Trial Thread 4/26/2012

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Does anyone think the defence objected to Rodney's pressers? Can they do that?

Anything is possible but I think he may have realized on his own there is a lot he can't say with the gag order in place. According to a comment this morning on LFP, he still answers questions from reporters when asked.

I pray he and Tara finally get justice for Tori and the accused child killer is put away for a very long time.
....Question ..just read that the CROWN is expected to conclude their case TODAY....Does anyone know if or when the defense is expected to start their case was mentioned MONDAY April 30 ...Does that mean NOTHING is happening in LONDON Court tomorrow....If so I guess they are giving the DEFENSE time to prepare and make a list of witnesses....? IMO they certain had enough time ...! this has been 3 YEARS before going to TRial .......It has been said they had 3 years to prepare as the CROWN had to disclose all there evidence ...or do I have this wroing????.anyone agree????...looking forward to others peoples views here too...robynhood

I do think they will resume next week. I disagree that the defence is preparing a list of witnesses. They probably already have one. What the defence will do, in my opinion, is alter their questions a bit now that they know exactly what they are working against when the crown rests its case.

Avery Moore ‏ @AveryFreeFMNews
Crown is moving on to asking Lanna about a pair of white PUMA soes. A pair of similar PUMAs were found in McClintic's closet.
To associate Rafferty's name with any of those exonerated, innocent men, is an insult to them.


I somehow think if Rafferty is convicted, I doubt the James Lockyer's of the world will be lining up to try to get the conviction overturned!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to connect the dots ...

"The trial has seen evidence that Rafferty withdrew $80 from an ATM at a gas station next to a Home Depot in Guelph at 5:03 p.m., then McClintic entered the Home Depot minutes later and purchased a hammer and garbage bags using cash."

respectfully... Otto would you be able to reword your first sentence when quoting my post...I take it to reflect on my judgement and intelligence as you used it in refence to my post and not in general.. JMO Thank you
The defence already has their witnesses lined up ... if they are introducing witnesses, and the crown does disclose all the evidence and witnesse prior to trial. The defence only discloses an expert witness list and sometimes an alibi witness.

Why would the defense not disclose their list of witnesses, since the Crown has the right to request the time to perform due diligence on them before they testify?

The size of the shoes makes it difficult to compare minor details like stitch patterns.

RaffertyLFP: Lanna also compared Rafferty's white Puma running shoes shown in Gallery cinema video and found similarities
AveryFreeFMNews Crown is moving on to asking Lanna about a pair of white PUMA soes. A pair of similar PUMAs were found in McClintic's closet. #Rafferty...robynhood
respectfully... Otto would you be able to reword your first sentence when quoting my post...I take it to reflect on my judgement and intelligence.. JMO Thank you

Sorry ... didn't mean to offend ... I only meant that it seems abundantly obvious to me that MR provided the money to buy the murder weapon because he withdrew money from the ATM (a deposit he had pre-arranged with his escort friend) minutes before he drove TLM to the store to buy the murder weapon.
Does anyone else feel that Derstine's line of defense was blown out of the water by TLM's "new" confession in January?

Surely his line of defense all this time, was to show what a liar TLM was, because she said MTR killed Victoria.

Now, he can't try and focus on just how much of a liar TLM is and was, because, he wants the Jury to believe her "moment of truth" about who wielded the hammer on Tori.

Funny enough, the very character assassination that he has so vigorously defended and tried to prevent against for his client, will be the very thing he focuses on in the defense of his client, as he presents the character flaws of TLM.

Do you think the Jury will pick-up on that? Will they think he is grasping at straws?

Also compared Rafferty's shoes to the PetroCanada camera in Guelph.

RaffertyLFP: Lanna also asked to check Puma shoes Rafferty wore in Guelph Petrocan

RaffertyLFP: Only one similarity found in PetroCan video due to angle of camera

There are no dissimilarities between the shoes, Lanna says. He called his testimony "a lot of work".

He touched on eight different areas.
Why would the defense not disclose their list of witnesses, since the Crown has the right to request the time to perform due diligence on them before they testify?


The defence has to disclose a list of expert witnesses prior to trial so that the crown can prepare for cross examination. The defence has the option of disclosing the alibi witness list, and it's in their best interest to do so, but it's not necessary.
To associate Rafferty's name with any of those exonerated, innocent men, is an insult to them.


I am sure each of those names would want us to keep an open mind to all the evidence, including their defence.
Look at the positive side of things, after skipping the dinner for two weeks, you might be down a size in pants!!

Seriously, if that is the case, I really feel badly for you, I guess when you think you've go it tough, there always is someone worse off out there...

I can only hope I go down a size, or three! LOL
When eating stuff like cheap hotdogs from walmart, store brand kraft dinner, and store brand mr noodles (to save money to make sure my kid eats properly), weight tends to balloon.

But, I'm fine. This is only temporary. It can get depressing, but as you said, there is always somebody out there worse off.
When my daughter starts school, I can get a job and get off OW (which is a humiliating experience every 3-4 months, and cause for depression in itself... ). Minimum wage is better than what is received on social assistance. Looking forward to eating broccoli again :)
Always light at the end of the tunnel... and my light is green and shaped like tiny little trees (and tastes great with cheese). It also does not have any crotch holes :) (haha)
(and proudly, my daughter never wastes a single bite of her broccoli)
Sorry ... didn't mean to offend ... I only meant that it seems abundantly obvious to me that MR provided the money to buy the murder weapon because he withdrew money from the ATM (a deposit he had pre-arranged with his escort friend) minutes before he drove TLM to the store to buy the murder weapon.

thank you Otto..appreciate that...I understand what you meant but it quoted my post and it was the opposite of what you posted so I took it as a reflection on my judgement.. JMO thank you again...
The defence already has their witnesses lined up ... if they are introducing witnesses, and the crown does disclose all the evidence and witnesse prior to trial. The defence only discloses an expert witness list and sometimes an alibi witness.

....I am asking because I am seriously considering driving to London ...IF Rafferty takes the stand in his defense...this case has me so deeply upset! ....Guess I will have to wait and see....AWho knows what will be happening tomorrow ....another Court day off I read numerous times ...the crown should be finished today ???....very curious and I guess I am feeling anxious about this whole darn thing as I read IMO....seems like ...MAny feel the same here ????..robynhood
As we all know the defence has no obligation to present a defence or even if they do to let the Crown know what their defence might be. They either opt in to a discovery agreement or essentially play poker with their hands. MOO

ETA: One of you will know because I cannot remember was it this trial or TLM's that proceeded without a prelim hearing?
We're moving on to a new area. 10 minute break first.

When we return, we'll be watching video of all the surveillance clips we've seen so far.

RaffertyLFP: 10 minute break Court will see wrap up of surveillance videos after that Then I hope we are done
Does anyone else feel that Derstine's line of defense was blown out of the water by TLM's "new" confession in January?

Surely his line of defense all this time, was to show what a liar TLM was, because she said MTR killed Victoria.

Now, he can't try and focus on just how much of a liar TLM is and was, because, he wants the Jury to believe her "moment of truth" about who wielded the hammer on Tori.

Funny enough, the very character assassination that he has so vigorously defended and tried to prevent against for his client, will be the very thing he focuses on in the defense of his client, as he presents the character flaws of TLM.

Do you think the Jury will pick-up on that? Will they think he is grasping at straws?


I do believe it probably threw both the Crown and Defense for a loop.

Crown thinking they had their slam dunk

Defense thinking they can blame it ALL on TLM

Overall, however, I think the Defense is the one who was damaged the most with this revelation in January.
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