Trial - Ross Harris #7

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Maybe Diamond found that the evidence the defense presented and his interview with Ross way back when is far different than what has come out during trial.

Well, if the defense only provided to him the same level of information that they did this last witness, they might have realized how bad they screwed up. The witness today was caught off guard by boring time and time again. I'm positive they are afraid the such a high profile witness will not be happy with gotcha moments?
Would he ever insist on only testifying in a case if the defendant testifies? I've never heard of a fbs case where the parent didn't testify...but I'm sure they exist...

I know the Judge from Hot Springs Ar, he took the stand. (Dr Diamond was an expert witness in that case, aquittal Aug 2016)
This one is different as to the other charges. JMHO
I know the Judge from Hot Springs Ar, he took the stand. (Dr Diamond was an expert witness in that case, aquittal Aug 2016)
This one is different as to the other charges. JMHO

Of the past 4 cases that Dr D testified in about FBS--the judge, the school teacher, the single mom of 3, the father on his wedding anniversary, ----ALL of them testified. 3 were found NOT GUILTY, only the school teacher was found GUILTY, but on the lesser charges of manslaughter.

But in each case, Dr D spoke about their wonderful upstanding reputations as people and parents, and he spoke about what they were doing while their child was trapped---one was teaching 4th graders, 2 fathers were at work in their offices, ---none were sexting though.

Jayde Poole, the single mother, had checked on her sleeping baby, found her gone, and called police, thinking the baby was kidnapped. She never even checked her car..
Of the past 4 cases that Dr D testified in about FBS--the judge, the school teacher, the single mom of 3, the father on his wedding anniversary, ----ALL of them testified. # were found Not GUILTY, only the school teacher was found GUILTY, but on the lesser charges of manslaughter.

But in each case, Dr D spoke about their wonderful upstanding reputations as people and parents, and he spoke about what they were doing while their child was trapped---one was teaching 4th graders, 2 fathers were at work in their offices, ---none were sexting though.

Hard to work up any empathy for a guy who's got his pants around his ankles, phone in one hand-his junk in the other, while at his workplace, while their child is strapped in a seat in a hot car.
Agree, and then they had the situation where Judge Staley wouldn't allow Murphy to testify on much of anything. Stoddard said he couldn't because he didn't do them, then Murphy couldn't because it was hearsay.

Holloway tried to keep his self from getting in a bad spot with anyone but he seem to think Staley was wrong in not allow the SW to be allowed talked about.

I still feel very strongly about the SW issue. Did Holloway address that in the recent Court Chatter video that you posted?
Holloway is an interesting guy. He's been a police officer, Navy JAG, prosecutor and defense lawyer. He considers all of the lawyers in this case his friends as well as the Judge. He's tried cases before her as a prosecutor and as a defense lawyer.
I still feel very strongly about the SW issue. Did Holloway address that in the recent Court Chatter video that you posted?

Yes just a little bit as I paraphrased. He knows these people and is in front of the judge and DA, so he not going to say much jmho but did say a little.
Ross had less sleep due to choices he made. When he was responsible for caring for a young child, I find that pretty negligent. But that is me.

It is interesting that Ross had the most sleep in several nights in the night preceding Cooper's death.

Add to that, most working parents of babies and toddlers function (i.e. work duties, parenting duties, and also manage not to kill their child) sleep deprived. He's not a special snowflake in that regard.

They only difference here is his sleep deprivation most nights seems to be, as you said, by his choice.
Holloway is an interesting guy. He's been a police officer, Navy JAG, prosecutor and defense lawyer. He considers all of the lawyers in this case his friends as well as the Judge. He's tried cases before her as a prosecutor and as a defense lawyer.

Yep, so he is not going to say a whole lot either way. But I got from what he did say, that he thought she should have let it go and see where it went. JMHO
Do we really need a expert to tell us how people can forget things or get easily distracted? I think most people understand a person can get distracted therefore can cause one to forget. Most people have forgotten something at some point, and I'm most likely at the top of that list. :crazy: HOWEVER, at some point I would think one would remember what it is they forgot because something would trigger it. If I left my phone in the car, and God forbid, I would certainly know once I walked in the house, put my purse down that something was missing. And since my phone is important to me, I would realize I didn't have it with me and must have left it in the car. The things I tend to forget are the things that are not that important to me. There are times I'll be driving and I'll have a lot on my mind and will miss my turn off, but I eventually, and it's pretty quick, Ooops, I missed my turn off. Ross NOT once even thought about Cooper that morning after he went to work? He not once realized he didn't take him to day care? Not once can still taste the breakfast he had or realized he had just eaten at CFA with Cooper? You know when you had just eaten for your body tell you and through out that whole day at work Ross never even thought about it? It's beyond me..
Agree, and then they had the situation where Judge Staley wouldn't allow Murphy to testify on much of anything. Stoddard said he couldn't because he didn't do them, then Murphy couldn't because it was hearsay.

Holloway tried to keep his self from getting in a bad spot with anyone but he seem to think Staley was wrong in not allow the SW to be allowed talked about.

I listened to that yesterday and noticed the same thing. She shouldn't have upheld the objection on hearsay grounds.
Holloway is an interesting guy. He's been a police officer, Navy JAG, prosecutor and defense lawyer. He considers all of the lawyers in this case his friends as well as the Judge. He's tried cases before her as a prosecutor and as a defense lawyer.

I take Holloway's opinions with a huge grain of salt. If you go back and read what he wrote, especially in the first month or two of this case, you can see why. He was all the way on the bandwagon of assuming RH was more likely guilty than not, and wasn't bashful about bashing him.

Bad form for a journalist, imo.
Just speculating here, but I think they put Brewer on as a test run for Dr Diamond's testimony.

They wanted to see how Boring was going to cross examine him so they can prepare Diamond accordingly. He is, after all, probably their most important witness.
I am continuing to think aloud. I think that the DT had a come to Jesus conversation during lunch. I think that the DT realized that this morning's witness did not go well for them. If they had no intention of calling any witnesses after lunch, they would have had the jury dismissed before lunch. The State also mentioned that they spoke to a DT witness last night that was planning on travelling to Brunswick on Sunday, but it sounds as if that witness will no longer testifying. The fact that they are even considering calling JRH signals to me that a huge wrench has been thrown into their plans.
IMO. They cannot put Ross on the stand because of the additional charges of sexting with minor or whatever they are.

That's another reason the refusal to sever the charges might end up being reversible error - Ross cannot speak in his own defense on the murder charges without subjecting himself to cross examination on the sex charges.
I take Holloway's opinions with a huge grain of salt. If you go back and read what he wrote, especially in the first month or two of this case, you can see why. He was all the way on the bandwagon of assuming RH was more likely guilty than not, and wasn't bashful about bashing him.

Bad form for a journalist, imo.

Idk about him as a journalist. I just think he's had an interesting career
I take Holloway's opinions with a huge grain of salt. If you go back and read what he wrote, especially in the first month or two of this case, you can see why. He was all the way on the bandwagon of assuming RH was more likely guilty than not, and wasn't bashful about bashing him.

Bad form for a journalist, imo.

I take him with a grain of salt - he seems too interested in being popular and on the right side so he hedged with his commentary.
Looks like we are ready to roll into thread #8. Move on over, this one will close in 5 to 10 minutes without any further warning.
I am continuing to think aloud. I think that the DT had a come to Jesus conversation during lunch. I think that the DT realized that this morning's witness did not go well for them. If they had no intention of calling any witnesses after lunch, they would have had the jury dismissed before lunch. The State also mentioned that they spoke to a DT witness last night that was planning on travelling to Brunswick on Sunday, but it sounds as if that witness will no longer testifying. The fact that they are even considering calling JRH signals to me that a huge wrench has been thrown into their plans.

Oh Kilgore saying they would have to talk to their witness, JMHO that is a normal thing. Going over what they feel and the ultimate decision will be RH. They have to do that. So I don't take that as anything earth shaking. I don't think they ever know if the defendant will take the stand until last minute. JMHO
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