Turner Syndrome

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I have asthma and use an inhaler for wheezes and the nebulizer for more problematic breathing episodes like exposure to cigarette smoke or mold. I keep the nebulizer by my bedside and take it with me if Im planning to be away from home for more than an hour or two (saves a call to the paramedics for a breathing treatment). My family knows how important that nebulizer is to me. Is it possible that Haleigh was taken alive from the trailer by a family member, hence the missing nebulizer? Maybe the original intent was to kidnap her but keep her unharmed. Then something went horribly wrong. Did the kidnapper remember to grab the medication that goes in the nebulizer?
Remember: Stress can easily bring on an asthma attack and without treatment asthma can be fatal.
Light Dragon, you bring up a good point. We have always speculated about when Haleigh died, but she may not have died for months. This would also explain why Misty doesn't know what happened. jmo
A thought just came to my mind.................medication for asthma.
Since they did not have laundry soap, house keeping was bad, Misty left for 3 days.........
Did they not get asthma meds for Haleigh??
Did they try to use the drug infested nebulizer on her without meds?
Did GGS drive all that time to deliver meds she had??? & laundry)
and it was to late???
Nebulizers and vaporizers are totally different....most i've seen/used look like this, and I have a nebulizer...

I've never seen or heard of anyone ever using a nebulizer for nefarious purposes..if there was a way, people would be doing it, and they just don't. Nebulizers don't heat up.

Even hot spoons would be much more effective than a neb... Vaporizers basically use a heating element....nebs are essentially air compressors:

BBM: Agree. That is the difference between a nebulizer and vaporizer. IMO, there is no medical motive (Turner Syndrome) in H's death, nor do I think H's nebulizer came into play in her death. The vaporizer uses heat to release compounds in a vapor form. (It's become increasingly popular on college campuses for a few reasons, one of which is the placement of smoke detectors in dorm rooms and corridors.)
BBM: Agree. That is the difference between a nebulizer and vaporizer. IMO, there is no medical motive (Turner Syndrome) in H's death, nor do I think H's nebulizer came into play in her death. The vaporizer uses heat to release compounds in a vapor form. (It's become increasingly popular on college campuses for a few reasons, one of which is the placement of smoke detectors in dorm rooms and corridors.)

The other is they say it uses conserves your weed. I dont smoke weed but i have seen the device in use and it looks like it is a pain to use. I have also seen people put vodka in a nebulizer and it didnt get that dummy buzzed up in anyway. Now recently I was reading where some people are using abuterol as a deit aide increasing the amount of fat one burns while working out but I dont think thats has anything to do with why Haleighs was out or missing. I think kids where playing with it. Kids like to play with them.
I'm sorry but this "motive" is tantamount to blaming the victim. She was a little girl who had medical issues. That's not motive to kill.
I was just wondering if Turner's Syndrome had anything to do with the care and reasoning that daddy's girl was in the way of RC/MC life style.:furious:

Haleigh was on growth horomones IIRC.
Haleigh had asthma.
Turner children sometimes have other medical problems (heart,fertility)
Turner children are more fragile.
They can have learning disabilities.
Lots of doctor trips.
May have difficulty with motor coordination, visual spatial intelligence and social interaction.

Was Haleigh a bit to much to handle for RC and MC???
Could the family actually be relieved that she is gone?
Was time, money and having a sick child just to much for
TN, GGS, RC, MC?????
Was Haleigh having more and ore temper tantrums/meltdowns?



Bolded respectfully by me.

Hi Passionflower. I honestly don't think that Haleigh's medical problems were to the extent that she was killed (murdered) because of them. JMHO.

As for the portion I bolded, I would be willing to say that any family member of Haleigh's that was not involved in her death is not relieved that she is dead and gone. I have a feeling that they are deep in grief. JMHO.

Haleigh was so lively, always had a smile that we've seen. I'm sure her family members that have no clue what happened to her have broken hearts. Again, JMHO.
This is very interesting in that I was watching Larry King the other night with Willie Nelson and he also states that is how he uses weed now - in a vaporizer-which he probably means nebulizer.

KING: It's not pot, right?

NELSON: Oh, yes. It's pot in a vaporizer. But you -- when you, you know, when you pot it in, you're getting vapors, but not heat and not smoke.

KING: Does it have the same effect?

NELSON: Yes, it's even stronger, I think.

Snipped by me

This was covered on an episode on Spike TV's Manswers recently. A vaporizer is used to intensify the delivery of THC (active ingredient on pot causing the "high"). I have several nephews who as small children used nebulizers. I can see where such a device could be used in the same manner.

Nice post essie, food for thought! I had not seen anyone suggest such a possibility before on any of the threads, and it certainly hadn't ocurred to me.
I don't know much about Turner's Syndrome, but if that were the case they could have just sent Haleigh back to her Mother.

I know myself it's not easy raising a special needs child, but my mind can't even go there.

Maybe because than RC would have to pay child support??? :waitasec:
I for one would be interested in knowing the degree of Haleigh's asthma and when exactly she used the nebulizer or inhaler. For instance if she saw something that upset her....would she have an asthmatic episode?
Excellent question elle.

Does anyone have any info regarding the seriousness of her asthma?

Were breathing treatments part of the regular daily routine or just "as needed"?

Did she have attacks frequently or sporadically?

Were they triggered more easily when she was upset (ie crying hard, etc.)?

I don't know if there has been any coverage of this in the other threads but it sure would be interesting to find out.
My husband is an ER doctor and HAS had patients that used their nebulizers to get a really quick high. They are frequently used with hemp. By inhaling the "drug" of choice, it enters the blood stream faster. Respectfully, Mr. Kamionka needs to go see the barbiturate addicts out in the "real world".

This is why I am interested in knowing if Haleigh's nebulizer really was missing from Ron's trailer.

You know it's funny, that bar is in Harrisburg, PENNSYLVANIA about 5 blocks from where I'm sitting. There was a really big deal about these machines in the State Legislature. Ironically, only 6 blocks from the bar.


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