Trial - Ross Harris #8

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So did you change your mind? How did it cause you to change your vote?

I really need to wait for the last DT witness before committing to anything. In very general terms, the witness this morning makes it practically impossible for me to believe that Ross forgot Cooper.

Short rehash:
State: Would this [insert fact of case] reduce the chance of forgetting?
Witness:. [Emphatically] Yes.
State: [Insert evidence from this case] Would this be considered a trigger?
Witness: Yes

The witness also stressed how distraction increases "memory failure."

The list goes on and on, but I don't have the time right now. I would listen to the testimony for yourself.

ETA - I don't think it is coincidence that the DT scrapped at least two witnesses after this morning's testimony.
A mirror so you can see them when sleeping and talking to them when awake....kinda bullet proof and idk good parenting 101
glue a blue tooth chip to the pacifier. They pair up with blue tooth on your cell phone. People are now attaching to their car key rings. Some men are putting them inside their wallet. Once the distance between cell phone and chip exceed approx 20-30 ft it beeps a notification on your married up cell . Hey, if it helps remind you not to forget your wallet or car keys, why not a baby? I was going to suggest having the chip implanted beneath baby's skin at time of baby's birth but I just knew so,eone would suggest I was likening a baby with a dog. It's all about the accountability :)
I really need to wait for the last DT witness before committing to anything. In very general terms, the witness this morning makes it practically impossible for me to believe that Ross forgot Cooper.

Short rehash:
State: Would this [insert fact of case] reduce the chance of forgetting?
Witness:. [Emphatically] Yes.
State: [Insert evidence from this case] Would this be considered a trigger?
Witness: Yes

The witness also stressed how distraction increases "memory failure."

The list goes on and on, but I don't have the time right now. I would listen to the testimony for yourself.

ETA - I don't think it is coincidence that the DT scrapped at least two witnesses after this morning's testimony.

I wish I could. Trial prep has me busy today.
I wish I could. Trial prep has me busy today.

Good luck tomorrow!

ETA - He also testified that distractions come at a "cost to other activities that are happening simultaneously."

In other words, caring for Cooper suffered because of his texting habits.
They need a Dr to testify about the effects of a testosterone imbalance on sleep and memory.
Good luck tomorrow!

ETA - He also testified that distractions come at a "cost to other activities that are happening simultaneously."

In other words, caring for Cooper suffered because of his texting habits.

Yes Cooper really did suffer because of RH's sexting habits!

I am curious since I didn't get to watch this morning and I don't want to watch the whole thing. Did the witness explain how some people forget and the majority of people do not?

I think it is one thing to forget minor things but not something as important as a loved child. imo
That is exactly what I was thinking when he became forgetful.

He couldn't expect to be taken seriously, if that was the intention. I'd equate it to a school boy error. As it crossed more than a few of our minds, it's a safe bet it did with at least some jurors. I'd feel pretty insulted in their place.

By his wide eyed and brow furrowing expression at certain times, I felt his mind actually was wandering as he digested info he wasn't aware of.

The shoe and fridge references were beyond ludicrous. When he said Harris 'didn't choose to be tired', it confirmed for me he was out of his depth. Kinda felt to me like he was thrown in at the deep end.
I am sure this is something I should know! But, can someone explain why the sexting charges are what some believe is prohibiting RH from testifying on his behalf? I should have linked a post that discussed this but I think it was in the previous thread.
As in - why would he be more likely to testify without those charges in this trial? I think I read that some believe this will be a grounds for appeal because his right to testify was taken away because the charges weren't separated?
Given that the defense doesn't seem to be disputing these charges at this point, I am confused, but legitimately thinking it is something I just don't know!

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I liked the take your shoe off and put it with the kid, that's a better idea than the contraptions I was thinking of making like a string tied to the car seat then to your wrist. The shoe is a much better idea, but then again if you are the forgetful type you might forget to use the shoe idea...

That's the beauty of the 'big teddy bear in the car seat ' idea. You cannot forget because when you go to put the baby in the car, the teddy bear is in the way. So you just gently toss Teddy up to the front passenger seat and put baby is car seat. And whenever you stop the car, the hot pink teddy bear is in your vision, as you prepare to leave and lock up. And you cant forget to place it back in the seat because your kids will expect you to do so. lol

[ my mother came up with this when she used to drive my son to preschool, in case she had his baby sister as well---she rarely did, but did a few times.]
They did not have the baby mirror attachments for car seats at the time.
Regarding JRH taking the stand... he really has nothing to lose. He will do at least 12 from the last counts that the def seems to have conceded. Most likely a couple decades or more for Coopers death. THEN he has 8 more indictments for an upcoming trial that can give him decades more for child *advertiser censored*, I believe. He really has nothing to lose, it's a Hail Mary to talk to the jury and explain his shortcoming and what happened to Cooper. And that he loved him etc.
A mirror so you can see them when sleeping and talking to them when awake....kinda bullet proof and idk good parenting 101

Yes. My son has one in his car. >>> BabiesRus for about 20 bucks.
I am sure this is something I should know! But, can someone explain why the sexting charges are what some believe is prohibiting RH from testifying on his behalf? I should have linked a post that discussed this but I think it was in the previous thread.
As in - why would he be more likely to testify without those charges in this trial? I think I read that some believe this will be a grounds for appeal because his right to testify was taken away because the charges weren't separated?
Given that the defense doesn't seem to be disputing these charges at this point, I am confused, but legitimately thinking it is something I just don't know!

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I think the problem is that Ross was outed as a "*advertiser censored*" freak" back in 2008..Has plenty of intervention thru church and those that tried to help him..but fast forwarding to 2014 (6 years later) his problem actually grew++++ Why? It certainly isn't because he didn't have intervention or supportive people behind him. SO IF he takes the stand..What and how can he say he didn't get helped..and those that tried failed..and the fact he lied and deceived his "Interventionists" in order to side step them for years!!

But thats just the baseline of his issues..His personality actually gets or was exposed..HE wanted to profess his need to act normal..which includes getting married..having a child..professing love for child..YET in the end..His personal need to be gratified and succeed with minimal effort to do so..superseded by his sexual predilections..Maybe he was a "Bi-person" or has an inferiority complex..doesn't matter. HE chose to tweet 60% of his waking hours..chose to sleep in naps..chose to lie about his activities..chose to hide his "quickies" etc etc.. Complained about costs of raising his son..emphasizing his need to have TIME OFF from his family (including Cooper) professing his love yet was unable to be a normal loving parent.

Job-wise~~ He spent most of his working hours sexting..looking up stuff that had nothing to do with his work..unable to complete any assignment to the satisfaction of his bosses..unable to get another job..unable to pretty much do anything beyond present a FRONT ...He's an intellectual midget..covered up with blathering..and talking+++ TALK is CHEAP!! Actions speak MUCH LOUDER than words..and this whole trial has demonstrated this to a "T"!! IMO
But there are examples cited by Dr Diamond, where the parents memories are triggered and they suddenly remember their child is in the car:

At 1:15 p.m., Reeves met with her husband.[ at his office...]

"We were talking about how pretty [Ray Ray] looked that day and how her teacher would be so excited to see her," Reeves said. "She just moved to the 1-year-old caterpillar class. It was tropical day, the class theme. She was wearing the dress her teacher gave her for her birthday."

<rsbm> (brought over) Agree with that, and LaLouve's point. I should've worded it better. I meant as Diamond's theory is based on forgetting (in the first instance) he couldn't entertain forgetting three times (triggers). That's why I said State could potentially use those three times either on cross if the chance arose, but more to their advantage in Closing arguments. Those were huge triggers. Hope that's clearer, lol.
I am sure this is something I should know! But, can someone explain why the sexting charges are what some believe is prohibiting RH from testifying on his behalf? I should have linked a post that discussed this but I think it was in the previous thread.
As in - why would he be more likely to testify without those charges in this trial? I think I read that some believe this will be a grounds for appeal because his right to testify was taken away because the charges weren't separated?
Given that the defense doesn't seem to be disputing these charges at this point, I am confused, but legitimately thinking it is something I just don't know!

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It does not legally prohibit him from testifying. But it makes it very difficult because once you take the stand the State can discuss anything that is related to the case and the charges. So they can make him talk about the sexting minors and the hooker and the side of the road bj's...etc etc...

If the charges were separated, most likely, that stuff would be prohibited because of it's prejudicial value. So he would be able to take the stand in this trial and only talk about 'forgetting' and not have to talk about the sexting etc.

But I think it is better for the jury to get the entire picture and total context of the timeline for the incident. I think it goes to the question of negligence.
I'm listening to Mr. Memory's complete testimony from today, still on direct. Cross still to come, but I've revised my earlier opinion about his efficacy. His language may be too abstract at times, and his demeanor and grin can border on the creepy, but Kilgore is getting exactly what he needs from him, actually, it's definitely groundwork for Dr. Diamond, and.....I'm finding it compelling.

Will post a summary of his testimony later (translated ;)).
It seems like the efficacy of the memory witness depends totally on the opinion of the person watching. It's split almost exactly along lines. Those who believe the defendant is culpable view the witness as useless to the defense. Those who feel the defendant is innocent believe the witness was good for the defense.
I think it shows that if the jury are leaning in one direction they're going to interpret what they see a certain way and there's not much either side can do at this point.

There are such polar opposite opinions about this case. I have a feeling the jury is going to be quite similar.

Trying to put myself in the most neutral frame of mind possible : Assuming jurors are still keeping an open mind to all evidence, I think there was an opportunity for this witness to sway at least some jurors who cannot make sense of forgetting your child in such a short time, and not somehow remembering throughout the day.

This witness had the information and science to explain that - but he fell short of delivering the information in a way that was clear and easily applicable to Ross' circumstances.

I wouldn't dare predict how much he helped the defense. It depends on what jurors already understood about accidents like this that have happened every summer and how willing they are to weed through the technical explanations to see its relevance.
Trying to put myself in the most neutral frame of mind possible : Assuming jurors are still keeping an open mind to all evidence, I think there was an opportunity for this witness to sway at least some jurors who cannot make sense of forgetting your child in such a short time, and not somehow remembering throughout the day.

This witness had the information and science to explain that - but he fell short of delivering the information in a way that was clear and easily applicable to Ross' circumstances.

I wouldn't dare predict how much he helped the defense. It depends on what jurors already understood about accidents like this that have happened every summer and how willing they are to weed through the technical explanations to see its relevance.

I think one of the strengths of his testimony (I'm an hour in, and writing an outline as I go) is that Kilgore is addressing, head on (and anticipating the State's counter arguments) the 2 key hurdles left: the belief jurors might (or are likely to have) that forgetting a baby isn't possible, and that it is impossible to believe RH's memory wasn't triggered by all the cues of that day

Really, I think he's doing a pretty good job despite himself, thanks to Kilgore, who keeps translating for him. ;)
Trying to put myself in the most neutral frame of mind possible : Assuming jurors are still keeping an open mind to all evidence, I think there was an opportunity for this witness to sway at least some jurors who cannot make sense of forgetting your child in such a short time, and not somehow remembering throughout the day.

This witness had the information and science to explain that - but he fell short of delivering the information in a way that was clear and easily applicable to Ross' circumstances.

I wouldn't dare predict how much he helped the defense. It depends on what jurors already understood about accidents like this that have happened every summer and how willing they are to weed through the technical explanations to see its relevance.

I really hate to burst your bubble there~~ But the only adults who could entertain the possibility of forgetting your child in your vehicle within 30 seconds..would have to be totally ignorant..and even those ignorant in experience would have to have NO memory of their past experience of a parent forgetting all about them within 30 seconds. That alone is outside of what Ross Harris's distractions were...He's been distracted since why 6 years later..he suddenly forgets what he claims to be the "Beloved Child"??? I actually don't think any normal adult could overlook the evidence in this case..His need to be "Free" has been exposed over and over..Free of Marriage..Free of Child responsibility...Free of Financial drain..and Free to pursuit his Goals..!!!!

I know Ross will be found guilty of many counts..BUT it's up to the jury to decide if he actually knew what he was doing THAT DAY leaving his "Joker" behind strapped into that car Seat!!
I really need to wait for the last DT witness before committing to anything. In very general terms, the witness this morning makes it practically impossible for me to believe that Ross forgot Cooper.

Short rehash:
State: Would this [insert fact of case] reduce the chance of forgetting?
Witness:. [Emphatically] Yes.
State: [Insert evidence from this case] Would this be considered a trigger?
Witness: Yes

The witness also stressed how distraction increases "memory failure."

The list goes on and on, but I don't have the time right now. I would listen to the testimony for yourself.

ETA - I don't think it is coincidence that the DT scrapped at least two witnesses after this morning's testimony.

I think if the defense was unhappy with his testimony, they would be even more likely to call additional witnesses to put some distance between this guy and deliberations.

Do we know for sure Dr Diamond is going to testify? Are there other witnesses?
I'm listening to Mr. Memory's complete testimony from today, still on direct. Cross still to come, but I've revised my earlier opinion about his efficacy. His language may be too abstract at times, and his demeanor and grin can border on the creepy, but Kilgore is getting exactly what he needs from him, actually, it's definitely groundwork for Dr. Diamond, and.....I'm finding it compelling.

Will post a summary of his testimony later (translated ;)).

I did the same thing and I agree - especially if he is the lead in to Diamond.
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