Trial - Ross Harris #5

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Yes, and as those of us who have children know - car seats are a HUGE deal! They give new parents individual instructions at many hospitals before they take their babies home. They have free car seat checks through the Ga. State Patrol and many local LE offices (you can take your car with car seat and they will examine and let you know if it is installed properly, fits your child, etc.

Back in the dark ages when I was growing up - we didn't even have car seats. I remember lying down in the back seat floor board and napping while driving long distances on vacation. I don't remember hearing of anyone's child dying in a hot car.
They could climb or crawl over to the window as they weren't strapped in. I understand that safety in case of a crash overrides this but it makes me sad to think of him being strapped down, unable to even crawl over and beat on the window to ask passers-by to save him :(:(:(
BBM (an a lil OT)

I don't think those were the "Dark Ages".
These days are.

Every glorious moment of a childhood full of freedom and wonder, has been lost to the 'Safety Generation'. Today's kids are living 'pre-fab' childhoods. Every single waking moment is structured, confined, restricted, and limited to an adults pre planned agenda. A stale and stifled pale imitation of the real thing. All in the name of 'Safety'.

I remember playing stick ball in the street, building tree forts in the woods, that no adult ever set eyes on...

My siblings and I would sneak down to the beach, at midnight, on sweltering summer nights, swim out to the raft, and lie under a gazillion stars, making up stories about them...

It's no surprise to me that I, not only survived, such a dangerous, unsupervised upbringing...but I thrived on it. I am protective of my littles, but yeah, they climb trees, go barefoot in the grass, we go for Night Walks, and are not opposed to bringing home small wounded animals, regardless of whatever dangerous pathogens might be lurking in their tiny, cold, hairless/featherless bodies.

I would not want to be a child in this day and age. ( where 'playtime' is as stiff and unimaginative, as those New Playground structure things, that bore the heck out of kids!) I feel sorry that Tomorrow's Children will be even farther removed from the Real Thing. But hey, at least they'll be as "Safe" as possible in the cages we build for them right?

And when they grow up, they better just keep any individual expression underwraps, or they too, will face the judgement, and condemnation, for the most minute expression, that steps over the line of socially accepted behavior.
Did you watch voir dire of jury 2, after change in venue? I don't remember if jurors were asked that precise question (in panels), but if they weren't, they were asked every related question but that, for obvious reasons.

I posted up thread the prior questionnaire, 17 not sure if they used the same but would think so, but jmho. I couldn't find a 2nd one.
Originally Posted by Hope4More View Post
No, not entirely. Staley ruled that a dead child plus cause of death unknown plus LE finding a parent responsible for the dead child present at the scene equalled probable cause to search the car, RH's phone, the Harris home, and to seize, but not search (several) of RH's computers.

Searching the contents on his computers required separate search warrants, (issued June 24), on which date the affadavits' narrative had been edited, and now included the blatant lie about the position of Cooper's seat belt straps (though photos of the car and the carseat had already been taken).

Snipped for space continued in my comment

COD for Cooper was obvious..BUT the first few hours..Detectives had no idea IF Ross maybe medicated Cooper or not..and his unusual behaviour heightened their suspicions. BTW~~ Isn't that Investigations work? Suspicions always force investigations to search/seek evidence to either refute or cooperate. Much defense of Ross suggesting corruption and biases is always the go to excuse.. But in my field..Investigations just want to gain as much informations as possible..which will exonerate or inculpate the accused!

Cause Of Death was not known until the Autopsy was completed. Manner Of Death is UNDETERMINED Signed Sept 29, 2014. As per the filed Death Certificate. Manner Of Death as of the date of Dr. Frist testimony, was still UNDETERMINED, no amended DC has been filed for Cooper Harris

Unfortunately, I did not hear ME's testimony..other than poor Cooper suffered and scratches to face meant he at least tried to get free of his bondage! a 22 month old child should never have to suffer such death!! A Father who was completely devoid of connection to his child ( talk is cheap) (pictures and smiles do NOT demonstrate connections/photo-ops)...Even his Daddy/Son breakfast didn't indicate interactions as he apparently was consumed with his tweets!! .

**Link to former ME Dr. Frist. State Direct, as well as some interesting on Cross, it will be in video 2. Here is link, you can go back to part 1 for ME Inv Jackson, is at the beginning of part 1. IF you have followed testimony then Jackson testimony will be interesting as far as testimony of Lt Ferrell testimony. And the Odor should be interesting from both thes witnesses. JMHO Notice the measurements of Cooper read into the record by Dr Frist. Also, he was unaware that Cooper had been moved to the hot pavement by RH and the first witness, or that CPR was attempted by RH, Hawkins, or that Gillamore 90-100 compressions were done on Cooper, most likely causing the damage to back of head. He will be recalled by the Defense. Oh and TESTIMONY by Dr Frist, was that he was told the temp in the CAR was 90 degrees that day.

BTW~~ where can I find the ME report? Obviously no drugs found in Cooper or would have been topic/ but only OJ in his wee stomach bothers me..IF still in stomach actually speaks a lot to me..Fluid have no need for breakdown like FOOD move thru Gi system much faster. This alone suggests..Cooper was DEAD when Ross went to that car after lunch~~ and his weird way of tossing lightbulbs into vehicle was actually indicative of Ross's aberrant need to voyeur his deed was accomplished...He didn't look nor bothered to look into his vehicle ( another weird anomaly IMO) I often put stuff in my vehicle..and always have view of front and back seat..even check floor sometimes incase of dropped items. BUT a 22 month old/carseat ..You wanna bet I would check that out for numerous reasons!!
** see link above for ME Testimony and the Autopsy Report that has been posted multiple times is here:

Oh yeah, When people die..they ( especially elderly and children) when die often pass urine and stool.. WHY? because all sphincters RELAX~~ and some on scene mentioned odours ..some said urine other smell of death or maybe excrement! that was in outdoors..and Ross didn't smell it when entered his vehicle before going to meet buddies after work? Confined, enclosed hot space would have increased that smell+++++ ..But he drove away,, down road and did not react..THAT too points to him wanting to finding his child in a very populated area..That too for me indicates need to dramatize his victim ship persona! He's dumb like a fox ( dumb fox to boot)~~ Not buying any of his defence ~ rather more of a DRAMA KING and believed he could CON the LE since he believed he COULD ..why else would sign that waiver?
**no bowel movement in this case of Cooper Harris.See Autopsy Report link above
Ross truly does think much more of himself than anybody else ever did or will!!
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
If I were a juror, I would feel the same as I would a sleuther. That is if the State is going to charge anyone with anything.. especially serious felonies then they should have solid evidence to prove the charges. Not manufactured evidence or manipulated. And to prove it to me as a juror, those charges beyond a reasonable doubt. And not overcharging. If you were RH would you not expect the same? And what about innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? I realize being judged in the public opening is different. But would you want to be judged on by false information that has happened in this case? Proven false by the State impeached witnesses testimony

I'm just curious, I've seen errors in recounting evidence or gathering evidence. I really don't recall LE manufacturing or purposely manipulating evidence.

If we can believe RH's lame excuses, why is it hard to believe LE isn't perfect?

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RBBM. If they came and charged you, would you expect them to prove your guilt? Would it be ok for them to change evidence and present it as correct? Would it be ok to state that you said something and swear under oath to a Magistrate that it was true? Even if it wasn't. And use that non factual information to file charges and go into trial as if it was the truth? Oh don't forget that the media live streamed, and MSM printed over and over for 2 years alleged actions, only to find out at trial that was not true and the LEO knew it. But oh what the heck, not important. As long as it someone else :waitasec: Aren't LEO held to a higher standard than non LEO?
Snipped for space included my rely
RBBM Katydid23, blue Mimi

I think that your answers above are taken out of context. SW's are applied for BEFORE much investigation is done. So there are often mistakes, misstatements, and inaccurate info included.

The six minute call----THere was evidence in the phone of a 6 minute call. That was true. Once things got sorted out, it seems it was not what it appeared. But it was not a lie or deceitful in any way.

This is false. The call was from 4:25:57 - 4:31:10 -- 5 min 13 sec. And the CAD 911 log showes that 4:27:04 (RH was already in the back of Office Piper patrol car) It was deceitful, Stoddard still believes that RH was talking to Michelle Gray. Per his own testimony.

The meme----at first LE thought he was the creator of the meme. However, when the used new software program they figured out he did not create that meme. BUT HE DID READ IT AND CLICK ON IT IN AGREEMENT. And he said he needed a break from family life and an escape from his kid at times. And complained his kid drained his bank account.

That was not in that meme about "the joker" draining his bank account. That is false. Per Testimony it was 2015 before they found out that RH did not create the meme.
child free life----no, he didn't search that term as far as they can now tell. But they thought that he had. And they have now clarified it with the jury.

**RH did not search it, he clicked on a link, sent to him by his friend Alex Hall. The State did not know that Alex Hall is who sent RH the link. Stoddard testified that Yep he knew where it came from prior. But "couldn't recall when or where he gained that knowledge. Point blank asked by Def, when he learnd and if it was from sitting in the courtroom during testimony, he testified that not when he found out or how. Yet the State had no knowledge of it.

searched 'hot car'---- NO, not searched it---BUT clicked on video, AND COMMENTED on it, actually talking about the possibility of his kid being trapped in a hot car.So this was a relevant addition to this SW.
**he clicked on a link and it took him to youtube. AND the SW for iPhone5 was because of the unfactual information in the SW for phone. It was stated that because the iPhone has internet capibilities, they wanted to check an see if he searched "hot cars" and "temp for a child to die" from phone *exact wording you will have to listen to Lumkin [video=youtube;MpXGrtp6hA0][/video]

Just because some of what they claimed turned out to be incorrect, it does not mean that there are not serious issues with his behavior and actions during that time period.
Please watch the video linked. Murphy testified as truth that RH did not attempt CPR, yet we have heard 3 maybe 4 witnesses from the scene testify that is not true.
VIEW FROM Where would be view from Stoddard photo with car seat in correct height NO FEET SHOWN View attachment 103729

In both they used Mr. Dustin height of 6'3 and RH is 6'2

Notice the mannequin was dressed in white socks...another subtle mistake in favor of the prosecution. Cooper was wearing blue sneakers with dark trim which would have blended into the fabric of the backseat to a greater extent.
Quote Originally Posted by GA_Peach View Post
Snipped for focus by me.

LE's shortcomings do not absolve Ross of his. I despise what this case has become. Ross deserves a fair trial so that he can be judged for his actions.

I think he is getting a fair trial. He has a great team of high priced lawyers, working pro bono. They are doing a great job. And if the judge is using faulty legal precedents, he will win some appeals.

RBBM.not true:
Justin Ross Harris, dad in Atlanta hot car death, returns to court
Updated: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 @ 9:54 PM
Published: Friday, September 11, 2015 @ 12:57 PM
By: Christian Boone - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Last month, Harris was declared indigent, according to court documents. Taxpayers are now paying for his attorney, Maddox Kilgore, and two associates..

Interesting fact on the State for this Trial

Charron, the court administrator, said the first round of jury selection in Cobb cost the county $8,025. In July, the Cobb Board of Commissioners voted to spend up to $200,000 from a contingency fund for death penalty cases on the Brunswick round of the Harris trial. The money will be needed to pay for housing for both the defense and the prosecution along with the judge, bailiffs and other court personnel.
RBBM Katydid23, blue Mimi

This is false. The call was from 4:25:57 - 4:31:10 -- 5 min 13 sec. And the CAD 911 log showes that 4:27:04 (RH was already in the back of Office Piper patrol car) It was deceitful, Stoddard still believes that RH was talking to Michelle Gray. Per his own testimony. [/COLOR
Personally, I don't believe he was being deceitful when he made the claim in the SW that there was a 6 minute call to the day care when the officers arrived on scene. Why would they make up something like that? What bearing would it have on the case?

As you said yourself, Stoddard still thinks she is lying.

Sometimes at the very early part of an investigation, things are fuzzy, odd, incorrect, etc.

I think Stoddard was sloppy and somewhat inept. But I don't think that claim about the call was deceitful.


That was not in that meme about "the joker" draining his bank account. That is false. Per Testimony it was 2015 before they found out that RH did not create the meme.
child free life----no, he didn't search that term as far as they can now tell. But they thought that he had. And they have now clarified it with the jury.

I know that the joker reference was NOT in that meme. Sorry if I did not state my thoughts more clearly. I added the joker reference as a separate thought because it was about what was eventually mined from the search warrant.

But again, sloppy work by Stoddard. But there was truth to the claim that he talked about being tired of family life. He did not create the meme, as stated in the SW, but he did click on it and agree with it and comment on it.

**RH did not search it, he clicked on a link, sent to him by his friend Alex Hall. The State did not know that Alex Hall is who sent RH the link. Stoddard testified that Yep he knew where it came from prior. But "couldn't recall when or where he gained that knowledge. Point blank asked by Def, when he learnd and if it was from sitting in the courtroom during testimony, he testified that not when he found out or how. Yet the State had no knowledge of it.

**he clicked on a link and it took him to youtube. AND the SW for iPhone5 was because of the unfactual information in the SW for phone. It was stated that because the iPhone has internet capibilities, they wanted to check an see if he searched "hot cars" and "temp for a child to die" from phone *exact wording you will have to listen to Lumkin [video=youtube;MpXGrtp6hA0][/video]

But the above is irrelevant to what the purpose of the SW is for. It is TO BEGIN the investigation. They obviously know very little when they write these up. All they did was scroll through the phone. Mistakes are corrected when they offer the actual evidence in court.

Please watch the video linked. Murphy testified as truth that RH did not attempt CPR, yet we have heard 3 maybe 4 witnesses from the scene testify that is not true.

And the defense confronted him with that witness testimony. The jury has heard that. So what is the problem?

The detective apparently believed that he was not 'really' making a serious attempt at CPR. Maybe he is totally wrong. Maybe he is lying. I don't know. It is up to the jury to decide for themselves.

WE are just talking past each other it seems. :sigh:

I din't think Stoddard is an evil man. He has made some serious errors and I am glad that Ross has a good team of lawyers to correct the record where necessary. But I do believe that the homicide detective believed that Ross murdered his son.
Quote Originally Posted by Hope4More View Post
I care. Not about honest mistakes, we're all human. But if you read even the first 8 SW's you can see for yourself how a narrative emerged over the 3 or so hours the affadavits were written, submitted, and granted.

Once is a mistake, twice or three times is a problem, 10 misstatements on 10 search warrants is a bigger problem, and the same misstatements persisting even after contrary evidence has been found is a pattern of bias or disception or both.
But none of those errors are now being offered as TRUTH in any kind of evidence in front of the jury. Stoddard tried to cling to a few faulty ones and the defense successfully showed he was full of bs. So how are the rights of this defendant being denied?

:waitasec: Maybe I am watching a different trial than you. Confused here Katydid, in the State vs Justin Ross Harris, that's what testimony has been about in the States case in chief that they rested on 10/28/2016.
:waitasec: Maybe I am watching a different trial than you. Confused here Katydid, in the State vs Justin Ross Harris, that's what testimony has been about in the States case in chief that they rested on 10/28/2016.

My post that you replied to was specifically concerning the mistakes made in the SEARCH WARRANT applications. I think that the errors or misstatements in the SW's have already been corrected when discussed in front of the jury. The state admitted there was no search for those terms, but Ross just watched or clicked on those links.

Stoaddard clung to his totally wrong interpretation of the 6 minute phone call--but that was ineptness, not deceit, imo.
Did the State have so much evidence that they omitted Cooper's little Cars backpack that was left at home? I always thought it was Cooper's every day backpack.
Why didn't the State bring up the matter of Cooper's Cars backpack hanging on the peg inside of the Harris' home? That is one of the strongest premed clues that there is. At least the photo image of Coop's Cars backpack will go to the jury as State's evidence marked # 150.

View attachment 103783

SS Source:
Ross Harris Trial Day 3 Part 2 (CSI Shumpert) 10/05/16
The Def played the 6 days in June 2014 that RH took Cooper to daycare. I do not recall him having a back pack any of those days. 4 of those Cooper was laying on RH shoulder. Unsure if asleep or not. But not walking in like the other 2.
Do you think they were lying when they said they thought he was making a 6 minute call when the police arrived? Was that a purposeful deceitful action by LE? Did they purposely lie when they when they claimed Ross searched child free?

They had the records. When they obtained them, I do not know, but they also had the CAD 911 call logs. They had RH phone records. They had RH extraction of his iPhone5. And call information from LAA from HD Security.

On the Child Free, sorry but the State had the same documents as the Defense and it was right in those Chat logs where Alex Hall sent RH that link. RH did NOT search Child Free in the context that the State and LEO were speaking and accusing him of. Documents entered into evidence prove it. But he did search about travel and iirc there was something about free maybe in those searches. Would have to go back to the Forensic testimony.

ETA Stoddard still thinks the call went through and that RH talked to someone for 6 min, even though the flipping call logs say 5 min 13 seconds and he was in the back of Office Piper patrol car, and Officer Piper had his phone. He testified that he stands by his statement/testimony that someone was talking to someone in Toddler room 5.
My post that you replied to was specifically concerning the mistakes made in the SEARCH WARRANT applications. I think that the errors or misstatements in the SW's have already been corrected when discussed in front of the jury. The state admitted there was no search for those terms, but Ross just watched or clicked on those links.

Stoaddard clung to his totally wrong interpretation of the 6 minute phone call--but that was ineptness, not deceit, imo.
:waitasec: I guess you have not listened to the link I provided up thread on today's trial with Mr. Lumpkin.
:waitasec: I guess you have not listened to the link I provided up thread on today's trial with Mr. Lumpkin.

Pumpkin argued and confronted the facts that he thinks they got wrong. That is how trials work. I don't see the problem. There are always going to be two versions of the same event argued by opposing sides. The jury gets to sort it out.

eta---autocorrect changed the attorneys name to Pumpkin. LOL
I just read part of the ME report and was shocked that LH wouldn't supply ME with Cooper's health records or primary care physician info until she spoke to her attorney?????? That is bizarre. Just one more thing that complicates my opinion.
I just read part of the ME report and was shocked that LH wouldn't supply ME with Cooper's health records or primary care physician info until she spoke to her attorney?????? That is bizarre. Just one more thing that complicates my opinion.

She had already given the records to police, IIRC.
If that's true, then the ME is incorrect or misleading. It specifically said she wanted to check with her atty.

That IS true, however the ME report does say in the next sentence that they were given to LE.

Snipped by me.

I would encourage everyone to watch the above clip. I think that Lumpkin does an excellent job explaining why this information should go to the jury.
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