-friends were in their 30's and up) yes, and to a kind boggling degree, actually, though I never felt the need to follow the herd quite that far, play dates and "mommy and me" activities being the two most common.
Quote Originally Posted by Maisiebelle View Post
So in May JRH told the real estate agent he was backing away from buying for now.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

May is also when Leanna's friend said she had backed off wanting to have more kids - she said it wasn't a good time for it, which was the opposite of what she had said prior. IMO something happened during late Spring that was impacting their marriage.

RBBM, yet this wasn't brought up by State? Would that be from a witness or hearsay? Maybe as a Rebuttal witness ?
I have been following this case from day 1. For those of us who have been following the case and watching the pre-trial hearings, LE 's missstatements were obvious before the trial began. The DT had hit LE's mischaracterizations hard in the media so it wasn't a surprise that they dismantled the witnesses during the trial.

Thank you! So in other words the Pros knew better but did it anyway (to summerize)
Yep. Ross could have bought a legal car seat for his son for less than he paid the hooker for 30 minutes of her time.

LmFAO idk the going rate for Suburban GA hookers but damn you can get a decent car seat at Walmart
(For all I know maybe a hooker in the parking lot too )
This case hurts my heart just like it does for everyone here. When it first was reported I thought it was just another tragic, preventable accident. Very soon afterward, I read of the father's arrest, the supposed internet searches by both parents on child car death, and the seemingly odd reactions by the parents to their baby's death. As the facts unfold, doubt on the accuracy of some of the initial reporting seems evident.

Since then I had my own beloved son die suddenly without warning. That is still hard for me to even write. If someone had told me before hand that I would lose one of my beloved sons, I would have told them to not bother worrying about me, that I could not survive that. My life would just wither up and die. I have since learned that shock is a very odd emotion that allows one to mask the grief and pain and agony that is inside. The face I showed and continue to show to the world is not what I would have expected and most likely isn't the one anyone else expected either. I have learned to not judge what grief looks like, that it is not a prediction of how someone's heart is breaking. I know now that PTSD is not something that just happens to those in combat.

I've gone back and forth on my feelings about this case. I have had to dismiss what I feel about RH as a man, as a husband and even a father to distinguish between his guilt as a murderer from that of his guilt of adultery, sexting minors and of being just generally dis-likable and hypocritical.

The other evening I went to the website of I read every single heartbreaking story of the parents that left their children in a car. While most of them did have a significant break in their normal routine that explained the false memory of dropping their child off at the sitters or daycare, some did not. Some were sleep deprived, stressed, worried. One father ran into a co-worker and became so distracted with conversation with him that he left to go on job site with him, forgetting the baby in his car. Others had similar distractions and lack of sleep and stress were predominate in their stories. .

Near my town we had a recent tragic car death. The mother was an attorney for a large school district. Her routine was to take the baby to the day care and then begin her 45 min commute to the school administration office. On this day she forgot to take the baby to daycare and drove on to work. Whether she had a phone call that distracted her or had her mind on a stressful meeting awaiting her or any other distractions, I do not know. All I know is that she reportedly left work that afternoon and went into the daycare center to pick up her child. That is when she was told her child was not there and she realized he was still in the car.

From all accounts this was a child cherished by her and her husband. His sweet obituary said they they had struggled with infertility before being blessed with this baby. Her Instagram showed happy, loving pictures of a motherly pride in showing off her baby at his recent first birthday.

We would all like to believe this can only happen to other people, to bad parents, to someone that didn't care or love their child enough to protect them. Someone like RH. But I don't believe that to be true. After reading the heart rendering stories of real parents that have suffered this nightmare, I believe that the many pressures on working parents, the increased distractions of technology and even the policies regarding the rear facing car seats (which I know protects and is recommended) has lead to these babies dying.

I am leaning toward believing that RH was so addicted to sex and his mind was so all consumed with what his next texting escapade was going to be that his mind either provided him a false memory of taking his child to daycare or the baby was just was forgotten all together.

While this is not as easy to accept as that of a parent that had a change in routine or a stressful meeting at work, I think it was just a big of a mental distraction. I think he is an immoral, immature, self centered human being but I don't think that necessarily means he murdered his child. I think that his personal history makes it much easier to believe he planned this out as an escape from an unhappy marriage and obligations. But I am left with reasonable doubt if that is the truth.


I am so sorry. This trial must be all the more heartbreaking to follow. I admire your strength, and your courage in speaking up here to share about you, and your nom-majority opinions. :)
And, duh, who goes looking to buy a house when they were counting on a promotion and didn't get it? It's called being an adult and reevaluating.

Schools a priority, superior credit...and hidden rooms and prostitutes.

I find it interesting they got LH and RH medical records as well as Coopers.
LmFAO idk the going rate for Suburban GA hookers but damn you can get a decent car seat at Walmart
(For all I know maybe a hooker in the parking lot too ��)

I think he paid her $125 for 30 min. I just checked with the Mrs and the car seat we bought over three years ago to use when we have our grandson was $70...yep, from WalMart
Yep. Ross could have bought a legal car seat for his son for less than he paid the hooker for 30 minutes of her time.

Oh good grief, Tex. (Long time no see). Y'all make me wonder why the State didn't add the charge of violating car seat regulations right up there with those felony and malice murder charges.

I'm beginning to think all the focus on car seat regulations is because no one here can point to any piece of actual EVIDENCE that RH "neglected" his son or didn't love him.
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