Trip to Huelva

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Perhaps they want to find the body before they press charges.

Colomon, I think your theory about the trio to Huelva is an interesting one. I just have one question: why would they have had to dig up something she was buried with? Couldn't they have had it hidden somewhere and decided they needed to move it when the sniffer dogs were being brought in? I'm thinking this could have been her bed sheets, pillow and/or pajamas. I would have been easy enough for them to have hidden something like that in the church.
I must respectfully completely disagree with this. I would think that having 'egg on face' would pale in comparison to letting child murderers go free.

Yes, but it's a two-pronged approach. That's where the big push from the McCann team comes into play. Have we not seen news stories every single day of someone either defending the parents (they're not guilty) or questioning whether Madeleine is still alive (new sightings, etc.)? The whole plan is to downplay the evidence so that they don't look like child murderers.

On one hand, you convince the Portuguese courts not to arrest the McCanns and hold off putting them on trial. On the other, you amass a public opinion blitz to convince the populace that they're innocent and being smeared by the vicious Portuguese police.

Do you really believe that the government, in the general scheme of power plays and controling a country, gives a rat's butt whether this child is alive or not? The UK prime minister has already come out strongly on the McCanns' side. Certainly, he doesn't want to have egg on his face.
Yes, but it's a two-pronged approach. That's where the big push from the McCann team comes into play. Have we not seen news stories every single day of someone either defending the parents (they're not guilty) or questioning whether Madeleine is still alive (new sightings, etc.)? The whole plan is to downplay the evidence so that they don't look like child murderers.

On one hand, you convince the Portuguese courts not to arrest the McCanns and hold off putting them on trial. On the other, you amass a public opinion blitz to convince the populace that they're innocent and being smeared by the vicious Portuguese police.

Do you really believe that the government, in the general scheme of power plays and controling a country, gives a rat's butt whether this child is alive or not? The UK prime minister has already come out strongly on the McCanns' side. Certainly, he doesn't want to have egg on his face.

Are these type of convoluted theories really more believable than an abduction theory? :confused:

I'm not picking on you directly, CaliKid. I've just been seeing some really far out (IMO) theories to make the McCann's guilty of this crime.
I think if we were dealing with parents who didn't happen to know people who knew the prime minister or high-placed government officials or well-known media celebrities, an abduction theory would make more sense.

But the McCanns (and/or their friends) have a lot of powerful contacts who paved their way very early on to set up a huge nearly-global campaign. Combined with the media black-out in the UK in which anyone who criticized the parents were figuratively strung up and left twitching, believing in a "get the parents off no matter what" conspiracy isn't a big jump.
I think if we were dealing with parents who didn't happen to know people who knew the prime minister or high-placed government officials or well-known media celebrities, an abduction theory would make more sense.

But the McCanns (and/or their friends) have a lot of powerful contacts who paved their way very early on to set up a huge nearly-global campaign. Combined with the media black-out in the UK in which anyone who criticized the parents were figuratively strung up and left twitching, believing in a "get the parents off no matter what" conspiracy isn't a big jump.

I think it's a huge jump, but difference of opinion make the world go 'round, right? :)

So do you think the government is mad at them for hiring the private investigators and keeping all of this in the public eye, instead of just trying to get this thing to die down?
Perhaps they want to find the body before they press charges.

Colomon, I think your theory about the trio to Huelva is an interesting one. I just have one question: why would they have had to dig up something she was buried with? Couldn't they have had it hidden somewhere and decided they needed to move it when the sniffer dogs were being brought in? I'm thinking this could have been her bed sheets, pillow and/or pajamas. I would have been easy enough for them to have hidden something like that in the church.

Awesome thinking...could very well be.

I guess I was thinking why would they keep anything for that long? But if they had hidden things at a second site....very possible...

I was also tying it in with the upset stomach which I very clearly remember thinging was bogus but I don't remember why I thought that.
Yes, but it's a two-pronged approach. That's where the big push from the McCann team comes into play. Have we not seen news stories every single day of someone either defending the parents (they're not guilty) or questioning whether Madeleine is still alive (new sightings, etc.)? The whole plan is to downplay the evidence so that they don't look like child murderers.

On one hand, you convince the Portuguese courts not to arrest the McCanns and hold off putting them on trial. On the other, you amass a public opinion blitz to convince the populace that they're innocent and being smeared by the vicious Portuguese police.

Do you really believe that the government, in the general scheme of power plays and controling a country, gives a rat's butt whether this child is alive or not? The UK prime minister has already come out strongly on the McCanns' side. Certainly, he doesn't want to have egg on his face.

I respect this is your opinion, but it is a little out there for me.
in Correio da Manha this morning:

Copied from: 86581&page=34 post #506

Suspicions: Authorities went to Spain to try to understand what the McCanns did on August 3
PJ investigates trip to Huelva

Policia Judiciaria is investigating a trip of the McCann couple to Huelva, Spain, made on August 3, which used the Renault Scenic that contained traces that are presumed to belong to Maddie. These diligences are performed according to the theory, which is now followed more intensely by the investigators, that points to the child's death and the moving of the corpse in that car. PJ has already collected video surveillance images in "locations that make no sense" where the Renault Scenic may have been through.

The suspicions become more dense with some details of the trip. Namely the fact that for almost three months, Kate and Gerry had an intense media agenda, which included the presence of the press all over Europe. This was until August 2, a time when Maddie's father alleged intestinal problems and cancelled the entire program, which included meetings with some associations in Huelva.

Gerry missed that day, but PJ found out later that the trip from Praia da Luz to that Spanish city was made the next day, this time including the couple and a small group of journalists. This was the first time in three months, since their daughter disappeared on the night of May 3.

The 'strangest' part is the fact that on that day, it was a holiday in Huelva. And the McCanns didn't schedule any meetings, everything was closed - and there was a big agitation at the city center. At a time when the inspectors are trying to reconstitute thousands of 'unjustified' kilometers that the Renault Scenic made during this period, CM knows there was even a meeting between the leaders of the investigation and the Spanish police.

After the detection of residues that may lead to the presence of the body inside the car, the PJ, besides failing to find a justification for the exaggerated amount of kilometers travelled, already owns several images of the passage of that van through Spain, on August 3. The van may contain the key to the crime.

Kilometres have not been justified

PJ owns the records of the kilometers that were made with the van, between May 27 and July 3. The distances are being checked, in order to try to reconstitute the locations where the van that was hired by the McCanns passed through.

Residues collected in August

The blood residues that are presumed to belong to Madeleine, were collected inside the car in early August. THat was also the time when the English dogs smelled cadaver odour inside the boot, and on the vehicle's key.


Results delayed

PJ still awaits the results from analyses that are being performed on the rest of the residues that were collected inside the McCanns' car and in the apartment. They are not expected this week.

Awaiting interrogations

The POlicia Judiciaria is preparing the request letters that will be sent to England. The purpose is to interrogate the McCanns and their friends.
Blog entries from the time period in question

Day 97 - 08/08/2007
Kates parents left early this morning. We did a short interview on how our faith has helped us during the last 3 months since Madeleines abduction. Given the events of the last few days we need to draw even greater strength from our faith and everyone who has supported us.

With the huge amount of media attention on us again it is very difficult to do anything with the kids without them being filmed and it is unfair on them. There is a huge amount of speculation in the media that Madeleine is dead, particularly with the obvious change in strategy of the investigation recently. At our meeting with the Portuguese police today we reaffirmed that we have to believe Madeleine is alive until there is concrete evidence to the contrary. It is this belief that has driven everything we have done in relation to publicising Madeleines disappearance over the last 3 months.

Day 96 - 07/08/2007
Kate and I managed an early morning run today. It was pleasantly cooler, with a refreshing breeze, which made a nice change. The media presence in Praia da Luz is at its greatest since the first couple of weeks, as is the amount of speculation and rumour regarding the investigation.

This morning we agreed to do a short, pooled interview that was made available to all broadcasters worldwide. We wanted to make it clear, that as far as we know, there is still absolutely no evidence that Madeleine has been seriously harmed and Kate and I have to believe she is still alive. The Portuguese police have assured us on numerous occasions that they are looking for Madeleine and not a corpse. Of course all possibilities are being considered and the police have to be certain before eliminating any of the scenarios. It is absolutely right that we are subject to the same high standards of investigation as anyone else. Kate and I have, and will continue to assist the police in every possible way.

We hope there is a breakthrough in the investigation very soon. In the meantime the campaign to keep the public involved in the search for Madeleine continues. We are always trying to think of ideas that will reach people who may not have heard of Madeleines disappearance. I spent a couple of hours this afternoon working on forthcoming events but did manage to squeeze in a much-needed haircut!

Day 95 - 06/08/2007
Today was again very busy. Lots of e-mails and telephone calls to family and friends who have been involved in the campaign to find Madeleine. I went to a large office store in Portimao to buy a new printer and ink, both of which were badly needed after all the posters we produced this last week.
There has been lots of media attention on the latest police searches. We are pleased that the investigation remains so active and we are cooperating fully with the Portuguese and British police, as we have done since day 1. We continue to hope and pray daily for that vital breakthrough or sighting that will lets us be reunited as a family.

Day 94 - 05/08/2007
We attended church this morning as usual. The local priest father Manuel is on holiday so the mass was all in Portuguese and although quicker than normal we did not understand too much of the sermon.

I note there was a lot of coverage of Kates interview in the Sunday newspapers today. I managed to read one of them and certainly seemd to sum up very well how we are feeling and coping without Madeleine. The key message is that we are doing everything we can to help find Madeleine.

After lunch we had a meeting with our campaign manager and Kates family to run through a few things which will be happening this week. There was going to be a lot of media here leading up to the 100 days although we still hope we will not get to that marker, even before this latest search by the Portuguese police.

Kate and I popped back down to the church later on tonight to say a few quiet prayers for Madeleine. The town is much busier at night than when we first came here on holiday and ieven compared to a few weeks ago.

Computer glitches now sorted out thanks to Calum at infohost.

Day 93 - 04/08/2007
Another early start to the day as I dropped the crew who did some filming for the website and other forthcoming events. Kate and I did a short interview reviewing the last 3 months and the search for Madeleine. We spent the rest of the day with the kids and Kate's family. We were all glad it clouded over in the afternoon to give us some respite from the intense heat.

The most recent searches by the police have attracted a lot of renewed media interest with satellite trucks arriving back in Praia da Luz. It is likely that some of the British Broadcasters will also come back out.

We werre all very tired and we managed to get off to bed at 10.30pm, which is very early for us by recent standards.

Day 92 - 03/08/2007
It is exactly 3 months since Madeleine was abducted. Kate and I had an early start as we drove to Huelva, 50Km over the border from Portugal in Southern Spain. We were meant to go yesterday but had to cancel because I was ill.

Unfortunately it was a public holiday in Huelva and the large shopping centre we planned to visit was closed. We did distribute posters in several garages, taxi ranks and the bus and train stations and gave out some Madeleine wristbands. This was definitely a worthwhile exercise, as many people did not seemingly recognise Madeleine but we did get a very warm response from the Spanish people we met. We would encourage everyone to continue taking posters on holiday but please ask permission before putting them up in public places.

When we arrived back in Praia da Luz we did a couple of media interviews to building up to August 11th, which will mark 100 days if Madeleine is still missing. There will be a lot of media activity next week reviewing Madeleine's abduction, the investigation and of course the campaign to help find her. It is an opportunity to highlight that we have not given up hope and are still optimistic of being reunited with Madeleine.

Tonight we prayed for Madeleine at a vigil in the church. This has happened every Friday since Madeleines abduction and was very well attended tonight, probably due to the greater number of tourists in the resort

Day 91 - 02/08/2007
Today was a bit of a write off for me as I was laid low with a probable viral illness which meant I could not stray too far from the house! I did manage to get through some e-mails, telephone calls and some paperwork. Feeling a bit better tonight so hopefully be back to normal tomorrow.

Kate did manage to put up some of the new Madeleine posters in shops around Praia da Luz.. It is noticably busier, now that we are in August, with lots of tourists many of whom are from Portugal. The figures from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children show that one in six kids are recovered after being recognised from a poster. Such statistics do encourage us that relatively simple measures may be effective in helping us find Madeleine.

Day 90 - 01/08/2007
Another trip to the airport this morning to pick up our campaign manager. Kate did a series of interviews for womens magazines and the Sunday newspapers which took most of the afternoon. Kates parents, who we visit regularly at home, also arrived and the twins were very happy to see them. They will be staying with us for a week.

We have had some new posters designed of Madeleine, in Portuguese and Spanish, which I have been printing out to distribute locally. I also did some filming to camera which we might use on the website and for future events.

Day 89 - 31/07/2007
Relatively quiet day apart from phone calls and campaign related e-mails. We have Busy couple of days coming up so off to bed relatively early (before midnight)!
These interviews would have occurred immediately after the trip to Huelva. If these were tv interviews, I would love to see them. I would also love to see the pix that Dianne Webster took on the evening of May 3. Oops, OT.

When we arrived back in Praia da Luz we did a couple of media interviews to building up to August 11th,
Still searching for any televised interviews but I think I read that those interviews, that Gerry refers to, were never used (I will try to find that too).

This radio interview, Kate's first interview alone, was done within days of the Huelva trip.

This is the link to the radio interview:

Scroll down to Scarf1's post...I think it is thought provoking.
gm'S postings are so normal and without emotion. It sounds as if I were coming on WS everyday and writing about my past few days. This guy is a piece of work.
I am watching this thread with interest. From the article in the news it sounds as if others are too.
Still searching for any televised interviews but I think I read that those interviews, that Gerry refers to, were never used (I will try to find that too).

This radio interview, Kate's first interview alone, was done within days of the Huelva trip.

This is the link to the radio interview:

Scroll down to Scarf1's post...I think it is thought provoking.
Whoa - it sure is! Thanks, colomom - interesting reading!
Okay, I've listened to the taped interview now. I couldn't catch as many "to be honest" or "obviously" because of Kate's accent. I did note that she does hesitate before agreeing that Madeleine was sleeping when she left.

The "obviously" and "to be honest" seem to be more verbal tics, more indicative of Kate's personality than anything else to me. She is not a person used to defending herself or being criticized in any way.

Also, she talks about how Madeleine was happy and tired on that last day and "that's how I like to remember her." The word "remember" is just very striking here. As well, when she is talking about the twins, she says she wants them to remember Madeleine.

You remember people who are gone for good. You think about people you miss that are coming back.

Listen to it and see if you don't get the same impression.
I think it's a huge jump, but difference of opinion make the world go 'round, right? :)

So do you think the government is mad at them for hiring the private investigators and keeping all of this in the public eye, instead of just trying to get this thing to die down?

Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

Yes, I think PM Brown wishes he'd never gotten involved in Madeleine's case. I believe it's going to come back to haunt him, especially as many people are beginning to wonder about the connections between the McCanns and how they're so well connected.
Texana - that is an excellent point regarding the difference between remember and think.
Still searching for any televised interviews but I think I read that those interviews, that Gerry refers to, were never used (I will try to find that too).

This radio interview, Kate's first interview alone, was done within days of the Huelva trip.

This is the link to the radio interview:

Scroll down to Scarf1's post...I think it is thought provoking.

Having also been married (and now divorced from) a narcissist, Scarf1's opinions are right on the money. Kate McCann is one of the coldest women I have ever seen, and IMO, any display of emotion on her part for Madeleine is faked up to get a sympathy response. My 17 year old daughter, watching her early interviews, said about Kate, "she's not crying- she doesn't have any tears".
Just listened to the interview, she really hesitated when asked if Madeleine was sleeping when she left, anyone else notice that?

Her voice never even broke once talking about Madeleines last day, I would have been in bits

She also said that within 30 seconds she was convinced that someone had taken Madeleine so that backs up her saying "they've taken her" even though it is being denied now.

"Occasionally it catches me when the twins talk about her", hell it would kill me!

This is one composed woman!

She very quickly changes the WAS to IS special to Madeleine when talking about Cuddlecat
I have to agree that using the past tense when speaking about your abducted child is not a good sign. Usually, using the past tense is a dead give away that you know the person isn't coming back.

The reason it doesn't strike me as much in this case is because by now the parents might truly believe she is dead, that there is no hope. Abduction by a pedophile usually doesn't have a happy ending. Once in a while the child survives, but in the majority of cases the child is dead within hours of the abduction.
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