Trial - Ross Harris #8

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I don't understand why the conversation about whether Cooper fit in his car seat is continuing. During yesterday afternoon's charges hearing, the DT stated that Cooper did not fit within the manufacturer's specifications for his car seat. Whether Cooper was 1.5" or 3" too big, it doesn't matter. He was too long for his seat. The DT is even disputing that fact.

Didn’t Ross and Leanna say Cooper fit fine in that car seat?
Something is way off with those measurements...

Crown -heel 33 inches

crown-shoulder 8
shoulder-heel 23.5
31.5 inches

crown -rump 14
rump-heel 17.5

So we are to conclude his chest/upper abdomen was only 6 inches long?

The posters who want you to believe he was very long legged to the point that there was 5" of space to grow above his head...they would love you to believe this. I don't. Maybe after fighting for his life Cooper was positioned oddly in the seat and this was the best measurements they could get due to the rigor that set in?
Didn’t Ross and Leanna say Cooper fit fine in that car seat?

Yes, but they are both proven liars. I could squeeze my size 8 self into a size 2 skirt and claim it fits fine... but that doesn't make it so.
Yes, but they are both proven liars. I could squeeze my size 8 self into a size 2 skirt and claim it fits fine... but that doesn't make it so.

LOL, understood..
I don't understand why the conversation about whether Cooper fit in his car seat is continuing. During yesterday afternoon's charges hearing, the DT stated that Cooper did not fit within the manufacturer's specifications for his car seat. Whether Cooper was 1.5" or 3" too big, it doesn't matter. He was too long for his seat. The DT is not even disputing that fact.

I agree...out of all the mysteries still surrounding this case, the car seat issue is solved and conceded. Move along peeps...:stop:
I don't understand why the conversation about whether Cooper fit in his car seat is continuing. During yesterday afternoon's charges hearing, the DT stated that Cooper did not fit within the manufacturer's specifications for his car seat. Whether Cooper was 1.5" or 3" too big, it doesn't matter. He was too long for his seat. The DT is not even disputing that fact.

I think you know why... we want to know how visible his head would have been and I dont think that has been answered in testimony whatsoever.
Yes - I have sadly attended several children's funerals and never heard anything like that. Most parents are grieving about the *good* things that they will not experience in life - not see them graduate from hwigh school, not see them attend the prom, not see them go to college, not see them get married, not see them have their own children, etc. That is the normal reaction when a life is cut short.

The other very odd thing was mentioning having another child. I know many, many experts caution family and friends not to refer to other (even existing) children as a comfort after a child dies. The reason being that that individual child cannot be replaced.

They are certainly an odd couple. I believe he is guilty but not because he is odd.


Well, LH didn't think that way....she said at her baby's funeral:
She then went on to list the things she was happy her son will skip: His first heartbreak, junior high and high school [the audience laughed as she said she didn't like either one of them], who to sit with at lunch in those awkward middle school years. She also said he will not have to suffer through the deaths of his grandparents and the deaths of his father and mother.
Imo this is very very odd.
I don't understand why the conversation about whether Cooper fit in his car seat is continuing. During yesterday afternoon's charges hearing, the DT stated that Cooper did not fit within the manufacturer's specifications for his car seat. Whether Cooper was 1.5" or 3" too big, it doesn't matter. He was too long for his seat. The DT is not even disputing that fact.


The car seat talk is getting real old.


Well, LH didn't think that way....she said at her baby's funeral:
She then went on to list the things she was happy her son will skip: His first heartbreak, junior high and high school [the audience laughed as she said she didn't like either one of them], who to sit with at lunch in those awkward middle school years. She also said he will not have to suffer through the deaths of his grandparents and the deaths of his father and mother.
Imo this is very very odd.

Her behavior at the police station was odd, but I am sure to some extent she was in shock and did not truly understand the gravity of the situation. This seems likely considering she finally broke down when she got home and realized he wasnt there and wasnt ever coming back.

As for the funeral people can have very different beliefs about the dead. For example I was raised to believe that once a person dies that is no longer them. Their soul has left the body and its just an earthly body now, nothing else. So I dont believe in visiting a grave site after the funeral. But my husband likes to go to his families grave sites and actually talk to them. Very weird to me, but he thinks im weird too. I think Leanna was clinging to her faith and trying desperately to convince herself that his death was God's plan and therefor there are positives in that. She was likely repeating things that people had said to her and was clinging to that to get her through those difficult days. Remember the Christian belief is that Cooper certainly went straight to heaven. So wishing he had survived is only selfish compared to where he is now. Leanna is just a fool/victim for not leaving him sooner.

All that said, it seems like it may be difficult to definitively determine if this was an accident or not. The many coincidences seem damning and his character is crappy enough that I might convict him even if I thought he was innocent.
I think you know why... we want to know how visible his head would have been and I dont think that has been answered in testimony whatsoever.

Exactly. Cooper's height of 33" exceeded the manufacturer's specification of 30". It doesn't get any more straightforward than that. And it doesn't get any more irrelevant to this trial either, unless those 3" were inches that made it impossible for RH to not see Cooper.

If we get to vote on what must be acknowledged as settled once and for all, my vote is the fact that even the State has acknowledged Cooper's head didn't stick out 3" over the top of the carseat, or any inches over the top of the carseat for that matter. The carseat specifications are irrelevant.
Exactly. Cooper's height of 33" exceeded the manufacturer's specification of 30". It doesn't get any more straightforward than that. And it doesn't get any more irrelevant to this trial either, unless those 3" were inches that made it impossible for RH to not see Cooper.

If we get to vote on what must be acknowledged as settled once and for all, my vote is the fact that even the State has acknowledged Cooper's head didn't stick out 3" over the top of the carseat, or any inches over the top of the carseat for that matter. The carseat specifications are irrelevant.

Even if I conceded that fact you can't discount the fluff of bright yellow hair offset by the bright red car seat...which would be visible to RH imo without question.
Even if I conceded that fact you can't discount the fluff of bright yellow hair offset by the bright red car seat...which would be visible to RH imo without question.

The 3" not over the top is indisputable. The "fact" that RH "must" have seen Cooper, for any of a list of reasons, his blond hair against a red car seat being just one, is very much debatable.
Going back to no Dr. Diamond testimony, and Brewer's being all that the jury has to work with on the possibility of FBS (though that was never introduced as such in his testimony, was it?).

I wonder what the jury would find on the charges if : they have reasonable doubt on intent so put aside malice murder; and they believe it is at least possible that RH thought he'd dropped Cooper off; but, they don't believe it's possible, or think it's highly unlikely, for Ross not to have been triggered by the numerous cues he had all day into "remembering" he had not dropped Cooper off.

IMO, one of the crucial differences DR. Diamond might have made is convincing the jury that the cues Ross had were not inevitably sufficient to make Ross "remember," including by reciting the fact of just such missed cues in other cases he'd worked on.
Going back to no Dr. Diamond testimony, and Brewer's being all that the jury has to work with on the possibility of FBS (though that was never introduced as such in his testimony, was it?).

I wonder what the jury would find on the charges if : they have reasonable doubt on intent so put aside malice murder; and they believe it is at least possible that RH thought he'd dropped Cooper off; but, they don't believe it's possible, or think it's highly unlikely, for Ross not to have been triggered by the numerous cues he had all day into "remembering" he had not dropped Cooper off.

IMO, one of the crucial differences DR. Diamond might have made is convincing the jury that the cues Ross had were not inevitably sufficient to make Ross "remember," including by reciting the fact of just such missed cues in other cases he'd worked on.

BBM - I agree - and I think the jurors who may be leaning that way would have "ammunition" so to speak to use to argue their position. I do not think Dr Brewer's testimony provides that due to the effectiveness of his cross.
I have a 25 year old son, not married, no kids, have been talking to him about the case. Last night he said "but little children are so fragile, isn't it instinctive to take extra care of them?" Well, yes, that's why we are having this trial....sigh....RH had lost that instinct. :moo::thud:

Your son sounds like someone who will make an excellent father if he ever has kids. :) That's one insightful comment! Yes, kids aren't cups of coffee, boxed leftovers, bottles of ketchup or any other inanimate object. They should never be so low on the private list of priorities in a parent's mind that they fall right off the memory.
I'm a little late to the party I haven't followed this case that closely but I personally believe this was a premeditated murder. I was, however, keenly interested to hear what Leanne had to say, so listened to her earlier testimony yesterday afternoon as I was working.
Disclosure: EVERYTHING written here is my personal opinion, speculative and admittedly not fully informed.

The first half of testimony LT was a sympathetic figure. Strong witness for the defense. I wholeheartedly believed her explanation for the 'Did you say too much?'comment. Overall, she came across truthful. I will say I think the defense did a stellar job prepping her.

On cross I found her to be a passive-aggressive, hostile witness who pretty much lost all credibility with me. Among other things, she was politely combative and she came across as someone who would say just enough negative things about RH to remain somewhat believable. Not out of a sense of finding the truth mind you, but rather she dared not give them anything truthful because it wouldn't bode well for the man she divorced (on paper only.)

I believe the divorce was nothing more than a strategy, as the fact she hasn't had contact with him since January (or whenever it was.) Not buying the new boyfriend claim either.

I do not believe she knew of her husband's plans that morning, nor did she ever wish her son dead, but I think she knew her RH was unhappy in the marriage and wanted out. She knows him probably better than he knows himself and it certainly wouldn't be a stretch to for her to think he would do the unthinkable if he felt trapped. I think she probably got pregnant to keep him from leaving, although there's nothing out there to suggest this. I also think she knew from the very minute she found out her son was dead what had happened and it came as absolutely no surprise to her. None at all. She may have even been subconsciously waiting for something like this TO happen.

I think she has an unhealthy addiction RH. Perhaps she thinks his failures are a reflection of her. In the abstract maybe there's some truth to that. Regardless, something is terribly amiss. She's a cute gal who could do so much better. Physical appearance and bad habits don't define someone but RH is the type of guy that any random photo of him tells the WHOLE STORY. He is all things epic loser. You just can't draw any other conclusion. He has absolutely zero redeeming qualities. You can be ugly, you can sport a mullet, you can be mushy, you can be a cheater, an unkempt slob, a philanderer, a pedophile, a sub par employee, broke and selfish but you can't be ALL of those things and have some hidden, magnetic quality. What's left to respect and/or love? No NORMAL woman could love that, especially after he killed his own child, intentionally or otherwise.
Anyway, being the awesome catch that he was, LT's biggest 'fear' after finding out her son was dead was that he'd probably ditch the marriage now that there was nothing holding them together. That's why she asked him about having more kids in the interview room. IMO, she has EXTREME FEAR OF ABANDONMENT. Her number one priority is protecting herself from it - no matter the cost. RH has always been her #1 priority. It explains why she is defending the responsible for her son's death, yet pausing long enough to let us know what an utter pig of a man he is. ‎Well, except for being an outstanding father, that is. Yeah, sure thing.

A normal mother whose lost her child can't be completely objective about that loss. Emotions & grief cloud judgement. It's just human nature. The only way you can objectively evaluate a personal, tragic loss is to lack the normal emotional state which accompanies it. But here she is, a grieving mom who can be as neutral as Juror Jane in evaluating her own fresh hell. She claims she didn't know the depth of her husband's sex addiction (she did) and although Mr. McFreaky was leading an adulterous, double life, she can objectively state he isn't capable of murdering his son (he is.) Except for in movie theaters, how does that work, exactly? Either way, it's clear to me LT wasn't emotionally invested in her own child. Her bond is to RH and only RH.
Yes, he was horrible person who did horrible things and ruined her life (never mind, you know, her son's life) but really, he was a fabulous dad who lacked motive to get rid of his kid. No, I'm sorry but no one gets to live a calculated defense strategy in real life. Cooper was a pawn in HER marriage. She used him to keep her husband from bailing and she's still using him to make sure this perfect, doting dad isn't held accountable. She's protecting HERSELF from abandonment with the empty promise she & RH will reunite after he walks free.

She knew from the moment she heard Cooper was dead that his dad killed him. She knows deep down it wasn't an accident and it's because of that very fact she rushed in to protect him, to save him, to save herself from losing everything. Her behavior that day was atypical to such a degree anyone who saw the video knew she had to be involved. She was involved, just not in a premeditated or conscious way.

I absolutely believe she did have an irrational fear of Cooper being left to die in a car, but it wasn't a fear based on behalf of losing her son, it was fear based on what his horrific death would mean for HER MARRIAGE.

(As a side note I also think RH went to his car at lunch to check on CH's 'progress.') ‎

She is loyal to Eugene from The Walking Dead until the bitter end. It's pathological really, and she will never allow herself to acknowledge the raw truth. For she herself is also culpable for CH's death by the mere fact I believe she knew her RH was capable of such selfish evil but didn't take steps to protect her child from it. It is why a 'hot car death' was her 'biggest fear' and something she apparently frequently discussed with him.

Even though I think RH is guilty there's a fair chance he'll walk with time served or a little more for lesser charges. I think there's probably enough doubt here for the average, smoking gun juror. And as soon as he walks out of prison he will step right over LT getting to his Carlos Danger account. She'll grieve then, but never for her helpless son or the hellish death he experienced at the hands of his wonderful daddy. Because after all, "He's better off dead than existing in this cruel world." Isn't that basically what she said at his funeral? ICK.
There has been something about Leanna that I couldn't put my finger on until now. I think her lack of emotion, while it can be baffling, can also be explained by many things. (If one chooses to.) He strange comments can also be explained, if one chooses. (I think they were people who did not have age appropriate emotional IQs, if you ask me. But you didn't, lol.)

So what I finally figured out about her, is that she didn't seem surprised that this happened. Not because they talked about it a lot, or saw the news, or watched a video. She was sending reminders, emails, etc. She was almost helicoptering him into parenting and being responsible. I think she knew he had checked out of his priorities. I think she knew he wasn't taking care of general responsibilities. She was living with him, I can't be convinced she didn't see it.

I do think she unequivocally thought this was an accident. But I do NOT think it was because Ross was daddy of the year. I think it's because she knew he wasn't paying attention to life, to her, to Cooper. She wasn't surprised.

Kilgore, after the State introduces photos into evidence yesterday related to measurements of Cooper's head:

"For what it's worth, I do not object."
I don't understand why the conversation about whether Cooper fit in his car seat is continuing. During yesterday afternoon's charges hearing, the DT stated that Cooper did not fit within the manufacturer's specifications for his car seat. Whether Cooper was 1.5" or 3" too big, it doesn't matter. He was too long for his seat. The DT is not even disputing that fact.

I think you know why... we want to know how visible his head would have been and I dont think that has been answered in testimony whatsoever.


The car seat talk is getting real old.


Exactly. Cooper's height of 33" exceeded the manufacturer's specification of 30". It doesn't get any more straightforward than that. And it doesn't get any more irrelevant to this trial either, unless those 3" were inches that made it impossible for RH to not see Cooper.

If we get to vote on what must be acknowledged as settled once and for all, my vote is the fact that even the State has acknowledged Cooper's head didn't stick out 3" over the top of the carseat, or any inches over the top of the carseat for that matter. The carseat specifications are irrelevant.

Even if I conceded that fact you can't discount the fluff of bright yellow hair offset by the bright red car seat...which would be visible to RH imo without question.

The 3" not over the top is indisputable. The "fact" that RH "must" have seen Cooper, for any of a list of reasons, his blond hair against a red car seat being just one, is very much debatable.

Today on WS...a glimpse of what the inside of the jury room will sound like next week .:lol:
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