TruTv(Court TV) Insession is discussing the case.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Some interesting things are being said. This journalist that talked to Cindy said that there were things Cindy said that were alarming to her. Cindy said something like "I don't want to lose another one" and then mentioned something about Caylees father. Another interesting thing was something about Casey being molested by her dad and brother. Reporter was like "Why havn't her father and brother been DNA tested?" insuinating that one them could be Caylees father.

so is George and Lee the ones to have molested KC ?????
She also said 'about the presumption of innocence' that the Orlando community already had KC tarred and feathered. ROFL picturing that - I want to participate.

Well that's putting it nicely.
Orlando posters and many others on other forums say much worse .
I think everybody's been DNA tested. I hope the old chestnut "LA must be the father, because the baby's name was "CayLEE." Then, "KC freaked out from shame and fear" thing doesn't come back to haunt us.

I'm QUITE sure that KC was verbally and emotionally abused. Maybe even physically (by CA). But, the sexual abuse thing sounds like another one of KC's lies. And, she doesn't act like any incest victim that I've ever worked with. As a socio, she doesn't experience shame. AND incest doesn't cause sociopathy. The % of sociopaths who have been sexually abused is about the same as the % of regular population. Incest is often found in borderline personality disorder backgrounds.

I have a whole treatment program full of incest victims right now. They are all borderlines, but not sociopaths.

thanks for answering what I was thinking about the possible molestation/psychoic thingy--I'm thinking possilby could be plan b for the defense and ca&ga coming "clean" with truth...I always found it odd that she would tell virtual strangers this story...i.e. iirc tonE roomate....
DNA question: If the father is a relative, can't they tell that from Caylee's DNA? I think I read that somewhere. They may not know which relative is the baby daddy, but Caylee should share 75% of casey's DNA right?

I actually need to know this for another reason too.
Is it just starting or did I miss it? It is on WESH live stream for anyone that was asking if they could view it somewhere....
The parentage came into question because this family appeared to be hiding something significant from the first day LE was called.
Everyone is left to wonder why the family NEVER seemed to put Caylee first, it has always been all about Casey.
Some interesting things are being said. This journalist that talked to Cindy said that there were things Cindy said that were alarming to her. Cindy said something like "I don't want to lose another one" and then mentioned something about Caylees father. Another interesting thing was something about Casey being molested by her dad and brother. Reporter was like "Why havn't her father and brother been DNA tested?" insuinating that one them could be Caylees father.

The journalist is Rozzie Franco, a news anchor from Fla News Network. (540 - but,didn't catch the call letters) She has interviewed Cindy several times & was one of the first to speak with her. The comment Cindy made about Caylee's father was, " No one is ever going to find out who the father is." (July 28th)

It was mentioned that a "network" paid for George & Cindy's 3 day stay at the Ritz Carlton.

There has been some excellent coverage on TruTV.

Rummy :cat:
The parentage came into question because this family appeared to be hiding something significant from the first day LE was called.
Everyone is left to wonder why the family NEVER seemed to put Caylee first, it has always been all about Casey.

They ARE hiding a secret.. that their daughter is a lying, thieving, chronic sociopath. That their "princess" is a chronic criminal would shame any family. Especially one as self-righteous and "upright" as the As. Especially CA with her tone of moral superiority.

IMHO, the defense of KC is actually about the defense of the family image. To closed-system framilies, image is everything. CA and GA may feel that the fact the KC is a chronic criminal reflects on their child-raising.

BTW-- CA's note on her MySpace indicated that she thought KC was jealous BECAUSE Caylee was being put first, and too many of the family resources (and attention) were going to Caylee.

Many families go to enormous lengths to cover up secrets that are more prosaic-- like drug abuse, alcoholism, embezzing, delinquency, eating disorders, or spousal abuse. Because many families feel obligated to appear "perfect" or "respectable." Some wealthy families have sent their kids out of the country, when they have got into legal trouble, and then tried to rationalize it all away.

What does Caylee's paternity have to do with any of that?
Some interesting things are being said. This journalist that talked to Cindy said that there were things Cindy said that were alarming to her. Cindy said something like "I don't want to lose another one" and then mentioned something about Caylees father. Another interesting thing was something about Casey being molested by her dad and brother. Reporter was like "Why havn't her father and brother been DNA tested?" insuinating that one them could be Caylees father.

IMO these are real bombshells. Not wanting to lose another one, that's what I've thought since Cindy started changing her stories. And the molestation, holy cow, watch the Anthonys sue over this announcement. I heard her say that Casey claimed George molested her and Lee "approached" her or something like that, Lee came onto her but I don't think she accused him of having sex with her.

OMG can you imagine if Lee or George was Caylee's father?? If that were true, you'd think they'd all want to give her up for adoption, not keep her there as a daily reminder of incest.

What a mess, what a huge ungodly mess.
Beth K predicted--now that the body has been found,the case probably won't go to trial until Fall.
Beth also just predicted that even if the id is back they will not release it until after the scene is released (makes sense to me after this cart and pony show we just saw in court.... if they released the id before the scene Biaz would be back with his emergency motions....)
They ARE hiding a secret.. that their daughter is a lying, thieving, chronic sociopath. That their "princess" is a chronic criminal would shame any family. Especially one as self-righteous and "upright" as the As. Especially CA with her tone of moral superiority.

IMHO, the defense of KC is actually about the defense of the family image. To closed-system framilies, image is everything. CA and GA may feel that the fact the KC is a chronic criminal reflects on their child-raising.

BTW-- CA's note on her MySpace indicated that she thought KC was jealous BECAUSE Caylee was being put first, and too many of the family resources (and attention) were going to Caylee.

Many families go to enormous lengths to cover up secrets that are more prosaic-- like drug abuse, alcoholism, embezzing, delinquency, eating disorders, or spousal abuse. Because many families feel obligated to appear "perfect" or "respectable." Some wealthy families have sent their kids out of the country, when they have got into legal trouble, and then tried to rationalize it all away.

What does Caylee's paternity have to do with any of that?

I haven't seen anyone's myspace pages, they're probably all switched to "private" by now; anyone have them saved so I can see?
in Kio's statement she mentions they went to the area where the remains were found, to play mommy and daddy type of games.
The 'not want to lose another one' was old news, said by Cindy on video in reference to reporters, etc. following them. Reference to George
They ARE hiding a secret.. that their daughter is a lying, thieving, chronic sociopath. That their "princess" is a chronic criminal would shame any family. Especially one as self-righteous and "upright" as the As. Especially CA with her tone of moral superiority.

IMHO, the defense of KC is actually about the defense of the family image. To closed-system framilies, image is everything. CA and GA may feel that the fact the KC is a chronic criminal reflects on their child-raising.

BTW-- CA's note on her MySpace indicated that she thought KC was jealous BECAUSE Caylee was being put first, and too many of the family resources (and attention) were going to Caylee.

Many families go to enormous lengths to cover up secrets that are more prosaic-- like drug abuse, alcoholism, embezzing, delinquency, eating disorders, or spousal abuse. Because many families feel obligated to appear "perfect" or "respectable." Some wealthy families have sent their kids out of the country, when they have got into legal trouble, and then tried to rationalize it all away.

What does Caylee's paternity have to do with any of that?

:clap::clap: Ive been missing your input!
in Kio's statement she mentions they went to the area where the remains were found, to play mommy and daddy type of games.

here is the transcript. no mention of "mommy and daddy" type of games at all.

there is also a Kiomarie thread here (part 1 and 2) which much more info.

It's on page 12, line 18-19. She is talking about the older kids, not her and Casey.

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