Tru-TV/IN session Caylee Anthony coverage

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Curious - what did he say about USSS?

TIA to anyone :crazy:

Said he originally studied LE, with thoughts of going into Secret Service......I don't think he'd of ever made it////JMO
The State does have a client!!! Her name is Caylee. Remember her, Jose?? You "unusual person". :maddening:
JB says he started off as an intern in the State Prosecutor's office and realized in one day it wasn't for him. That there was something that he didn't have in him to be there......
The next day he went across the street to the Public Defender.

Hmmm what was urge to pursue "truth"??
Do Law Schools allow you to change internships in 24 hours???

WOW does he rock while he's being interviewed!!!

Body language is interesting.

Oh let's see. The SA's office has heart, the aggressiveness to pursue actual justice and not make money, and are the voice for the victims of the type of people Baez has gone on to represent. Baez being in the prosecutor's office is a like a vampire in a church. No wonder he left, he certainly doesn't belong there!

JB says he could never be a prosecutor since he's a people person. He just tried to make Ashton, LDB and FG sound like some machine for the state.
He said they have no client.
Ehm, Jose? Ever hear of Caylee?
What a joke this whole interview is.

OMG, that made me SO ANGRY. The state has no living client, Baez, because of YOUR CLIENT! Remember? The one who said "But I'm still alive" with a big smile on her face when talk of the hair of with the death band was on television? The state is fighting for a dead VICTIM who otherwise can't fight for herself!

Oh he makes me so SICK. Yeah, keep telling yourself you're a people person to help you sleep at night. I'm so glad I didn't actually watch this interview, and now I know I never will.
That was one of the things that stood out to me! The SA always has a client- THE VICTIM!!!!!!

This whole thing looked more like a job interview/audition demo for a spot as a talking head on the show than any kind of insight into the defense.....moo
Seems like a lot of people on that side of the courtroom are trying to reinvent themselves.
I can't watch him. I saw the line on the video post - him saying he wished he could do more charity work (paraphrased).
I don't call it charity work when you get paid $200,000 plus.

Oh let us guess Mr. Baez.......hmmm. Let's see LE/Secret Service have to keep a low profile no fame ( scratch that )......Prosecutor no money in it and too much work ( scratch that ) ......Defense Lawyer has possibilities but not any fun at all ( maybe scratch this too )........If ....what next?.....Legal analyst ? Get ready to scratch........JMO
Poor Casey gets criticized for smiling at him. Nobody knows what he says to her, when she smiles. :rolleyes:
You mean like when he encourages her to give obscene gestures to the cameras?
I'm over any mention of race. Doesn't matter. She isnt all that pretty. Its the lies. The 31 days not helping look for your child. The media hounds of the defense. Keeping things from those trying to locate a missing. Child

Geraldo blames race lots as well
In Part 4 Baez is 'reaching out' to his fellow Hispanics in hopes of generating a few potential rogue jurors to stand in Hispanic solidarity with him. He loves his Hispanic community, it's a proud culture, it emphasizes a lot on togetherness and helping each other out, he thinks it's important that Hispanics work together to show that the Hispanic community can be a force in whatever it is they decide to do.

While this all sounds good and positive when speaking of your heritage and people..the fact is that Baez 'speaks with forked tongue'... he has an underlying agenda and should be ashamed of using this platform to appeal to potential Hispanic jurors to side with him as an act of solidarity. JMO.
I don't know why he keeps saying that this case got a lot of attention because of Casey's looks. I never see the media making a big deal over Casey's "beauty"; I don't see her on the cover of magazines. Remember, the media paid 200k+ for pictures of Caylee, not for pictures of Casey. Casey is nothing special looking and her looks don't "sell" this case. Debra LaFave is an example of a case that got attention because of how the defendant looked; this isn't one of those cases.
I also loved his response to the question:
"As her attorney, how are you going to deal with it if she is found guilty?" (not verbatim)
Jose says: ""I will blah blah blah.."
Instead of "I would..."

It seems that by using "I will" is indication to me that he believes she will be found guilty. JMO.
Tomorrow they will be asking questions about his relationship with the other side in this case. (that sounds like it might be good!)

I so appreciate your (as well as several other's) synopses during hearings and at
times like these.
JB-what made this case so news worthy was the 31 days- not your client being "young white pretty middle class". If she had been of any race, ugly, & dirt poor the 31 days would still have brought on the media attention! Any mother not reporting her child missing is in and of itself a huge red flag....

And it's a little early for your "I am the champion of the whole hispanic race" campaign, or have you decided what office you'll be running for? MOO

Couldn't watch it all. But gagged when Ryan said jb had humility
JB talking about being raised by a single Mom, (in Miami & NY?), in a different time than today and culturally quite different than today. When he found out he was going to be a Father he decided to "Man Up" and @ 17 he joined the Navy. At the time he was a rebellious teen, high school dropout in 9th grade. Says Cheney M is a highschool dropout and he joined the military @ age 17. When JB got out of Navy he got his GED and then went onto college. He's had ups and downs in life thinks he can relate to people's tragedy(s) and when chips are down. Deal w/curve balls and adjust . . he has learned to appreciate it and has seen many people suffer much greater.

How have your life experiences helped CA? "Realizing what is real and what is Not" (OMG! Did he just say that?) "Keepin it real" and not being distracted . . .

BBM - Hmmmm... Miami and NY? Wasn't ZFG living in Miami and NY??
So Baez wants Cindy and George to take the blame for this turning into " a circus ". Of course they contributed, but where is Baez's owning up to his responsibility in this? He did his fair share to support it and feed it when he thought it was working in his favour.....but now, not so much! Looked like a
" circus atmosphere " everytime Baez picked up " his girl " and took her to his office. The 2 strutting like celebrity wantabees " oh looky looky cameras we are over here ". Strolling down the driveway holding hands with SIN and while you gave your riveting speech she laid on your back....Really?? Nothing on your part huh? Must have been difficult to have to take ICA to your office everyday and keep her occupied as you had no other choice but to protect her from her parents constantly hammering of ICA for more details about Caylee, as you knew they weren't buying her stories and weren't going to stop until they got it all!.....JMO
I remember thinking, the time CA came out from a rarely invited visit to Baez's office, with he and ICA. CA looked totally devastated.
Is it not creating a " circus atmosphere " to knowing have a client so guilty and instead of doing the best thing for your client ( plead guilty ) you drag things out for your own gain, directing attention to anyone else??.......JMO
Showing off JB's award for "Fundraising Chair" . . . . ha ha ha ha ha . . . . (he does know how to make $ doesn't he?)!

Charity work includes Toy Drive for children @ Christmas. . . . "A Leg to Stand On" . . . birth defect they paid for a child in Columbia to receive prosthetic legs and she is now studying to be a lawyer. He is trying to give something back . . .he would dedicate more to this type work if he had more time.

In Miami he did work with DV projects and finding shelters for abused Women. (I knew IT!!! IMO he has been treating kc like a Domestic Violence Victim . . . sequestering her away from her parents!!! I think there will be an element of this in his defense for KC! IMO)

Bold mine.

Is this the short-lived volunteer work he performed as a part of the qualifications to be accepted into the Bar? If so, he did it only as long as he absolutely had to and then dropped it as soon as he could put it on his resume. :maddening:
That was one of the things that stood out to me! The SA always has a client- THE VICTIM!!!!!!

This whole thing looked more like a job interview/audition demo for a spot as a talking head on the show than any kind of insight into the defense.....moo

Watching Ryan Smith "fawning" all over Jose during the interview and watching RS when he is the host of his hour of InSession, makes me so nauseated! I would never hire RS as my attorney, simply because of the way he behaves on InSession.

There are so very few on InSession and HLN that aren't defense lovers...namely Nancy Grace (at least she seems to keep Caylee as the victim), Judge Alex, Mark Iglairsh, Mike Brooks...but the rest are just yes men/women, doing what their bosses tell them to do. Vinnie has sure changed! And let's not even mention Christi Paul...wonder if she'd let KC babysit her kids if she has any!!! :maddening:
So Baez wants Cindy and George to take the blame for this turning into " a circus ". Of course they contributed, but where is Baez's owning up to his responsibility in this? He did his fair share to support it and feed it when he thought it was working in his favour.....but now, not so much! Looked like a
" circus atmosphere " everytime Baez picked up " his girl " and took her to his office. The 2 strutting like celebrity wantabees " oh looky looky cameras we are over here ". Strolling down the driveway holding hands with SIN and while you gave your riveting speech she laid on your back....Really?? Nothing on your part huh? Must have been difficult to have to take ICA to your office everyday and keep her occupied as you had no other choice but to protect her from her parents constantly hammering of ICA for more details about Caylee, as you knew they weren't buying her stories and weren't going to stop until they got it all!.....JMO
I remember thinking, the time CA came out from a rarely invited visit to Baez's office, with he and ICA. CA looked totally devastated.
Is it not creating a " circus atmosphere " to knowing have a client so guilty and instead of doing the best thing for your client ( plead guilty ) you drag things out for your own gain, directing attention to anyone else??.......JMO

See, this is why ICA and Baez work well together...he's just as much an enabler as her parents were...he took up where they left off...

He angers the heck out of me...I wonder what CA makes/thinks of his statement? She fueled the fire? What about HIM?


Justice for Caylee
Too many coincidences, isn't it?

I wonder if ICA knew Baez before she retained him?


Justice for Caylee

u know..... i dont want to say anything that isnt true so this all my opinion. But i have always thought that those two have known eachother for a while before all of this stuff. I just get this feeling. He sure was her lawyer pretty darn fast. just sayin. sorry back to the original programming.
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