GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #1

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Can a local (or someone who understands Turkish) translate any of what she is saying? The small bit of text at the bottom is below - and the best I can get out of Google and BabelXL is that she saw a car stop between 11:00 and 11:30 after meeting her brother for supper, and a middle-aged man got out of the backseat - and that she saw a hand. :(

(I'm not sure how it is in Turkey but when we lived in Egypt people often ate late. We went to a dinner party where the main dish wasn't served until about 10:00 - and at 11:30 they served coffee and dessert - on a work night.)

TOMOBİLLE BIRAKILDI" İDDİASIİzleme Sayısı: 9,756ABD'li Sarai Sierra'nın cesedinin bulunmasının ardından emniyete gelen bir kadın görgü tanığı olarak ifade verdi.Adının açıklanmamasını isteyen kadın, "Salı gecesi Surların dibinde bir araba durmuş orta yaşın üstündü bir erkeğin arka koltuktan birşey sokup yada çıkardığını gördüm. Bu sırada bir el gördüm" dedi.ABD'li Sarai Sierra'nın cesedinin Cankurtaran'da bulunmasının ardından Asayiş Şube Müdürlüğü'ne gelen bir kadın ifade verdi. İfadesi sonrası gazetecilere açıklamada bulunan isminin açıklanmasını istemeyen kadın, "Gayrettepe'de oturuyorum. Salı günü kardeşime yemeğe gittim, yemek dönüşü gece 23.00 ile 23.30 arası surların dibinde bir araba durmuş orta yaşın üstündü bir erkeğin arka koltuktan birşey sokup yada çıkardığını gördüm. Bu sırada bir el gördüm" dedi. Haber: Mehmet AKTARAN/Kamera: Ozan URAL/İSTANBUL/DHA
I'm so very sad to see they found her body deceased. Ugh...a wonderful trip for her, spread her wings and see new places....just awful to end this way.

I was thinking that maybe Taylan set her up.....gained her trust...then sent someone to get her....rob her........?
I've been following this case and I'm saddened to hear she's been killed. I'd be hauling Taylan back into custody... I think he lied about not meeting her. JMO.
Can a local (or someone who understands Turkish) translate any of what she is saying? The small bit of text at the bottom is below - and the best I can get out of Google and BabelXL is that she saw a car stop between 11:00 and 11:30 after meeting her brother for supper, and a middle-aged man got out of the backseat - and that she saw a hand. :(

(I'm not sure how it is in Turkey but when we lived in Egypt people often ate late. We went to a dinner party where the main dish wasn't served until about 10:00 - and at 11:30 they served coffee and dessert - on a work night.)

It's been translated elsewhere as her saying she saw a man moving something out of the back of his car...and that the "something" seemed to be inert but have "a hand".... she says she did not go to cops because she didn't see the license plate and wasn't sure of what she saw.

I am not capable of translating her words directly but all the media sources say the same.
I'm so very sad to see they found her body deceased. Ugh...a wonderful trip for her, spread her wings and see new places....just awful to end this way.

I was thinking that maybe Taylan set her up.....gained her trust...then sent someone to get her....rob her........?

I think so too. I have a strange question. Do they stamp her passport when the body is returned to the States? This is so sad. She finally got to spread her wings and this is how it ends. RIP
I think so too. I have a strange question. Do they stamp her passport when the body is returned to the States? This is so sad. She finally got to spread her wings and this is how it ends. RIP

Is this really a serious question?

Passports are for the living.

There are other formalities involved with transferring remains. Passports are no longer relevant.
For the person who wondered why the alleged witness didn't call police. Many Turkish people don't trust their police, who are in many ways more corrupt than our police. However, if she was dumped then it seems fairly likely that the Taylan guy may have been involved. It doesn't fit that they text each other to make plans to meet on the day she disappears and he doesn't meet up with her. And it also wouldn't fit a mugging scenario. Usually, robbers just kill their victim and leave the body.

I have traveled alone and have met up with people from the internet. However, it's always with a group and in a public area. It's sad to say but there are people everywhere who will take advantage of a lone woman.

ETA: Based on that translation article, if her jewelry was still on her, then the robbery scenario looks less and less likely and it seems that they moved her in a blanket. Which leads me to believe that she have befriended someone she shouldn't have.

Where is her ipad and phone?
Is this really a serious question?

Passports are for the living.

There are other formalities involved with transferring remains. Passports are no longer relevant.

yes, it was a serious question. I don't know what the formalities are when transferring bodies abroad. That's why I asked.
Is this really a serious question?

Passports are for the living.

There are other formalities involved with transferring remains. Passports are no longer relevant.

Repatriation of a body is also quite expensive. The State Department will assist, but they will not pay. It can be upwards of $10,000.
I just knew she was going to be found dead if found at all. There are some countries where women should not be alone. My thoughts are with her family.
This is such a heartbreaking case.
SS seemed to embody the adventurer I long to be.
She felt drawn to experience other cultures on the street level, and inspite of being a novice traveler, and the responsibilties she carried as a wife and mother, she went for it on her own. I have no doubt that she would have returned an even better wife and mother after this journey that expanded her world.
It is a devastating tragedy that this young woman was murdered while attempting to experience the wonder of another culture. It is a chilling caution to all of us who would follow her footsteps.
I'm sure this has been hashed out and resolved already, but I must have missed it. In the Daily Mail article it states that when Sierra went missing she left behind her phone and charger, among other things. The article plainly states that this is the reason LE was unable to track her movements by using her phone, because she didn't have it on her. In addition, on one of the first pages of this thread, a WS'er mentions that her "phones had been charged", making the point that it appeared she was basically packed up and ready to return home when she vanished.

The same Daily Mail article's headline, however, says "Police in Turkey arrest man last in contact with missing married American mom as they reveal her phone has been activated TWICE since she vanished"

So my obvious question is, did she have her phone on her when she disappeared or not? If she did NOT have the phone with her when she vanished, then I'm more confused than ever. Is this just misreporting, or is it a weird detail that's part of this case?
I just knew she was going to be found dead if found at all. There are some countries where women should not be alone. My thoughts are with her family.

How about there are ALL countries where people shouldn't kill someone. I, and many, many other women, refuse to live timidly because of what might happen if we venture out without a body guard, a chaperone or a concealed weapon. I would rather die violently at the hands of another while fulfilling my dreams than in my sleep at 92 having never pursued them.

"Everybody dies but not everyone lives."
I just knew she was going to be found dead if found at all. There are some countries where women should not be alone. My thoughts are with her family.

A friend of mine when to Turkey in November and I was so worried about her. I kept telling to please be careful and she kept saying "it's a modern and secular" country. This can mean something totally different depending on who you're speaking with. She did tell me that it was beautiful and she took great photos. I would never go there alone. I really think Sarai was set up by Taylan.
Repatriation of a body is also quite expensive. The State Department will assist, but they will not pay. It can be upwards of $10,000.

Wow. I feel for her parents (kids and hubby too of course). She had just reminded her dad not not forget to pick her up.
So my obvious question is, did she have her phone on her when she disappeared or not? If she did NOT have the phone with her when she vanished, then I'm more confused than ever. Is this just misreporting, or is it a weird detail that's part of this case?

Yes, we hashed this out upthread.

Our consensus is that she appears to have had TWO phones, one "American" phone and one "Turkish" phone she bought for use there. The "Turkish" phone was found in her apartment (we believe).

And the "American" one was brought with her, but was not "pinging" because she was using it for photos only and did not have it roaming or connected. Persons unknown (perp or scavengers) must have turned it on (Edit: and connected it to wi-fi maybe?) on the 30th/31st if that indeed took place.
Yes, we hashed this out upthread.

Our consensus is that she appears to have had TWO phones, one "American" phone and one "Turkish" phone she bought for use there. The "Turkish" phone was found in her apartment (we believe).

And the "American" one was brought with her, but was not "pinging" because she was using it for photos only and did not have it roaming or connected. Persons unknown (perp or scavengers) must have turned it on on the 30th/31st if that indeed took place.

I knew it must have been resolved by all you guys! I just didn't find it. Thank you!
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