Trial - Ross Harris #6

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In all fairness, Boring does not ask clear questions that can easily be answered with a yes or no. Many of his questions do seem like he is trying to trick the witness or put words in their mouths ....and many are just awkward, fumbling questions.

I actually feel his questions are quite clear which is why I think it makes them look bad when they have to think so long and give answers in such roundabout ways
I think its more about protecting her daughter who continued to stand by Ross

Right but she lost a grandchild. If she thought he did it on purpose I doubt she would be on his side.
Oh that's not subjective. That's fact. It's right on tape. His head was up. Upright, not laying on his dad's shoulder. He wasn't snuggling against his dad. He was sitting upright as well. His body not curled up against his parent, like sleepy kids do, but his trunk up and on his own. Eyes open. That's 100% wide awake. Not subjective. We all know a drowsy kid when we see one. That wasn't at all drowsy.

Well, yes it is subjective, actually, because I don't see a wide awake toddler in that video, and yes, I know something about children. I assume you are in any case referring to the 9AM video, not the 9:18 video?

He seems somewhere between wide awake and drowsy, imo. And more to the point, he is not walking, here, there, or anywhere at any time in CFA.
Oh that's not subjective. That's fact. It's right on tape. His head was up. Upright, not laying on his dad's shoulder. He wasn't snuggling against his dad. He was sitting upright as well. His body not curled up against his parent, like sleepy kids do, but his trunk up and on his own. Eyes open. That's 100% wide awake. Not subjective. We all know a drowsy kid when we see one. That wasn't at all drowsy.
He spoke and said "school" fgs when he got back in the car


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I do find it striking that they have all these witnesses defending RH... Even after the info about the minors and prostitutes and everything came out, no one who knew him has come forward to say anything bad about his relationship with Cooper, or anything that shows him to be a cruel or violent man. I find that very unusual in a murder trial. There are so many people who have such good reason to hate RH and want him to suffer, but they are all defending him against the malice murder charge.
Right but she lost a grandchild. If she thought he did it on purpose I doubt she would be on his side.

With her specifically, it seemed like a "I can't believe it, I won't believe it" situation. It seemed like denial and defense of her daughter more than absolute belief. Which I found surprising. JMO.
Right but she lost a grandchild. If she thought he did it on purpose I doubt she would be on his side.

Well obviously I can't speak for her but Leanna obviously believes it was an accident and chose to stand by and support Ross, I doubt her mother go against her and just by her daughter believing it was an accident that's was probably enough for her. Kinda like that confirmation bias thing were always talking about... anyways, I don't necessarily think she's on Ross' side but she is absolutely on the side of her daughter
#19. I believe GA Peach, our local and traffic specialist for the area, has said that she could see a reason for Ross taking the route he did to the theatre. That's an IIRC. JMO, I also think it's entirely possible Ross was on a path to go hook up before the movies, a thought supported by at least one text he sent that day trying to do just that, that day.

Now we are getting into the territory of having a possible explanation for each suspicious fact that at a certain point, yeah, we are having to explain away much too much. Of course. There's always an explanation for anything. It's the cumulation. And how hard we have to stretch to explain away damning evidence. Eg. Tape shows a child alert and wide awake. "Well that's subjective. I mean he wasn't WALKING therefore even though his eyes are open, his head up and not supported and his body straight and alert and not snuggling, we don't know for sure that he wasn't wide awake. " Ross takes a longer route to the movies that coincidentally involves a turn that would allow him to "discover" his son and do so around a crowd. "Well someone said there might have been a good reason for taking that route." Like I said, we can stretch and contort to find excuses for each factor. But when we have to do it not once but over and over again, it's not logical that the excuses erase a rational and damning picture that has been created.
I do find it striking that they have all these witnesses defending RH... Even after the info about the minors and prostitutes and everything came out, no one who knew him has come forward to say anything bad about his relationship with Cooper, or anything that shows him to be a cruel or violent man. I find that very unusual in a murder trial. There are so many people who have such good reason to hate RH and want him to suffer, but they are all defending him against the malice murder charge.

I don't find it odd, at all. Many major trials with despicable defendants have people testify for them and love them. Denial, trauma, and personal ties can be very powerful.
I wonder if she used her computer for any work? Could have been a HIPPA violation for PROS to seize it.
I do find it striking that they have all these witnesses defending RH... Even after the info about the minors and prostitutes and everything came out, no one who knew him has come forward to say anything bad about his relationship with Cooper, or anything that shows him to be a cruel or violent man. I find that very unusual in a murder trial. There are so many people who have such good reason to hate RH and want him to suffer, but they are all defending him against the malice murder charge.

Just because people hate Ross doesn't mean they are going to give false testimony against him.

In fact, the testimony that he was a good father with a good relationship with Cooper is all the more credible from those people who now hate Ross.
JMHO disrespectful comment.

Right? To me it felt akin to spitting on his humble grave site. Which I thought was lovely in its simplicity myself. Perhaps a huge fancy stone wold be more pleasing to the Gladys Kravitz's of the world, but I like to think Cooper would've rather liked it. It was simple, well tended and lovely. imo.
Eh, I wouldn't put a ton of stock in Leanna's mother's testimony. It seemed like she was trying to tailor her testimony to help the defense - to the point of being stubborn.

JMHO she was there to authenticate the car seat photo. Boring tried to get her to say Cooper head over the brand name on the car seat. For reference.
ross harris cs measurements straps.JPG

cooper carseat april 20 2014.JPG

cooper harris car seat april 2014.JPG
I do find it striking that they have all these witnesses defending RH... Even after the info about the minors and prostitutes and everything came out, no one who knew him has come forward to say anything bad about his relationship with Cooper, or anything that shows him to be a cruel or violent man. I find that very unusual in a murder trial. There are so many people who have such good reason to hate RH and want him to suffer, but they are all defending him against the malice murder charge.

True. None of the defense witnesses said anything but beautiful things about scott Peterson either. Sext partner to Ross: "do you have a conscience?" Answer from Ross: "No."
I do find it striking that they have all these witnesses defending RH... Even after the info about the minors and prostitutes and everything came out, no one who knew him has come forward to say anything bad about his relationship with Cooper, or anything that shows him to be a cruel or violent man. I find that very unusual in a murder trial. There are so many people who have such good reason to hate RH and want him to suffer, but they are all defending him against the malice murder charge.

I think it's striking too, but not sure how to interpret it. I do think he was interactive and loving with Cooper, so there is no evidence anyone could point to that he wasn't. Except he left him in the car one day.

However, these same witnesses were shocked and unaware of his double life. Even those few who knew of intimacy problems in the marriage had NO IDEA what Ross was up to with prostitutes, underage girls, and a line-up of cell-phone sext partners.

So...they did see a loving father in Ross, but they didn't see a complete picture of him. It's really hard to determine if his double life leaked into his family life enough that he intentionally killed his child. I think there is reasonable doubt.

(Though I do think his neglect caused Cooper's death, but unintentionally so.)

I don't find it odd, at all. Many major trials with despicable defendants have people testify for them and love them. Denial, trauma, and personal ties can be very powerful.

And then there's always the possibility they are telling the truth ;)
That was HD Security Wesley Houston. His testimony has been impeached. [video=youtube;Cb3TZAWjsxE][/video]

Thank you, Mimi.
And then there's always the possibility they are telling the truth ;)

I wasn't meaning to insinuate they are lying. However, just because that's what he presented publicly and it's the truth they believe, does not mean that's the truth of who he was.

None of these witnesses really knew Ross, IMO.
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