TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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For a long time, that's been the belief, that if there is no body, there isn't proof of a murder. Maybe that's what Baez had been telling her before they did discover Caylee's body...that since she was singing about a kidnapping and if they never found a body, there would be too much doubt to convict.

Yeah, I can see her having a panic attack.

When are they going to release the video?

Scroll down the page =)
For a long time, that's been the belief, that if there is no body, there isn't proof of a murder. Maybe that's what Baez had been telling her before they did discover Caylee's body...that since she was singing about a kidnapping and if they never found a body, there would be too much doubt to convict.

Yeah, I can see her having a panic attack.

When are they going to release the video?

scroll back, its out...
Casey was scared out of her mind because she knew how she had left Caylee (with tape over her face). The gig was up. Or so Casey thought.

There is a big difference between fear (for yourself) and distraught grief. I couldn't watch all of that video. Made me feel dirty because it was so obvious what Casey is.

I wish the jury had seen the video.

My opinion.

I wish they had seen it,too, but I don't think it would make a difference. The only thing that would have changed the outcome is a different jury.
I could never figure out why this was an issue before, and now that it is out? I still dont see why it is an issue...far too grainy, blurry to make out anything
I wish they had seen it,too, but I don't think it would make a difference. The only that would have changed the outcome is a different jury.

different jury wouldnt make a difference unless they had some REAL evidence
why no! I am not from Pinellas cty, but did live there for several years! Clearwater, and St Pete to be exact... those jurors did their job, I support them, and feel sorry for them.

She'll get whats coming to her if she is guilty of murdering her child. Karma is a nasty b!tch. but it was never proved to me what she did or didnt do

ugghhh...the jurors did not do their job. What proof do you need? My God, her trunk stunk of the remains of her daughter.
Richard Hornsby
Rumor is I will be on the @todayshow tomorrow morning talking about the #CaseyAnthony video, just a rumor...
hey guys! just a gentle reminder that we attack the post not the poster and everyone has a right to their own opinion..

thanks so much
I'm having a hard time reconciling that crying ,emotional man with the (unusual person) who gave that opening statement.
For him to behave so unethically I have to believe his only feelings are for himself. So why was JB crying ? Maybe he was just finding out about the 3rip stripsrip of duct taperip . Maybe he finally understood that baby was tortured.
Who ever was operating the camera should have realized that the more that he 'zoomed' in, the worse the picture quality got because of the screen over the camera. He knew to zoom in though, didn't he? That's a pretty expensive CCTV camera if it can pan and zoom.

Yeah, I agree with Baez, it was staged. But it wasn't done to 'torture' her. If they were going to do that, they wouldn't have filmed it :)

Although I just watched the first one, she appears at first to start 'heaving' for breath, I can see her chest moving even through the grainy film and then bends over with her hands over her stomach. It seemed to stop though when several people entered the room toward the end of it. She straightens up when she see's them and then got up and walked out on her own.

So far, it looks just like the one's she had at jury selection and during the trial. I'm off to watch the second part.
I disagree. If you knew for months that your child died accidentally and where she was thrown away like trash, you wouldn't be having a full blown panic attack because you knew you were innocent of murder. Especially if you had already gone through the grieving process like the defense claims.

If what the defense said is true, I would expect tears, but not panic. Lets not forget, that at this point in time, the Zanny the Nanny story was in full effect and that's not the reaction of a mother who's child was kidnapped and found dead.

That is the reaction of a mother who knew all along what happened and was just caught!


Back when the DT was fighting to seal the tapes they were still stuck with SODDI.
Frankly ,I don't see why it's so inflammatory.
The SA's probably knew it was more damning to Casey publicly to have it sealed.
lol, yet the sensationalism is STILL in full force here...this video says absolutely NOTHING!personally I see where this vid may have helped the defense, not hindered it.

coming from someone that has never been convinced as to exactly what happened to Caylee, I dont see how this in any way points towards her guilt. so, she was having an anxiety attack? um, the news just ran a spot on her child being found!!! guilty or innocent, this is what I would expect out of anybody.

the news just said "remains" were found, they were not identified as being Caylee. So what was Casey all upset about, unless she KNEW it was Caylee because that is exactly where Casey put her. MOO.
lol, yet the sensationalism is STILL in full force here...this video says absolutely NOTHING!personally I see where this vid may have helped the defense, not hindered it.

coming from someone that has never been convinced as to exactly what happened to Caylee, I dont see how this in any way points towards her guilt. so, she was having an anxiety attack? um, the news just ran a spot on her child being found!!! guilty or innocent, this is what I would expect out of anybody.
The news did NOT say Caylee (yes, that is her name, not her child, that child's Caylee) was found. The news reported remains were found, nothing else. The only reason FCA reacted in the manner in which she did, was because FCA put (threw, discarded), little Caylee in the woods, after duct taping her mouth 3 times. Yes, 3 times! :banghead::banghead:

Prior to the discovery of Caylee's remains, there were other reports of remains being found, FCA just walked out of the room, no reaction.

Something smells as rotten as the trunk of that Pontiac Sunfire.

This video speaks volumes as to the guilt of FCA. FCA would not have had a full blown anxiety, hissy fit, tantrum, demanding Baez and a sedative, if it was "just a drowning."

hey guys! just a gentle reminder that we attack the post not the poster and everyone has a right to their own opinion..

thanks so much

My bad ... should have scrolled and ignored ... :doh: :blushing:

What creeps me out the most is that between her panic attacks, she sits up in the exact same position she started out with, that sitting here cool as a cucumber, look at me and how sexy I'm sitting pose. I mean exactly the same, her arms in the same place, the exact same posture. I got serious chills watching that video.

Yeah, she was definitely worried only about herself and how the panic attack was making her look while terrified that she had been found out and was in deep doodoo. And in the second video, she hardly seemed upset at all. In fact, even though you could only see her from the back, she was sitting up pretty straight, and I bet she was annoyed to no end at how upset her lawyer was. She tossed that kleenex on the table like why did you give me that? I don't need it, Jose! He looked pretty upset, though. That was surprising. Baez is actually more human than I gave him credit for.

I'm sure the jury and Cindy would spin this (I can hear it now, she's so subdued in each video, isn't she Cindy?), so it probably wouldn't have mattered much at trial. But yeah, definite panic and guilt. She thought she was facing the needle. She KNEW she had murdered Caylee and believed she had just been found out. Yeah. She totally killed Caylee with that duct tape and then threw her dead body out like trash. That video proves it.

Oh if she only knew she was going to get the luck of the millenium with her jury, her reaction would have been totally different! I so want to go bang my head on a wall now. That verdict is just killing me after watching the video. I hope it haunts the dreams of the Pinellas 12! LOOK WHAT YOU LET BACK INTO SOCIETY!
I'm having a hard time reconciling that crying ,emotional man with the (unusual person) who gave that opening statement.
For him to behave so unethically I have to believe his only feelings are for himself. So why was JB crying ? Maybe he was just finding out about the 3rip stripsrip of duct taperip . Maybe he finally understood that baby was tortured.

and maybe he finally was blown away by the full effect of what his client was really capable of, maybe came to the realization that he was sitting across from someone capable of true evil. her cavalier attitude he probaby saw all along, and as you so eloquently alluded to the rip, rip, rip of the 3 pieces of duct tape across Caylee's face, he might have thought "wow, just wow". he is a father himself, even though he is very (unusual).

and then he quickly came to his sense and started counted in his head the $$$ he THOUGHT he would come into after the trial :floorlaugh: not quite working out how JB thought now, is it??

The news did NOT say Caylee (yes, that is her name, not her child, that child's Caylee) was found. The news reported remains were found, nothing else. The only reason FCA reacted in the manner in which she did, was because FCA put (threw, discarded), little Caylee in the woods, after duct taping her mouth 3 times. Yes, 3 times! :banghead::banghead:

Prior to the discovery of Caylee's remains, there were other reports of remains being found, FCA just walked out of the room, no reaction.

Something smells as rotten as the trunk of that Pontiac Sunfire.

This video speaks volumes as to the guilt of FCA. FCA would not have had a full blown anxiety, hissy fit, tantrum, demanding Baez and a sedative, if it was "just a drowning."


I dont see at all that way. but I have looked at this entire case since day one on here with an open mind. I suppose thats why I knew all along that she would walk...the open mind and all

duct tape could have started anywhere, and ended up as it did for many different reasons. tape starting there and ending up there through all of the water movement, animals etc is pretty far fetched
And yet, to this very day, he continues to defend her. Apparently, as moved as he was at this time, he was able to overcome his grief and disappointment enough to slog on for his own fame and hopeful fortune.
Well, if he knew all along that Caylee was already dead and had been for six months, he continued to take the State $$$ to investigate other people, allowed Zenaida Gonzales' name to be defamed, and never insisted that his client take a plea then he may feel like he has to continue to defend her to save his own arse.

Perhaps, he didn't know about the duct tape and the garbage bags.
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